
Learn to embrace pains英语作文

时间:2022-10-06 07:43:58 英语作文 我要投稿
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Learn to embrace pains英语作文

  Once upon a time, there was a mother who was expecting a baby. She experienced labor pains for 15 hours before she gave birth to a baby girl. It was on September the 21st 2008.Can you guess who that baby was? It was me! Mum always says that I’m the best gift God has given to her. She experienced 15 hours of labor pains before I arrived in the world. So for my mum, no pains, no me.

Learn to embrace pains英语作文

  I am 10 years old now. But I&’ve already experienced many pains. When I learned to ride a bicycle, I fell down countless times. But when I learned it, I realized that I really enjoy the rush of cycling. I think that looks pretty cool.

  When I learned to play cello, I had to repeat musical scale and boring exercises countless times. As the saying goes, skills come from practice. Practice for me is painful, but I really love music and enjoy playing cello on the stage.

  I love reading English cartoon books and watching original English films. It helps me learn English. On the other hand, I hate reciting words and writing articles. But If I want to improve my English and get high marks in the exams, I must do it.

  To be honest, although I hate pains, I love gains. I really agree that no pains, no gains. I will learn to embrace pains.

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