

时间:2024-06-21 13:00:03 赛赛 协议书 我要投稿
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  调解协议书英文 1

  Party A: (Company):

  Party B: (Employee)

  This is to terminate the labor dispute between Party B and Party A. Through friendly consultation and agreement, both parties have reached the following agreement, with the aim of jointly complying.

  1、 Regarding the disciplinary violation of _____, Party A fully understands that its actions have indeed had a negative impact on Party B. Party A apologizes to Party B for this and no longer holds any objection to Party Bs decision to terminate the employment relationship as a result.

  2、 Considering the actual situation of Party A during their employment with Party B, and the current situation, Party B has decided to pay Party A a one-time subsidy of RMB 20000; The subsidy fee paid by Party B to Party A has fully considered Party As actual situation and is based on the principle of people-oriented, fully reflecting Party Bs humanistic care for Party A, and is a one-time subsidy.

  3、 After signing this agreement, Party A shall submit a withdrawal application to the District Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission within three days for the labor dispute case between the two parties, and provide Party B with the withdrawal application ruling document made by the arbitration commission. Party B shall pay a one-time subsidy on the day of receiving the ruling document provided by Party A.

  4、 The second party will pay the first party a one-time subsidy in the form of salary. The subsidy will be directly deposited into the bank passbook opened on behalf of the first party. After the first party or its agent signs for and receives the passbook, it will be deemed that the second party has fulfilled its payment obligations.

  5、 Party A undertakes that after the completion of this agreement, there shall be no further unresolved disputes between Party A and Party B, and Party A undertakes not to assert any other civil rights against Party B for any reason.

  6、 Both Party A and Party B agree that both parties shall actively fulfill the matters stipulated in Article 3 of this agreement. Party B shall deliver the above-mentioned agreed amount to Party A or its specially authorized agent in accordance with the agreement. Upon receipt, Party A (or its specially authorized agent) shall sign a receipt voucher. If Party B fails to fulfill its payment obligations as agreed, it shall bear corresponding breach of contract liability.

  7、 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signature by the agents of both parties.

  8、 This agreement is made in four copies, with each party holding one copy. Party B shall file two copies with relevant departments.

  Party A:

  Party B:


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  first party:

  ID number:

  Party B:

  ID number:

  ID number:

  Both Party A and Party B have confirmed the relevant facts of personal injury that occurred to Party B on [date], and after friendly negotiations, they have reached the following agreement on compensation matters:

  1、 The first party voluntarily bears the reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred by the second party due to the above-mentioned personal injury, which are RMB ____ million (settled with valid receipts recognized by the first party from hospitals. If the second party falsifies, the first party has the right to recover the expenses falsely reported by the second party);

  2、 After consultation between Party A and Party B, it is determined that Party A shall make an additional payment of RMB ____ million to Party B within days from the date of signing this agreement.

  3、 The above two expenses are all expenses that Party A shall compensate Party B in accordance with the law or contract, including but not limited to medical expenses, loss of work expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, nutrition expenses, all subsequent treatment expenses, rehabilitation expenses, nursing expenses, and compensation for mental damages.

  4、 After the second party collects the above-mentioned fees, the compensation for personal injury of the second party under this agreement shall be terminated, and the second party shall no longer claim any rights against the first party and related personnel and units.

  5、 The second party expresses tolerance and understanding towards the first party, and requests that the public security organs no longer file a case to pursue the legal responsibilities of the first party, relevant personnel, and units.

  6、 This agreement is made in triplicate, with each party holding one copy and the public security organs filing one copy. Both parties shall sign and affix their fingerprints before it becomes effective.

  Party A:

  Party B:







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  first party:

  Party B:

  According to relevant laws and regulations such as the Tort Liability Law, Party A and Party B have reached a one-time compensation agreement on the compensation for personal injury caused by pedestrians in traffic accidents, for both parties to abide by and abide by:

  1、 The first party shall compensate the second party with a one-time compensation of RMB 156400.

