

时间:2022-10-26 06:58:09 论文范文 我要投稿







  摘 要











  关键词:人类 ;精神 ;女性意识;价值;


  The Merchant of Venice is one of dramatic work write by Shakespeare. Its theme is to extol kindness, friendship and love,There, we mention Humanism—the main distinguishable feature of that period, also the bright characteristic which is shown from the important role in this play. Feminism is an important part of Humanism. And the main target and content are studied from this work are its humanism ideology and character image. In accordance with the related bibliographies and spirit essences of female and feminism, while combining with the main contents and backgrounds of the work, this paper sees through and analysis’s the work from the angle of the female and feminism, as well as makes judgments on three female characters’ appearances and behaviors in this drama and reveals the feminism and female ideology that The Merchant of Venice has deeply reflected. The paper intends to make an analysis of the merchant in Venice in the critics of the women image of feminism and finds that the women image in Shakespeare's works is not the two extreme type created by female authors who are criticized by the feminism critics: http://www.51lunwen.org/yingyulunwengeshi/ good woman and bad woman; on the contrary, he creates the female characters with anti-tradition and modern ideas. Compared with the male characters, the female ones are active and in central position and the male ones passive and subornation. Thus the patriarchy-centered and deconstructs the definition of women in a patriarchal society and indicates the feminism tendency in Shakespeare's works.

  Keywords: human; spirits; female consciousness; value





  论文摘要的 时态 基本上有两种 : 一般现在时、一般过去时。

  由于学术论文写作通常采用一般现在时, 摘要也多用一般现在时。

  目的、方法、结果及结论部分多用一般现在时 , 背景介绍常采用一般过去时。

  一般现在时用于描述研究目的和范围、研究内容、结果和结论 ;一般过去时用于描述论文撰写前作者已做的工作, 也可用于表示转述已发表文献的报导、讨论和研究内容。



  因为使用被动语态不仅可以省略施动者 , 避免出现“We ”表示式 , 而且还可以使需强调的事物做主语而突出了它们的地位,有利于说明事实。

  英文摘要往往采用第三人称的被动语态 , 可以避免提及有关执行者, 使行文显得客观。

  同时, 被动语态句子在结构上有较大的调节余地, 有利于使用恰当的修辞手段, 扩展名词短语, 扩大句子信息量。

  但有时采用主动语态比用被动语态在结构上更简练, 表达更


  英文摘要应直接用英文写, 这样能按英文思维方式更直接、准确地表达原文。

  但是, 这对一些作者尚有难度。

  在翻译过程中, 要避免按中文字面意义逐字翻译, 应从语篇层次把握原文, 选择恰当的翻译单位。

  刘士聪认为, 在翻译过程中, 分析和转换是一个难以截然分开的思维过程, 以主 述位作翻译单位 , 一方面是注意到了它本身的形式特点, 另一方面也注意到了它在语篇中的衔接功能 , 可以把对原文的分析和转换统一起来。


  根据《EI》的要求 , 一篇较好的英文摘要应较好地回答以下 4 个方面的问题:1) what you want to do(目的),2)How you did it (方法) ,3) What result didi you get and what conclusions can you draw ( 结果和结论 ); 4) What is original in your paper ( 创新独到之处 ) 。

  在开头交待论文的目的时 , 英文摘要的首句不要重复题名或题名的一部分 , 同时摘要中要尽量少谈或不谈背景信息。

  在介绍方法、结果和结论时 , 忌泛泛而谈 , 空洞无物。

  在写作时 , 要尽可能明确地把论文的创新、独到之处交待出来。

  关于英文摘要的文法《EI》提出了以下几点要求 :

  1) 尽量用短句 ; 2) 用主动语态而不用被动语态 ; 3) 要尽量简洁 , 去掉一切并不增进对摘要理解的多余字句 ; 4) 介绍过去所做的工作时用过去时态 , 介绍结果和结论时则用现在时态。

  (1) 研究的背景、目的和范围———常用现在时 ; (2) 研究的方法、手段或步骤———常用过去时、现在时或现在完成时 ; (3) 研究的结果———常用过去时 ; (4) 研究得出的主要结论———常用现在时或情态助动词。



  科技期刊英文摘要中标点符号使用不当的问题很普遍 , 主要原因是作者沿用汉语标点符号的习惯。

  这类问题在文稿、报告中不明显 , 但正式印刷出来后非常抢眼。

  所以 , 在组织英文摘要时应特别注意以下几点 :

  (1) 英文标点符号中除了破折号长度占 2 个英文字符外, 其他均只占1个英文字符 ( 大致半个汉字 ) 。

  中、英文的逗号、分号、冒号等乍看起来完全一样 , 但实际上也是不一样的。

  排英文摘要时应转换到英文状态下操作 , 避免英文中出现全角标点 , 例如“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ( 应该是“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ) 等 , 影响版面的美观。

  (2) 英文标点符号中没有“《》”、“、”和“~”。

  英文中书名一般用斜体表示 , 该用顿号时用逗号 , 表示数字范围则用半字线“ - ”。


  (3) 文中破折号、数字范围号与连字符分别为 : “—” ( 长度占 2 个英文字符 ) 、“ - ” ( 占 1 个英文字符 ), 而汉语中相应符号的长度分别比其长 1 倍 : “——” ( 长度占 2 个汉字 ) 、“—” ( 占 1 个汉字 ) 和“ - ” ( 占半个汉字 ) 。

