- 相关推荐
1. Identify Your Learning Style1.确定自己的学习风格
First, you have to understand how you learn. Are you someone who needs notes in front of you? Do you learn best when you're listening to music? Do you need to be moving in order to process new information?首先,你得了解自己的学习方式。面前需要有笔记么?听音乐时学习效率是否最高?吸收新内容时,是否需要活动?
2. Concentrate in Class2.集中课堂注意力
It's not always easy to stay focused in your classroom, but concentrating in class is one of those study skills for students that can mean the difference between the honor roll and detention.虽然,始终保持课堂注意力并不容易,但是,集中注意力是学生学习的技能之一,这也许就是登上荣誉榜和留级的分别所在。
3. Take Good Notes3.做好课堂笔记
It seems simple, right? Taking notes is a no-brainer. Not really! Taking good notes is a learned skill. Students waste hours and hours in the classroom, writing down useless information they'll never need.这看起来很简单,对吗?人们通常认为,记笔记是一件不需要动脑筋的事情。然而,事实并非如此!做笔记是一种学习能力。学生往往在课堂上耗费大量时间,记录下自己永远都不会看的无用信息。
4. Choose a Great Study Partner4.挑选好的学习伙伴
Your new flame and BFF may be awesome and all, but they may not be the best people to partner up with when it comes time to study. Test their merits before you invite them over for a study session.新恋人和最好的朋友或许的确很棒,但是,他们也许并非是你寻找学习伙伴的最佳选择。邀请这些人共同学习之前,一定要测试其优点。
5. Form the Perfect Study Group5.组建优秀学习小组
Your teacher announced a test for next Friday, and you know the best way for you to study involves getting a study group together.老师宣布下周五测试,而你明白,对你而言,最好的学习方式就是创建学习小组,共同学习。
6. Get Organized For Class6.做好上课准备
Getting and staying organized is one of those study skills for students that often get shoved to the back burner. But nothing could be more important than keeping track of test dates and study sessions, while keeping your bag in working order.做好上课准备、保持有序的学习状态是学生学习的技能之一,却常常置于次要地位。但是,整理书包时,没有什么比留意考试日期和学习活动更重要了。
7. Read Your Textbook Effectively7.有效阅读课本
One of the most difficult study skills for students is learning how to read a textbook effectively. Lugging it back and forth between school and home is always a chore, and then the words are often incomprehensible, anyway. It’s necessary to learn how to read effectively.如何高效阅读课本是学生最难掌握的学习技能之一。对学生而言,从学校到家里,反复携带课本是一件苦差事,何况教材上面的内容常常又难以理解。因此,学习如何有效地阅读,是十分必要的。