  The one-time compensation includes but is not limited to Party Bs medical expenses, work loss expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, nutrition expenses, disability compensation, and mental comfort funds.

  The one-time compensation shall be paid to Party B through bank transfer (it is recommended to use bank transfer when the amount is large); The second party shall personally write a receipt when signing the agreement.

  2、 Party B undertakes:

  1. From the date of signing the compensation agreement and receiving the above-mentioned compensation, the civil compensation matters caused by the traffic accident shall come to an end, and there shall be no further disputes between the two parties. The second party and its relatives shall not claim any rights against the first party through litigation or non litigation means.

  2. The second party shall provide the first party with a copy of their ID card, outpatient medical records, prescriptions, inpatient medical records, detailed expense lists, diagnostic certificates, medical expense receipts, and other insurance claim materials. The second party guarantees the authenticity, legality, and completeness of all information provided.

  The second party shall provide its bank account under its name: Any disputes arising from the second partys fault in providing a bank account shall be resolved by the second party on its own, and the first party shall not be required to pay any compensation again (for bank transfer).

  3、 This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signature. The agreement is made in triplicate, with Party A holding two copies and Party B holding one copy, each of which has equal legal effect.

  Party A:


  Party B:


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  first party:

  Party B:

  On the basis of equality and voluntariness, and in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice, reasonableness, legality, and people-oriented, Party A and Party B have reached the following compensation agreement regarding the damage caused by the road traffic accident that occurred on [date] in [location]:

  1、 The first party voluntarily compensates the second party for various legal personal injury compensation items in a lump sum of RMB in words: _____ (in figures: _____ yuan).

  2、 The second party agrees to accept the above-mentioned compensation and waives all other rights against the first party, and will no longer require the first party to make any form of compensation or assume any other responsibility.

  3、 The parties of Party A and Party B shall actively assist the traffic police in handling accidents and insurance company claims, and shall not set obstacles for each other.

  4、 After the signing of this agreement is legal and valid, Party B guarantees that there are no other rights holders or interested parties claiming rights from Party A regarding this traffic accident. If it causes other losses to Party A, Party B shall bear all responsibilities.

  5、 This agreement shall come into effect immediately after being signed by both Party A and Party B in the presence of the Traffic Police Brigade on [date].

  6、 This agreement is made in triplicate, with Party A, Party B, and the Traffic Police Brigade each holding one copy.

  Party A:


  Party B:


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  first party:

  Party B:

  1. On the day of the month of the year, Party A, driving with license plate number __________, made contact with Party B while driving towards __________ on the road section.

  2. During the hospitalization period when Party B is injured, Party A shall pay a total of _______ yuan (in words: __________) in advance for treatment and medical expenses, work loss expenses, nursing expenses, meal subsidies, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, etc; Subsequent treatment fee is ________ yuan (in words: __________).

  3. The above expenses compensation and settlement shall be settled and paid in full immediately from the date of signing this agreement.

  4. The second party shall actively cooperate with the first party in handling insurance compensation matters, and timely provide the necessary traffic accident identification certificate, medical expense invoice, and other materials required by the first party.

  5. After the completion of this agreement, the compensation responsibilities of both parties shall be calculated, and Party B shall not make any additional claims or other demands on Party A for any reason.

  6. This traffic accident agreement is made in triplicate, with Party A and Party B holding one copy each, and the traffic police team holding one copy for future reference.

  Party A:


  Party B:


  调解协议书英文 6

  first party:

  Party B:

  _____At around ______ hours on [date], Party A caused injury to Party B due to [reason]. Based on the principles of equality and voluntariness, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on compensation matters through consultation and consensus:

  1、 The first party shall compensate the second party in a lump sum of RMB ______. After receiving the compensation, Party B shall issue a receipt to Party A.