  此外 , 英文中的省略号是 3 个由空格隔开的英文句点“ ... ” , 而不是“…”。

  (4) 在英文中 , 无论引号中是一个单句、短语、从句还是独立成分 , 末尾的逗号和句号等一律封闭在引号之内。

  (5) 汉语中标点符号前后均不空格 , 而英文则不一样。

  英文点号前不空 , 后要空一格 ; 英文破折号 “——” , 数字范围号“ - ”和连字符“ - ”前后均不空格 ; 英文引号和括号外面前后均空格 , 里面前后均不空格。

  (6) 带缩略号的缩略语位于句末时 , 可省略一个黑点 , 但省略号位于句末时 , 句点不能省略。

  (7) 可用若干个带连字符的词修饰同一个名词 , 例如“ the second-, third-or forth-class mails ”( 二、三、四级邮件 ), “ three- and four- syllable words ” ( 三音节和四音节词 ), 不能写作“ three-four-syllable words ”。

  例 :Blackmur writes, “Mr. Eliot's poetry is not devotional in any sense of which we have been speaking... ” 例 :Dashes, parentheses, commas—all are used to set off parenthetical matter(see also page111).



  在英文中用到数字时是用文字 (one,two,three,...) 还是阿拉伯数字 (1,2,3,---) 表示 , 需要遵循一定的规则 , 这就像在中文科技文稿中用汉字还是用阿拉伯数字有一定的规则一样。

  一般说来 ,1 位数 (1 至 9) 通常用文字表示 , 多位数 ( ≥ 10) 则趋向于使用阿拉伯数字 , 也遵循易读、易写、前后一致的原则。

  有统计意义的、与单位符号及数字符号一起的数字 , 一般都用阿拉伯数字。

  在编写时应注意下列问题 :(1) 表示概数时 , 只能使用英文数字 :about five hundreds ( 约 500), approximately forty thousands( 近 4 万 ) 。

  (2) 阿拉伯数字不宜出现在句子的开头。

  例如“ Six percent students voted. ” (6% 的学生投了票 ) 不宜为“ 6 percent students voted. ”。

  这种情况下最好改写句子 , 避免用数字开头 , 例如“ Fifteen new products are set for release in the next year. ” ( 有 15 种新产品决定在明年推出 ) 可改写为 : “ The company decides to release 15 new products in the next year. ” ( 公司决定明年推出 15 种新产品 ) 。

  (3) 2 项数字相连时 , 其中一个用文字 , 另一个用数字 , 具体看哪一种方式简短 : “ 36 fifty-watt amplifiers ”或“ thirty-six 50 watt amplifiers ” (36 个 50W 的放大器 ) 。

  (4)4 位以上的数字最好每隔 3 位用 1/4 的空格分开。


  鉴于有些国家用逗号表示小数点 , 为避免引起混淆 , 国际标准化组织建议科技书刊中用空格来分隔数字。


  例如 ,US $ 23000, 9600000km 2; 在科技书刊中推荐采用 a × 10n 的形式。

  (5) 由于在英、美等国 billion, trillion 及 quadrillion 所代表的数目不一致 , 科技文稿中应避免使用 , 例如“ 12.5 亿人口”最好表示为“ apopulationof1.25 × 109 ” 。


  英文摘要语篇结构固定 , 内容完整。

  英文摘要的篇章结构通常涉及主题句、拓展句和结论句三部分 , 涵盖了研究的背景、目的和范围 , 研究的方法、手段或步骤 , 研究的结果 , 研究得出的主要结论或建议四个方面。

  由于摘要字数有限 ( 英文摘要一般不超过 250 个词 ), 所以研究的背景、目的和范围有时候可省略 , 写作的重点放在后三个方面。

  1. 主题句的常用句型或表达方法主题句多用于介绍论文涉及的研究课题和领域 , 提供研究背景信息或陈述研究目的 , 其常见的句型或表达方法如下 :

  (1) Previous reaearch has shown that...;

  (2) It has been shown that...;

  (3) The principle of ...is outlined;

  (4) The apparatus for ...is described;

  (5) Automation of...is examined;

  (6)An account of...is given;

  (7)The use of ... is addressed;

  (8)The mechanism of ... is examined;

  (9) The dependence of ... was established;

  (10) An analysis of ... was carried out;

  (11) The purpose of the present study is was to ...;

  (12) The aim of our research is was to...;

  (13)The objective of this investigation is was to ...;

  (14) This paper is intended to...;

  (15) This paper is to...;

  (16) The author(s) made this study inorder to find out discover reveal obtain demonstrate test...;

  (17) With the aim of...;

  (18)This paper deals with...;

  (19) Based on ... is described discussed presented analyzed dealt with in this paper

  (20)In this paper ... is discussed explored an analyzed

  2. 拓展句的常用句型或表达方法拓展句承接主题句 , 通常处于摘要正文的中间 , 多描述研究的方法、手段、过程、步骤或结果 拓展句常见句型或表达方法如下

  (1) The method of ... was used to ...;

  (2) The experiment was to...;

  (3) The investigation has been conducter to ...;

  (4) The data are derived by using...;

  (5) The experimental results are obtained by ...;

  (6) The test was conducter with ...;

  (7) A relationship is observed between ... and ...;

  (8) A theoretical procedure is described for...;

  (9) The method was based on...;

  (10)... can be achieved through by using...

