

时间:2022-09-29 08:04:35 读后感 我要投稿
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  导语:《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。以下是小编整理简爱的读后感的资料,欢迎阅读参考。



  After reading this book, I learned to be honest and strong.

  Jane eyre, the heroine of the story, has lost her parents since her childhood. She has been foster care in her uncle's house. Although she works hard, she still can't escape her aunt's joy. She was then sent to a charity school, where she studied under extreme conditions for six years and two years as a teacher. After graduation from the charity school, Jane took the courage to meet her new life and applied to be a governess at thornfield hall. As soon as the relationship was about to be acquired, a secret that had been concealed for 15 years had ruined the wedding, and then it was a mistake to get whitcross. A good man took her, st. John and his two sisters...

  The story tells me that whenever and wherever you are, you should be honest and be kind to your enemies. One day, they will be moved by us. Jane eyre is like this, to be kind to her aunt and to herself.

  Must insist, the secret of the wedding didn't let Jane put down, but the more strong, can saying is a kind of hone, efforts to go down, as long as we persevere you have to be closer to your goals and true love.

  Jane eyre is our role model, you will also be strong!


  Jane eyre is British literature history a classical masterpiece, it has successfully created the first English literature to the feelings, life, social and religious were taken independent diligently enterprising attitude and dare to struggle, dare to fight for freedom and equality status of female images.

  All the women who love foreign literature enjoy reading charlotte's Jane eyre. If we think that charlotte only wrote "Jane eyre" for the love of this love. I think, wrong. The author is also a woman, living in a fluctuating Britain in the mid-19th century, when thought had a new beginning. In Jane eyre, the most permeable is the idea of women's independence. Let us imagine, if the independence of Jane eyre, had been strangled in the dependant's childhood; If she did not have that independence, she had already lived with a wife and daughter, rochester, and began a new life of money and status; If she doesn't have that purity, the Jane eyre in our hands is no longer the classic of tears. So, I began to think, why "Jane eyre" let us move, love can not put down -- it is her independent character, exciting personality charm.

  However, we can't help but ask, can this step alone? I don't think so. After all, a woman's independence is a long process, not a quick one. It requires a kind of thorough courage, just as Jane eyre left rochester in the past, and needs "the wind and the cold, and the strong earth will never return". This, I think, should be the most crucial step, and it should be a decisive step towards independence. But charlotte's Jane eyre has her stubborn character, independent personality left us a touch. So she's a successful, happy woman.


  The monumental work of Jane eyre, a treasure trove of world literature, was recently discovered. I read it carefully. Jane eyre is the author of charlotte, England. Bronte, born in Thornton, a small mountain town in Yorkshire, England, is a country pastor Patrick. Bronte's third child. Charlotte wrote the novel Jane eyre in August 1847. The story of Jane eyre focuses on the story of a young girl growing up from a teenage girl. Jane eyre has lost her parents and is adopted by her uncle. After my uncle's death, my aunt bullied Jane all day. After that, Jane was sent to an orphanage, where she lived for eight years. Then Jane went to be a governess, and finally married Mr. Rochester.

  I love chapter five: go to lowood. She had a very hard day at the orphanage. The orphanage children a week can eat no more than two bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat the burned out of porridge't reply, every day in the morning up very late to wait for water washing a face, the teacher is very strict, do something wrong will be standing in the hall, but things have one teacher, miss Tan Bo son has broken some rules, let the students live a better life.

  The tragedy of Jane eyre makes me feel that life at this moment is so perfect that we should cherish the life at this moment. Encounter setbacks also can not be strong.


  Jane eyre is a ordinary women, parents both die forced her early treatment by range with their peers, sponsor life also let Jane more clearly see the society, but fortunately found Jane at boarding school friend, Helen burns affect her life, which makes Jane eyre has integrity, noble, pure, and let her mind without contamination.

  Jane eyre explains the value of life = dignity + love. Jane eyre is a woman of equal and independent consciousness. Beneath her not because of their origin and status of family teachers feel inferior, but think that the world is equal, in those days, to be able to produce such a thoughtful woman is really not easy.

  When rochester had lied to Jane eyre, Jane decided to leave for dignity, Jane eyre pursue equality and freedom, can be said that Jane eyre was one and a half century, all countries in the world there are a lot of female readers in the plain, premature endured bitter life, but never lose the courage to cope with life of Jane eyre to find your shadow.

  After reading the Jane eyre, I've got it: no matter how hard life, but that everything is temporary, as long as have good heart, diligent hands, will realize the value of life, this is dignity plus love.