  2、 The above compensation already includes medical expenses, work loss expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, hospitalization meal subsidies, nutrition expenses, disability compensation, mental comfort funds, disability assistive equipment expenses, living expenses of the dependent, as well as all possible compensation expenses such as treatment expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and nursing expenses that may occur in the future.

  3、 This compensation amount is the final and full compensation amount for current or future claims directly or indirectly related to the accident.

  4、 After receiving the above-mentioned compensation, both Party A and Party B have resolved the issue of compensation for the traffic accident. In the future, both parties will not hold each other responsible for any resulting consequences.

  5、 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. It shall come into effect upon signature by both parties.

  Party A:


  Party B:


  调解协议书英文 7

  Party A:____________


  Ethnic group:____________

  Date of birth:

  Registered residence and current address:____________

  Resident ID Card No________________________

  Party B:____________


  Ethnic group:____________

  Date of birth:

  Registered residence and current address:____________

  Resident ID Card No________________________

  Brief case:

  ____At around ____ hours on ____ day of ____ year, due to trivial matters, there was a dispute and fight between Party A and Party B in ____ place, and Party B injured Party A. After forensic examination, the injury on Party As body was identified as minor injury.

  Due to the request for reconciliation by both parties, in accordance with Article 278 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the public security organs (or procuratorates, courts) carefully listened to the opinions of both parties, reviewed the voluntariness and legality of the reconciliation, and proved that the reconciliation was voluntary and lawful. The public security organs (or procuratorates, courts) presided over the reconciliation in accordance with the law.

  Both Party A and Party B have reached the following settlement agreement through full consultation on a voluntary and legal basis:

  1、 The second party deeply apologizes and apologizes to the first party, requesting their understanding.

  2、 After the signing of this agreement, Party B shall compensate Party A in a lump sum for medical expenses, work loss expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, mental damage compensation and other losses, totaling RMB __________ in words (in figures).

  3、 After Party B fulfills this agreement and pays all the above-mentioned compensation fees in a lump sum to Party A, Party A will no longer pursue Party Bs criminal and civil responsibilities. Party A hopes that the public security organs, peoples procuratorates, or peoples courts can leniently handle Party B.

  4、 This agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both parties and stamped by the case handling department of the public security organs. It is made in triplicate, with each party holding one copy, and the public security organs (or procuratorates, courts) presiding over mediation holding one copy. All three copies shall have equal legal effect.

  Party A:


  Party B:



  调解协议书英文 8

  Party A: ____________, ID number number: _______________;

  Party B: _______________, ID number number: _______________, entrusted agent: _______________, the father of Party B, ID number number: ____________.

  __________On the evening of [date], Party A went to the hospital where Party B works for medical treatment due to a brain injury, and Party B received Party A. When seeking medical treatment, Party A was in a drunken state, during which Party A kicked Party Bs leg, causing certain physical injury and shock to Party B. Afterwards, Party A expressed deep regret and voluntarily reached a cost compensation agreement through full negotiation between both parties.

  1. The second party is a doctor who works in a hospital and fully understands their own injuries and possible consequences.

  2. The first party deeply apologizes for any harm caused to the second party by its actions. The second party understands the behavior of the first party and will not pursue any other responsibilities of the second party.

  3. The first party has already paid __________ yuan in cash to the second party before signing this agreement, and then paid __________ yuan to the second party after signing this agreement. The above-mentioned __________ yuan constitutes the full compensation and compensation for the injury caused to the second party by the first party, including but not limited to medical expenses, lost work expenses, accompanying expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, food subsidies, disability compensation, living expenses of the dependent, and mental comfort funds that may occur.

  4. Article 3 The compensation amount shall be the final compensation amount paid by Party A to Party B. After obtaining the above-mentioned compensation amount, Party B shall not claim any rights from Party A in any way (including criminal, administrative, civil, etc.), and neither party shall interfere with the work and life of the other party.