  3. 结论句的常见句型或表达方法

  结论句置于正文的最后 , 通常用于介绍主要研究成果 , 提出独到的见解或建议 , 陈述主要结论。

  结论句常用的句型或表达方法如下 :

  (1) The findings indicate that ...;

  (2) The results indicate show that...;

  (3)This paper concludes that ...;

  (4)This study investigation research leads the author(s) to a conclusion that ...;

  (5)The research enables us to conclude that ...;

  (6) It is concluded that...;

  (7) The results agree with ...;

  (8) The test experiment shows that....;

  (9) It is suggested that...;

  (10)These results will can be significant for ...



  William Faulkner is one of the greatest writers in the 20th century. As a leader ofAmerican “Southern Renaissance”, he won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1949 for “hispowerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel”. (Faulkner,1949) Light in August is one of his masterpieces which explore moral themes related tothe decline of the old South. This thesis primarily concentrates on hard-to-defineidentity of the protagonist-Joe Christmas with the application of the post-colonialisttheory.

  Identity, from the perspective of post-colonialism, is a dynamic process ofconstruction involved with historical and social elements. It is neither natural nor stable,but invented and constructed outside. In the novel, Joe Christmas is regarded as amulatto suspect because of his birth riddle, despite the fact that there is no clearevidence about his uncertainty. Caged within the racism-rooted southern society, Joe'suncertain identity sets him onto the tragic life, for this ambiguity itself is a threat to thestability of the community. On the one hand, Joe is in the endless pursuit of his ownidentity under the influence of society. He is so obsessed with locating his own positionand seeking the sense of belonging that he cannot find peace in deep heart. It turns outthat all his efforts fail, without satisfactory consequences. In a certain sense, Joe createsthe predicament for himself. Having failed to apply the strategy of hybridity inpost-colonialism to fight back the society, Joe is doomed to be ostracized andabandoned by the mainstream white society. He is like a round peg in a square hole,wavering between the white and the black community all his lifetime. On the other hand,the whole society is keen to pin down Joe's clear identity in his own will, regardless ofJoe's intention. In a hierarchical society, it is the racial prejudice and different socialpowers that create and construct Joe as a part nigger.

  There are four chapters in the thesis besides Introduction and Conclusion parts.

  Chapter One is the literature review of Light in August both at home and abroad.

  Chapter Two gives an overview of the post-colonialist theories, especially theories ofidentity construction, which constitutes the theoretical foundation. Chapters Three andFour are the main body, respectively analyzing both the internal and external elementsof Joe's identity dilemma in the light of the post-colonial theories.

  In conclusion, the indeterminacy of Joe Christmas' identity demonstrates that theessence of identity issue is not whether one is a black or not, but the social constructionof identity of human beings.


  The term “intertextuality”, which was introduced by French literary critics JuliaKristeva in the 1960s, refers to the relationship between texts. And it has been in thespotlight of the academic world since its debut. Kristeva claims that every text isconstructed as a mosaic of quotations; every text is the absorption and transportation ofother texts. The theory of intertextuality not only brings about great social, cultural andhistorical significance, but also stimulates a new thought and a refreshing researchperspective for the evolution of translation theory.

  Biancheng, a novella that expresses the localism, is the masterpiece of the famousmodern Chinese writer Shen Congwen. The story happened in a border town namedChadong of Xiangxi in the 1930s, and it depicts the special local flavor of Xiangxidistrict. At the same time, the novel showcases the kindness of the humanity and thepurity of the soul by describing the tragic story of a girl called Cuicui. The novel hasattracted lots of readers at home and abroad for its unique artistic charm and vivid localflavor.

  The thesis deals with the two representative English versions of Biancheng, one isfrom the famous British translator Gladys Yang, the other is from the Americansinologist Jeffrey C. Kinkley. The author engages in the exploration of how to apply thetheory of intertextuality to the translation of novels from theory and practice and tries todig up a new perspective concerning the translation studies of Biancheng as an effort toprove the fact that the theory of intertextuality can not only be viewed as epistemologybut also be taken as methodology for the research of novel translation.

  All in all, two research methods are included in this thesis. First and foremost, thecombination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis runs through the wholethesis in order to reflect the frequency distribution for use of domestication andforeignization; in addition, the thesis mainly uses the case analysis, especially in themain body part. It expounds the enlightenment the theory of intertextuality brings to thenovel translation by comparing different translations of the different Chineseculture-specific items (CSI) in terms of linguistic, material, social, religious andecological culture. The features of the application of the intertextuality into thetranslation studies are as follows: it pays much more attention to the translator'ssubjectivity and manifests the nature of translation activities as intertextuality in aclearer way. Thus, it helps to build the new intertextual connections between the sourcetext and the target text and provide fresh new theoretical support for the macroscopicconstruction of the translation studies.

  This thesis can be divided into six parts.

  In the Introduction, the author displays a brief introduction of the researchbackground, research significance, the methodology, and the structure of the thesisrespectively.

  Chapter One is the review of the previous studies on Biancheng and its Englishtranslations both at home and abroad.

  Chapter Two is primarily concerned with the establishment and development of thetheory of intertextuality, and then the relationship between the theory of intertextualityand translation will be presented.

  Chapter Three is about Biancheng and its two English translations. It not onlypresents a brief introduction of Shen Congwen, but also elaborates the description of thetwo translators---Gladys Yang and Jeffrey C. Kinkley. Meanwhile, it provides us withthe background information about the formation process of these two English versions.

