

时间:2022-10-07 17:30:09 自我介绍 我要投稿
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  ① May introduce myself?

  ② Hello,I am Tom.

  ③ Excuse me,I don’t think we have met.My name is Tom.

  ④ How do you do?I am Tom.

  ⑤ First,Let me introduce myself.I am Tom,Production Manager.


  ① I am glad to meet you.

  ② Nice meeting you.(or: Nice to meet you.)

  ③ How nice to meet you.

  ④ I have heart so much about you.

  ⑤ Someone has told me all about you.

  ⑥ I have been wanting to meet you for some time.

  ⑦ I am delighted to make your acquaintance.

  ⑧ It is a privilege to know you.

  ⑨ It is a pleasure to know you.


  ① Can I talk to you?

  ② Can we talk?

  ③ Let’s talk.

  ④ Excuse me,you got a minute?

  ⑤ May I have a word with you?

  ⑥ If you don’t mind my asking,where did you come from?


  ① Thanks for asking!Miss you and all the best.I like you forever!Wish you happy everyday.

  ② Sending you a little sunshine.Friends forever.


  ④ Miss you and all the best. I like you forever! Wish you happy everyday.

  ⑤ A joke a day keeps the doctor away! Please remember, you happy so I happy.  ⑥ Wherever you go, I will go with you.

  ⑦ Thank for your help. I’ll remember you forever.

  ⑧ You are a real friend. Miss you much, wish you happy every day!

  ⑨ You made me happy. I like you just like you like me.

  ⑩ I miss you. Friendship is continuous.

  ⑾ yes! thanks for remember me! are you busy, now?

  ⑿ sending a melody to you with morning’s sunshine.

  ⒀ no matter how far you go away, I will be always be here loving you!

  ⒁ Thanks for always being there. you are so sweet.

  ⒂ Friends are people who care, people who miss you where you’re not there.  ⒃ Perfect friend. are you right? Bless your heart

  ⒄ Friends are people who know, and warn you of harmful foes.

  ⒅ it is great to have you guys as my friends. Thanks!

  ⒆ Good to hear from you. Thank you for the hospitality.

  ⒇ Friendship is a love without wings.


  ① I has received your E-mail, Thanks!

  ② You are so kind.Thank you for the hospitality

  ③ Thank your present for my birthday.Many thanks.

  ④ thanks for giving me a hand when i was in trouble!

  ⑤ Thank You Very Much,It’s very nice of you!

  ⑥ thanks for your understanding!Thank you and wish you happy everyday!  ⑦ thanks for your understanding!My dear friend,thank you!

  ⑧ God bless you.

  ⑨ Great thanks for you.just for you.

  ⑩ lucky for you


  1、It was very nice to have met you.

  2、It was nice meeting you.

  3、Hope to see you again.

  关于社交英语,我们都知道初次见面要说 Nice to meet you. 之类的东东,对于介绍陌生人相互认识的礼节也已经有所了解。这次就给大家讲一些不太常见但是老外之间很常用的.表达。

  1. Give me a hug.


  如果是两个人认识,那见面时就不需要再那么客套地说Nice to meet you. 了。这时候见了面通常就是彼此问候一下:How are you doing? 或是 What's up? 就可以了。但是如果交情还不错,老美习惯上会用拥抱来表现彼此的友谊。当然不一定要先说Give me a hug. 通常看到别人张开双手,你就可以迎上前去,相互拥抱一下。你还可以说Give me a squeeze. 或是 Give me a bear hug.(紧紧地抱我一下吧!)

  2. How did you and John become friends?

  你跟 John 是怎么成为朋友的?

  和陌生人相识怎么打开话题是个难题。你不妨可以这样开始How did you and xxx become friends? xxx就是那个介绍你们两个相互认识的人。这算是社交场合常用的一种对话公式。

  另外问对方Where are you from?也很常见,如果对方不是本地人(假设本地是Beijing),那我就可以进一步问 Are you new to Beijing?(你是刚来北京的吗?)Do you need me to show you around? (要不要我带你到处看看啊?)如此一步一步下去就可以达到你最终的目地。

  3. I didn't recognize you!


  如果两人讲讲话突然发现对方是自己失散多年的好友的话,你就可以很惊讶地说:I didn't know it was you! (我不知道原来就是你!)或者是 I didn't recognize you! (我都认不出你了!) 要是你认得某人,但他一副不认识你的样子,你就可以说:Hey! Don't you recognize me?(喂! 你不认得我了吗?)

  这个 recognize 在这里是“认出来”的意思,跟 know 是不一样的。例如有人化妆

  化得很浓,你都认不出她了,你就可以说:I don't recognize you! 但你不能说I don't know you.