  5. This agreement is a one-time settlement agreement, and both parties shall not renege on any further disputes.

  Party A: __________ Party B:_______________


  __________Year Month Day

  调解协议书英文 9

  Party A:_________________

  Party B:_________________

  The first party accidentally caused the tap water to run out, wetting the second partys house and cement floor. In order to resolve the compensation issue after running water, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement through consultation:

  1、 The first party shall compensate the second party with a one-time compensation of RMB ________ (winter heating fee) to solve the problem caused by water leakage on geothermal energy________ In the spring of the year, if the roof of the shed cannot be scratched due to water leakage during the renovation by Party B, Party A shall compensate Party B for the additional expenses incurred due to this problem (________ yuan). If there is no impact during the decoration, there is no need to compensate this ________ yuan. At this point, the compensation is completed.

  2、 Both parties agree that after Party A fulfills all the above-mentioned compensation obligations, Party B shall not make any further compensation or demand compensation from Party A for any other reason. Any problems with the property in the future are not related to Party A.

  3、 Both Party A and Party B, as well as their respective witnesses, hold one copy of this agreement. This agreement shall be established from the date of signature by both parties.

  Party A:_________________



  调解协议书英文 10

  Party A:_________

  Party B:__________

  ___The case of a construction and installation engineering contract dispute was settled through mediation by both parties under the auspices of the Peoples Court of District __. The mediation agreement was delivered on [date]. The mediation agreement stipulates that Party B shall owe Party A a construction project payment of ________ yuan, which shall be paid in full before the date of ________. Failure to pay on time shall bear interest in accordance with the relevant regulations of the banks payment; Both parties shall not hold each other responsible. Due to the current economic difficulties faced by Party B, it is proposed to make installment payments. After repeated negotiations between Party A and Party B, the following agreement has been reached:

  (1) The Party A agrees to change the decision of the Civil Mediation Agreement No. ________ issued by the Peoples Court of District __, regarding the Party Bs debt of ________ yuan to the Party A for the construction project, which shall be paid in full before [date].

  (2) The second party shall make a payment of ________ yuan before [date] on [date]; Payment of ________ yuan was made on [date].

  (3) Both Party A and Party B shall abide by the agreement. If Party B fails to fulfill the agreement, a late fee of 30% shall be calculated for each day of delay for each outstanding amount.

  (4) This agreement is in triplicate. Party A and Party B each hold one copy and submit one copy to the peoples court.

  Party A: (Official Seal) Party B: (Official Seal)

  Legal representative: ___ (seal) Legal representative: ___ (seal)


  调解协议书英文 11

  Party A:_______


  ID number:_______

  Party B:_______


  ID number:_______

  _______On [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date], [date. Considering the repentance of Party B, Party A understands Party Bs behavior and both parties have reached the following settlement agreement in a voluntary and friendly atmosphere:

  Article 1: The second party voluntarily compensates the first party for economic losses such as medical expenses, loss of work expenses, nursing fees, and mental comfort funds in the amount of RMB ____ million (in figures: ______). The compensation shall be paid to the first party in a lump sum from the date of signing this agreement.

  Article 2: Considering that Party B is able to apologize and actively compensate Party A for its losses afterwards, Party A understands Party Bs behavior, agrees not to hold Party B criminally responsible, and issues a written understanding to the judicial authorities not to hold Party B criminally responsible.

  Article 3: Party A has received full compensation of RMB ____ million (in lowercase: _______) from Party B. Party A voluntarily waives other rights and will no longer hold Party B liable for civil compensation. Both parties will resolve this matter in one go, and there are no other economic disputes.

  Article 4: This agreement shall be made in triplicate, with each party holding one copy and one copy submitted to the relevant authorities for record keeping. The agreement shall come into effect upon signature by both parties.

  Party A:_______

  Party B:_______

  Signing date:_______

  Signing date:_______


调解协议书 调解协议书范本04-03