  Chapter Four is the main body of the thesis. The author initiates the comparativestudy of the two English versions of Biancheng by detailed analysis of five differenttypes of culture-specific items, namely linguistic, material, social, religious andecological culture,The last part is the Conclusion. The author holds that Biancheng contains a lot ofdifferent types of intertextual signals of Chinese culture-specific items which can betraced in other previous texts. At the same time, because of the different environmentand cultural background, the two translators share different understandings on theintertextual signals of those culture-specific items, resulting in the two translators'

  different choices of different translation strategies. Gladys Yang's version involves bothdomestication and foreignization, and foreignization occupies a larger percentage. Asthis version got published in 1981, the readers from the English speaking countriescould grasp the style and content of the translated version in a rather difficult way;while Kinkley's version was out in 2009, and he tended to use more foreignization thanthat of Gladys Yang, which helped to meet the needs of those foreign readers who notonly possessed basic knowledge of China and Chinese culture, but also yearned forhaving a better understanding of Chinese culture. In addition, Kinkley's versionsuccessfully maintained the local flavor of the source text, helps transmit Chineseculture to the world, and making it a worthwhile material for further study.


  With the development of optical networks, the architecture of optical networkbecome more and more complex, so the demand to establish monitoring network foroptical network is urgent and necessary. Traditional optical network monitoring systemfocused on the terminal of equipment, take the form of protection switching when thebreakdown of network to keep the integrity of the network,but this method can not givethe type and location of breakdown in optic cable.“Multi-fible monitoring system” isproposed to solve this problem.

  This system, based on the principle of backscatter, consists of OTDR block,opticalswitching, computers, embedded operating systems etc.It establishes a monitoring systemwhich could efficiently manage the complex optical networks.In this thesis,it firstlyintroduces the present research background of OTDR,describes the optical principle offiber measurement and the structure of modern digital OTDR block;then it gives thearchitecture of the fiber monitoring system which consist of MCU,OTDR block,opticalswitching,Ethernet and management software;at last it mainly introduces the self-defineprotocols,with these protocols we can request measurement,modify IP address ofMCU,switch the fiber link we measured,cancel the measurement and store the result ofmeasurement.meanwhile its monitoring function has no impact on the networkscommunication and it could discover the potential threat to optical networks by setting ofmanagement software,promoting the reliability and stability of optical network.


  The paper regards THE DRESS CODE as the theoretical basis, systematicallyresearching and finishing the man's shirt custom culture connotation and process. Through thedomestic on-the-spot investigation and foreign online survey the author gets to know shirt'scustom status quo, combing and summarizing the relevant literature in different countries, andsummed up the basic theories and methods of shirt customization system.

  THE DRESS CODE is the basic rule of international society and luxury culture. It containsrules of clothing and clothing of practice. In THE DRESS CODE system, is divided into fourtypes: formal dress, informal dress ,outdoor clothing and coats. Shirt is indispensable to theformal dress and informal dress as well, which is the main type of outdoor clothing. Inner wearshirt goes with formal dress and informal dress, which are divided into dress shirt and businessshirt. The dress shirt includes Tailcoat dress shirt, Tuxedo dress shirt, Morning coat dress shirt,Director's suit dress shirt; Business shirt includes formal shirt, business casual shirt. Outdoorclothing includes casual shirt and sport shirt. They all have special expression language andstandardize the shape. For shirt shows tasty characteristics and rules can be seen when wearing it,which contains more than just a piece of clothing. It is restrained to demonstrate the family of anassortment of shirts, the “family rules” to determine the basic rules of custom shirt industry andpath. The system always shows men's shirt characters, intentionally or unintentionally and leadsto social ethics and correction. The paper aimed at each sort of custom shirt's gentleman culture,shape characteristics, choice of colors, fabrics, accessories and social regulation has carried onthe detailed reading, translation, analysis and sorting, and then established a gentleman shirtcustomization system based on THE DRESS CODE. Designed to provide a reliable theoreticalbasis and successful cases shirt in China custom industry and enhance the international brand ofrelated research.


  Patent documentations translation plays an important role for the spreading andexchanging of scientific information. As an important component of patent documentations,the translation of terms has a significant effect on the translation quality of patentdocumentations.

  At present, machine translation method has been fully developed, various kinds oftranslation systems emerged one after another. When translators translate the terms in thepatent documentations, they often translate them with the help of these translation systems.

  At the same time, in the process of translation for patent documentations, translators willproduce large translation examples stored in the term example library and can use it tooptimize the results from the translation systems, thereby provide better reference for thetranslators to assist them translate the term.

  This paper presents an automatic English-Chinese term translation method based onmulti-strategy. The work of this thesis mainly consists of two parts as follows:

  Firstly, through analyzing the characteristics of terms, this paper introduced three kindsof features that adequately describe term translation fluency, compactness and loyalty, namelyterm word formation feature, mutual information feature and term example library feature.

  These three features are combined with basic features, and regression algorithm in machinelearning is used to predict the translation quality so as to select the best result.

  Secondly, this paper optimized the term translation results with low quality scores by theterm example library. String similarity algorithm is used to find several term translationexamples that are highly similar to the source language of the term to be optimized in theterm example library. According to the target language of these examples and the translationof the term to be optimized, a translation grid is constructed. With translation model featureand language model feature, the Viterbi decoding algorithm is adopted to search a top scoringpath in the grid, thereby generate a new term translation.

  On the basis of the above work, an English-Chinese term translation system based onmulti-strategy is constructed. Experimental results show that the method achieves goodperformance in term translation quality estimation and term translation optimization. Thesystem can help translator to translate the term of patent documentations.