  Holding the handle official business point of view, not willing to take up this early forgotten by me to cloud nine outside the < Jane eyre >, have to admit, I'm reading attitude along with the development of the plot ups and downs, I was deeply attracted by the story, when the little Jane eyre was scolded, I can't help but feel compassion for the was fate children's eyes, or in her eyes, the so-called compassion is a contempt for her, she doesn't need, the misery of his childhood to her disgust, also can let her feel hate.

  Or the appearance of Helen and miss temple, let her learn to change, but in the spare time, we have to feel the social cruelty and apathy at that time. With Jane eyre every LLC, I couldn't help cheering for her, when she refused to brave in st John's proposal and adhere to the love of self, I was moved by her selection, when she has been to take care of disabled rochester, bring people not only just moved, more is the shock of the soul.

  Each experience is more important still is to write a youth girl emotional entanglements and journey, her heart contradiction and inner conflicts, her desire for the freedom of happiness life, longing and pursuit, the heroine's enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, contempt of customs, the pursuit of liberation of personality, performance incisively and vividly.

  From Jane eyre, on the day life with a grateful, in comparison, what we lack is not are reflected in Jane eyre, either mentally or in the life, Jane eyre any point we should learn from the model, is a model of today's society.


  Jane. Love is ordinary, has nothing, she is dazzlingly beautiful, because of her attitude to the present readers. As the hero once said, "when I am beaten for no reason, we should fight back... "Hit back! This is Jane. The rebellious spirit of love is worthy of our study. In aunt reed's wife's house, at lowood school, at thornfield, at John's, Jane. Love never put down the spirit of rebellion. Jane. Love has the dignity of the self, and he strives to maintain his dignity, Jane. It is worth learning to love bravely.

  This passage impresses me the most: you think, because I am poor, lowly, not beautiful, small, I have no soul composition network, also have no heart? You're wrong! I have as much soul as you -- and a heart too! If god had given me a bit of beauty and wealth, I would have made it hard for you to leave me, just as it is hard for me to leave you now. Not at the moment I use custom, regular, even not talk to you on flesh and blood, this is my heart talk to your heart, as if we had left the world, two people standing in front of god together, each other equal - as we are!"


  Literary history, there are many classical names will never die, but like < Jane eyre > so deeply into people's soul, it with an irresistible beauty attracts readers, affecting people.

  Charlotte, the author of Jane eyre >. Bronte and Emily, the author of the > at wuthering heights, are sisters. Although they live in the same society, the family environment, the character is very different, charlotte. Bronte appear more gentle, more pure, more like the pursuit of perfect things, although she is poor, since the childhood lost a mother's love, father rarely, combined with her short stature, appearance is not beautiful, but perhaps is such a soul deep inferiority, reflected in her character is a very sensitive self-esteem, self-esteem as deep in the hearts of her inferiority of compensation. She describes Jane. Love is also an unbeautiful, small woman, but she has a very strong self-esteem. She was determined to pursue a bright, holy, perfect life.

  The novel tells us that the perfect life is the dignity and love of the human, and the ending of the novel gives the heroine an arrangement of such a life. Although I think the result is too perfect, and even the perfection itself is a sign of buoyancy, I still respect the author's ideal of a perfect life -- dignity and love.


  I opened the first page of the novel with curiosity. It was a good book to remember.

  I cried for Jane eyre's being bullied at my aunt's house; For Jane eyre's first visit to the orphanage in tears of humiliation; Shed tears for Jane eyre's life; But these are mostly sympathy for Jane eyre. What really touched me was the ultimate choice of Jane eyre, who had no social status or appearance. I appreciate the rochester to his status as a gentleman, his noble status, his great knowledge, of his wealth, at the time and came out from the orphanage to do my teacher's combination of Jane eyre, a lot of people think that it was unbelievable things. But why would such a fact become a reality? He looked at Jane eyre's character and temperament, and I thought it was the inner beauty of Jane eyre. This inner beauty may not be as gorgeous and charming as the outer beauty, but she deserves to be savored, and as time goes by, it becomes more attractive and more attractive.

  When thornfield hall was burned to ruin by the mad woman, it was worse that rochester was burned to the ground. He was alone, and his eyes could no longer see anything. As far away as his hometown, Jane eyre put down his cousin's feelings and returned to his side to pursue the true love in his heart.

  Some people may think that Jane eyre is stupid, but it is this simple idea and simple feeling that will win the real and perfect relationship. Together, they performed the most beautiful feelings in the world, and gained people's blessing and respect.

  Students, let's read good books together, have a happy and good summer vacation!







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