万字论文 一键生成

输入题目 一键搞定毕业范文模板
AI原创 低重复率 附赠査重报告

一键生成 高质量 不重复







  摘 要











  关键词:人类 ;精神 ;女性意识;价值;


  The Merchant of Venice is one of dramatic work write by Shakespeare. Its theme is to extol kindness, friendship and love,There, we mention Humanism—the main distinguishable feature of that period, also the bright characteristic which is shown from the important role in this play. Feminism is an important part of Humanism. And the main target and content are studied from this work are its humanism ideology and character image. In accordance with the related bibliographies and spirit essences of female and feminism, while combining with the main contents and backgrounds of the work, this paper sees through and analysis’s the work from the angle of the female and feminism, as well as makes judgments on three female characters’ appearances and behaviors in this drama and reveals the feminism and female ideology that The Merchant of Venice has deeply reflected. The paper intends to make an analysis of the merchant in Venice in the critics of the women image of feminism and finds that the women image in Shakespeare's works is not the two extreme type created by female authors who are criticized by the feminism critics: http://www.51lunwen.org/yingyulunwengeshi/ good woman and bad woman; on the contrary, he creates the female characters with anti-tradition and modern ideas. Compared with the male characters, the female ones are active and in central position and the male ones passive and subornation. Thus the patriarchy-centered and deconstructs the definition of women in a patriarchal society and indicates the feminism tendency in Shakespeare's works.

  Keywords: human; spirits; female consciousness; value





  论文摘要的 时态 基本上有两种 : 一般现在时、一般过去时。

  由于学术论文写作通常采用一般现在时, 摘要也多用一般现在时。

  目的、方法、结果及结论部分多用一般现在时 , 背景介绍常采用一般过去时。

  一般现在时用于描述研究目的和范围、研究内容、结果和结论 ;一般过去时用于描述论文撰写前作者已做的工作, 也可用于表示转述已发表文献的报导、讨论和研究内容。



  因为使用被动语态不仅可以省略施动者 , 避免出现“We ”表示式 , 而且还可以使需强调的事物做主语而突出了它们的地位,有利于说明事实。

  英文摘要往往采用第三人称的被动语态 , 可以避免提及有关执行者, 使行文显得客观。

  同时, 被动语态句子在结构上有较大的调节余地, 有利于使用恰当的修辞手段, 扩展名词短语, 扩大句子信息量。

  但有时采用主动语态比用被动语态在结构上更简练, 表达更


  英文摘要应直接用英文写, 这样能按英文思维方式更直接、准确地表达原文。

  但是, 这对一些作者尚有难度。

  在翻译过程中, 要避免按中文字面意义逐字翻译, 应从语篇层次把握原文, 选择恰当的翻译单位。

  刘士聪认为, 在翻译过程中, 分析和转换是一个难以截然分开的思维过程, 以主 述位作翻译单位 , 一方面是注意到了它本身的形式特点, 另一方面也注意到了它在语篇中的衔接功能 , 可以把对原文的分析和转换统一起来。


  根据《EI》的要求 , 一篇较好的英文摘要应较好地回答以下 4 个方面的问题:1) what you want to do(目的),2)How you did it (方法) ,3) What result didi you get and what conclusions can you draw ( 结果和结论 ); 4) What is original in your paper ( 创新独到之处 ) 。

  在开头交待论文的目的时 , 英文摘要的首句不要重复题名或题名的一部分 , 同时摘要中要尽量少谈或不谈背景信息。

  在介绍方法、结果和结论时 , 忌泛泛而谈 , 空洞无物。

  在写作时 , 要尽可能明确地把论文的创新、独到之处交待出来。

  关于英文摘要的文法《EI》提出了以下几点要求 :

  1) 尽量用短句 ; 2) 用主动语态而不用被动语态 ; 3) 要尽量简洁 , 去掉一切并不增进对摘要理解的多余字句 ; 4) 介绍过去所做的工作时用过去时态 , 介绍结果和结论时则用现在时态。

  (1) 研究的背景、目的和范围———常用现在时 ; (2) 研究的方法、手段或步骤———常用过去时、现在时或现在完成时 ; (3) 研究的结果———常用过去时 ; (4) 研究得出的主要结论———常用现在时或情态助动词。



  科技期刊英文摘要中标点符号使用不当的问题很普遍 , 主要原因是作者沿用汉语标点符号的习惯。

  这类问题在文稿、报告中不明显 , 但正式印刷出来后非常抢眼。

  所以 , 在组织英文摘要时应特别注意以下几点 :

  (1) 英文标点符号中除了破折号长度占 2 个英文字符外, 其他均只占1个英文字符 ( 大致半个汉字 ) 。

  中、英文的逗号、分号、冒号等乍看起来完全一样 , 但实际上也是不一样的。

  排英文摘要时应转换到英文状态下操作 , 避免英文中出现全角标点 , 例如“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ( 应该是“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ) 等 , 影响版面的美观。

  (2) 英文标点符号中没有“《》”、“、”和“~”。

  英文中书名一般用斜体表示 , 该用顿号时用逗号 , 表示数字范围则用半字线“ - ”。


  (3) 文中破折号、数字范围号与连字符分别为 : “—” ( 长度占 2 个英文字符 ) 、“ - ” ( 占 1 个英文字符 ), 而汉语中相应符号的长度分别比其长 1 倍 : “——” ( 长度占 2 个汉字 ) 、“—” ( 占 1 个汉字 ) 和“ - ” ( 占半个汉字 ) 。

  此外 , 英文中的省略号是 3 个由空格隔开的英文句点“ ... ” , 而不是“…”。

  (4) 在英文中 , 无论引号中是一个单句、短语、从句还是独立成分 , 末尾的逗号和句号等一律封闭在引号之内。

  (5) 汉语中标点符号前后均不空格 , 而英文则不一样。

  英文点号前不空 , 后要空一格 ; 英文破折号 “——” , 数字范围号“ - ”和连字符“ - ”前后均不空格 ; 英文引号和括号外面前后均空格 , 里面前后均不空格。

  (6) 带缩略号的缩略语位于句末时 , 可省略一个黑点 , 但省略号位于句末时 , 句点不能省略。

  (7) 可用若干个带连字符的词修饰同一个名词 , 例如“ the second-, third-or forth-class mails ”( 二、三、四级邮件 ), “ three- and four- syllable words ” ( 三音节和四音节词 ), 不能写作“ three-four-syllable words ”。

  例 :Blackmur writes, “Mr. Eliot's poetry is not devotional in any sense of which we have been speaking... ” 例 :Dashes, parentheses, commas—all are used to set off parenthetical matter(see also page111).



  在英文中用到数字时是用文字 (one,two,three,...) 还是阿拉伯数字 (1,2,3,---) 表示 , 需要遵循一定的规则 , 这就像在中文科技文稿中用汉字还是用阿拉伯数字有一定的规则一样。

  一般说来 ,1 位数 (1 至 9) 通常用文字表示 , 多位数 ( ≥ 10) 则趋向于使用阿拉伯数字 , 也遵循易读、易写、前后一致的原则。

  有统计意义的、与单位符号及数字符号一起的数字 , 一般都用阿拉伯数字。

  在编写时应注意下列问题 :(1) 表示概数时 , 只能使用英文数字 :about five hundreds ( 约 500), approximately forty thousands( 近 4 万 ) 。

  (2) 阿拉伯数字不宜出现在句子的开头。

  例如“ Six percent students voted. ” (6% 的学生投了票 ) 不宜为“ 6 percent students voted. ”。

  这种情况下最好改写句子 , 避免用数字开头 , 例如“ Fifteen new products are set for release in the next year. ” ( 有 15 种新产品决定在明年推出 ) 可改写为 : “ The company decides to release 15 new products in the next year. ” ( 公司决定明年推出 15 种新产品 ) 。

  (3) 2 项数字相连时 , 其中一个用文字 , 另一个用数字 , 具体看哪一种方式简短 : “ 36 fifty-watt amplifiers ”或“ thirty-six 50 watt amplifiers ” (36 个 50W 的放大器 ) 。

  (4)4 位以上的数字最好每隔 3 位用 1/4 的空格分开。


  鉴于有些国家用逗号表示小数点 , 为避免引起混淆 , 国际标准化组织建议科技书刊中用空格来分隔数字。


  例如 ,US $ 23000, 9600000km 2; 在科技书刊中推荐采用 a × 10n 的形式。

  (5) 由于在英、美等国 billion, trillion 及 quadrillion 所代表的数目不一致 , 科技文稿中应避免使用 , 例如“ 12.5 亿人口”最好表示为“ apopulationof1.25 × 109 ” 。


  英文摘要语篇结构固定 , 内容完整。

  英文摘要的篇章结构通常涉及主题句、拓展句和结论句三部分 , 涵盖了研究的背景、目的和范围 , 研究的方法、手段或步骤 , 研究的结果 , 研究得出的主要结论或建议四个方面。

  由于摘要字数有限 ( 英文摘要一般不超过 250 个词 ), 所以研究的背景、目的和范围有时候可省略 , 写作的重点放在后三个方面。

  1. 主题句的常用句型或表达方法主题句多用于介绍论文涉及的研究课题和领域 , 提供研究背景信息或陈述研究目的 , 其常见的句型或表达方法如下 :

  (1) Previous reaearch has shown that...;

  (2) It has been shown that...;

  (3) The principle of ...is outlined;

  (4) The apparatus for ...is described;

  (5) Automation of...is examined;

  (6)An account of...is given;

  (7)The use of ... is addressed;

  (8)The mechanism of ... is examined;

  (9) The dependence of ... was established;

  (10) An analysis of ... was carried out;

  (11) The purpose of the present study is was to ...;

  (12) The aim of our research is was to...;

  (13)The objective of this investigation is was to ...;

  (14) This paper is intended to...;

  (15) This paper is to...;

  (16) The author(s) made this study inorder to find out discover reveal obtain demonstrate test...;

  (17) With the aim of...;

  (18)This paper deals with...;

  (19) Based on ... is described discussed presented analyzed dealt with in this paper

  (20)In this paper ... is discussed explored an analyzed

  2. 拓展句的常用句型或表达方法拓展句承接主题句 , 通常处于摘要正文的中间 , 多描述研究的方法、手段、过程、步骤或结果 拓展句常见句型或表达方法如下

  (1) The method of ... was used to ...;

  (2) The experiment was to...;

  (3) The investigation has been conducter to ...;

  (4) The data are derived by using...;

  (5) The experimental results are obtained by ...;

  (6) The test was conducter with ...;

  (7) A relationship is observed between ... and ...;

  (8) A theoretical procedure is described for...;

  (9) The method was based on...;

  (10)... can be achieved through by using...

  3. 结论句的常见句型或表达方法

  结论句置于正文的最后 , 通常用于介绍主要研究成果 , 提出独到的见解或建议 , 陈述主要结论。

  结论句常用的句型或表达方法如下 :

  (1) The findings indicate that ...;

  (2) The results indicate show that...;

  (3)This paper concludes that ...;

  (4)This study investigation research leads the author(s) to a conclusion that ...;

  (5)The research enables us to conclude that ...;

  (6) It is concluded that...;

  (7) The results agree with ...;

  (8) The test experiment shows that....;

  (9) It is suggested that...;

  (10)These results will can be significant for ...



  William Faulkner is one of the greatest writers in the 20th century. As a leader ofAmerican “Southern Renaissance”, he won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1949 for “hispowerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel”. (Faulkner,1949) Light in August is one of his masterpieces which explore moral themes related tothe decline of the old South. This thesis primarily concentrates on hard-to-defineidentity of the protagonist-Joe Christmas with the application of the post-colonialisttheory.

  Identity, from the perspective of post-colonialism, is a dynamic process ofconstruction involved with historical and social elements. It is neither natural nor stable,but invented and constructed outside. In the novel, Joe Christmas is regarded as amulatto suspect because of his birth riddle, despite the fact that there is no clearevidence about his uncertainty. Caged within the racism-rooted southern society, Joe'suncertain identity sets him onto the tragic life, for this ambiguity itself is a threat to thestability of the community. On the one hand, Joe is in the endless pursuit of his ownidentity under the influence of society. He is so obsessed with locating his own positionand seeking the sense of belonging that he cannot find peace in deep heart. It turns outthat all his efforts fail, without satisfactory consequences. In a certain sense, Joe createsthe predicament for himself. Having failed to apply the strategy of hybridity inpost-colonialism to fight back the society, Joe is doomed to be ostracized andabandoned by the mainstream white society. He is like a round peg in a square hole,wavering between the white and the black community all his lifetime. On the other hand,the whole society is keen to pin down Joe's clear identity in his own will, regardless ofJoe's intention. In a hierarchical society, it is the racial prejudice and different socialpowers that create and construct Joe as a part nigger.

  There are four chapters in the thesis besides Introduction and Conclusion parts.

  Chapter One is the literature review of Light in August both at home and abroad.

  Chapter Two gives an overview of the post-colonialist theories, especially theories ofidentity construction, which constitutes the theoretical foundation. Chapters Three andFour are the main body, respectively analyzing both the internal and external elementsof Joe's identity dilemma in the light of the post-colonial theories.

  In conclusion, the indeterminacy of Joe Christmas' identity demonstrates that theessence of identity issue is not whether one is a black or not, but the social constructionof identity of human beings.


  The term “intertextuality”, which was introduced by French literary critics JuliaKristeva in the 1960s, refers to the relationship between texts. And it has been in thespotlight of the academic world since its debut. Kristeva claims that every text isconstructed as a mosaic of quotations; every text is the absorption and transportation ofother texts. The theory of intertextuality not only brings about great social, cultural andhistorical significance, but also stimulates a new thought and a refreshing researchperspective for the evolution of translation theory.

  Biancheng, a novella that expresses the localism, is the masterpiece of the famousmodern Chinese writer Shen Congwen. The story happened in a border town namedChadong of Xiangxi in the 1930s, and it depicts the special local flavor of Xiangxidistrict. At the same time, the novel showcases the kindness of the humanity and thepurity of the soul by describing the tragic story of a girl called Cuicui. The novel hasattracted lots of readers at home and abroad for its unique artistic charm and vivid localflavor.

  The thesis deals with the two representative English versions of Biancheng, one isfrom the famous British translator Gladys Yang, the other is from the Americansinologist Jeffrey C. Kinkley. The author engages in the exploration of how to apply thetheory of intertextuality to the translation of novels from theory and practice and tries todig up a new perspective concerning the translation studies of Biancheng as an effort toprove the fact that the theory of intertextuality can not only be viewed as epistemologybut also be taken as methodology for the research of novel translation.

  All in all, two research methods are included in this thesis. First and foremost, thecombination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis runs through the wholethesis in order to reflect the frequency distribution for use of domestication andforeignization; in addition, the thesis mainly uses the case analysis, especially in themain body part. It expounds the enlightenment the theory of intertextuality brings to thenovel translation by comparing different translations of the different Chineseculture-specific items (CSI) in terms of linguistic, material, social, religious andecological culture. The features of the application of the intertextuality into thetranslation studies are as follows: it pays much more attention to the translator'ssubjectivity and manifests the nature of translation activities as intertextuality in aclearer way. Thus, it helps to build the new intertextual connections between the sourcetext and the target text and provide fresh new theoretical support for the macroscopicconstruction of the translation studies.

  This thesis can be divided into six parts.

  In the Introduction, the author displays a brief introduction of the researchbackground, research significance, the methodology, and the structure of the thesisrespectively.

  Chapter One is the review of the previous studies on Biancheng and its Englishtranslations both at home and abroad.

  Chapter Two is primarily concerned with the establishment and development of thetheory of intertextuality, and then the relationship between the theory of intertextualityand translation will be presented.

  Chapter Three is about Biancheng and its two English translations. It not onlypresents a brief introduction of Shen Congwen, but also elaborates the description of thetwo translators---Gladys Yang and Jeffrey C. Kinkley. Meanwhile, it provides us withthe background information about the formation process of these two English versions.

  Chapter Four is the main body of the thesis. The author initiates the comparativestudy of the two English versions of Biancheng by detailed analysis of five differenttypes of culture-specific items, namely linguistic, material, social, religious andecological culture,The last part is the Conclusion. The author holds that Biancheng contains a lot ofdifferent types of intertextual signals of Chinese culture-specific items which can betraced in other previous texts. At the same time, because of the different environmentand cultural background, the two translators share different understandings on theintertextual signals of those culture-specific items, resulting in the two translators'

  different choices of different translation strategies. Gladys Yang's version involves bothdomestication and foreignization, and foreignization occupies a larger percentage. Asthis version got published in 1981, the readers from the English speaking countriescould grasp the style and content of the translated version in a rather difficult way;while Kinkley's version was out in 2009, and he tended to use more foreignization thanthat of Gladys Yang, which helped to meet the needs of those foreign readers who notonly possessed basic knowledge of China and Chinese culture, but also yearned forhaving a better understanding of Chinese culture. In addition, Kinkley's versionsuccessfully maintained the local flavor of the source text, helps transmit Chineseculture to the world, and making it a worthwhile material for further study.


  With the development of optical networks, the architecture of optical networkbecome more and more complex, so the demand to establish monitoring network foroptical network is urgent and necessary. Traditional optical network monitoring systemfocused on the terminal of equipment, take the form of protection switching when thebreakdown of network to keep the integrity of the network,but this method can not givethe type and location of breakdown in optic cable.“Multi-fible monitoring system” isproposed to solve this problem.

  This system, based on the principle of backscatter, consists of OTDR block,opticalswitching, computers, embedded operating systems etc.It establishes a monitoring systemwhich could efficiently manage the complex optical networks.In this thesis,it firstlyintroduces the present research background of OTDR,describes the optical principle offiber measurement and the structure of modern digital OTDR block;then it gives thearchitecture of the fiber monitoring system which consist of MCU,OTDR block,opticalswitching,Ethernet and management software;at last it mainly introduces the self-defineprotocols,with these protocols we can request measurement,modify IP address ofMCU,switch the fiber link we measured,cancel the measurement and store the result ofmeasurement.meanwhile its monitoring function has no impact on the networkscommunication and it could discover the potential threat to optical networks by setting ofmanagement software,promoting the reliability and stability of optical network.


  The paper regards THE DRESS CODE as the theoretical basis, systematicallyresearching and finishing the man's shirt custom culture connotation and process. Through thedomestic on-the-spot investigation and foreign online survey the author gets to know shirt'scustom status quo, combing and summarizing the relevant literature in different countries, andsummed up the basic theories and methods of shirt customization system.

  THE DRESS CODE is the basic rule of international society and luxury culture. It containsrules of clothing and clothing of practice. In THE DRESS CODE system, is divided into fourtypes: formal dress, informal dress ,outdoor clothing and coats. Shirt is indispensable to theformal dress and informal dress as well, which is the main type of outdoor clothing. Inner wearshirt goes with formal dress and informal dress, which are divided into dress shirt and businessshirt. The dress shirt includes Tailcoat dress shirt, Tuxedo dress shirt, Morning coat dress shirt,Director's suit dress shirt; Business shirt includes formal shirt, business casual shirt. Outdoorclothing includes casual shirt and sport shirt. They all have special expression language andstandardize the shape. For shirt shows tasty characteristics and rules can be seen when wearing it,which contains more than just a piece of clothing. It is restrained to demonstrate the family of anassortment of shirts, the “family rules” to determine the basic rules of custom shirt industry andpath. The system always shows men's shirt characters, intentionally or unintentionally and leadsto social ethics and correction. The paper aimed at each sort of custom shirt's gentleman culture,shape characteristics, choice of colors, fabrics, accessories and social regulation has carried onthe detailed reading, translation, analysis and sorting, and then established a gentleman shirtcustomization system based on THE DRESS CODE. Designed to provide a reliable theoreticalbasis and successful cases shirt in China custom industry and enhance the international brand ofrelated research.


  Patent documentations translation plays an important role for the spreading andexchanging of scientific information. As an important component of patent documentations,the translation of terms has a significant effect on the translation quality of patentdocumentations.

  At present, machine translation method has been fully developed, various kinds oftranslation systems emerged one after another. When translators translate the terms in thepatent documentations, they often translate them with the help of these translation systems.

  At the same time, in the process of translation for patent documentations, translators willproduce large translation examples stored in the term example library and can use it tooptimize the results from the translation systems, thereby provide better reference for thetranslators to assist them translate the term.

  This paper presents an automatic English-Chinese term translation method based onmulti-strategy. The work of this thesis mainly consists of two parts as follows:

  Firstly, through analyzing the characteristics of terms, this paper introduced three kindsof features that adequately describe term translation fluency, compactness and loyalty, namelyterm word formation feature, mutual information feature and term example library feature.

  These three features are combined with basic features, and regression algorithm in machinelearning is used to predict the translation quality so as to select the best result.

  Secondly, this paper optimized the term translation results with low quality scores by theterm example library. String similarity algorithm is used to find several term translationexamples that are highly similar to the source language of the term to be optimized in theterm example library. According to the target language of these examples and the translationof the term to be optimized, a translation grid is constructed. With translation model featureand language model feature, the Viterbi decoding algorithm is adopted to search a top scoringpath in the grid, thereby generate a new term translation.

  On the basis of the above work, an English-Chinese term translation system based onmulti-strategy is constructed. Experimental results show that the method achieves goodperformance in term translation quality estimation and term translation optimization. Thesystem can help translator to translate the term of patent documentations.