

时间:2024-06-04 11:23:48 英语作文 我要投稿









  I have a big white dog in my bedroom. It is a saving box. It's my favourite t and it is very important for me because it can help me save money.

  My big dog is very lovely. It has two big eyes, two long ears and a red nose. On its face there are three little black dots. It looks like a good boy. It sits quietly on my desk every day. It never does bad things. When I put some money into his mouth,it is very happy. But when I take out some money,it becomes very angry.

  It helps me save a lot of money. So it is one of my best friends.


  In China, people believe that kids is a way to protect themselves. When they are old, their kids can take care of them. But sometimes things will not go on their own way. A lot of young people focus on their career and don’t have much time to go home. It is important to let the young people realize that family comes first.


  As the great pressure from work, many young people have to leave home and fight for their future. The distance brings isolation, then young people have less chance to spend the time with their parents. According to the news, an old man accused of his son for not going home for more than a year. It's sounded so sad for the old man and the son. When the relationship involves with law, it is the sadest thing in the world.


  No matter how much money we earn, family is the first one we should care for. Home is the place we will think about first when we are in trouble and families will never abandon us, so just go home and spend more time with our families. It worths all.




  This day, I don't know who knocked on the shabby door. Mike opened the door impatiently.


  "Your money order and a letter, sir." Said the postman in her clear voice.


  Remittance? I think there is someone with the same surname as me. And that letter? It's not a threatening letter! But who have I offended? Mike began to put the names of all his friends in his head like computers




  "Oh, thank you then." That's how Mike reacted. He quickly closed the door and walked into the inner room.


  Mike opened the envelope in fear that a spider or some other insect might pop out of it The letter was finally opened. It was a very short letter, which read:


  "Hello, uncle! I don't know what to call you. Last time I saw something about you on TV, I thought that your financial situation must not be very good, so I sent you some money with the letter, hope you can accept it. Because I think people should learn to help each other.


  Little boy in the snow


  When Mike saw the signing, he suddenly recalled the snowy winter.


  In that winter, the whole economic situation of the Soviet Union was not very good, and the residents moved to other places. Mike, a well-known journalist, is still at ease.


  One day, Mike began to hang out on the street again, looking for something to write. Mike is a man with a cool demeanor and a light snow in the sky. He begins to pity his thick sweater. At this time, he found a person who was more shaking than him. It was a little boy, very little dressed, curled up in a corner of the street, shivering, with a bowl of rice in front of him. Passers-by came and went, and no one noticed him.


  "Uncle, give me something to eat." The little boy begged.


  Mike took a look at his bowl. There was only dust in it. It was almost the so-called "single substance" in chemistry. Give it to him, it will damage my noble image; if you don't give it to him, it will make others feel that I have no sympathy. Mike began a fierce ideological struggle. In the end, he made a decision to give the child a dime.


  Mike shoved a dime into the bowl and walked away without looking back, leaving only the child's "thank you.".


  Later, heavy industry in the Soviet Union developed. Then, there was the scene of "everything goes well".


  Poor Mike! He is no longer that proud miser! He was dismissed by the newspaper on suspicion of a case. After he was cleared of the charge, there was little left in the family, not even a source of income. He really went to the bottom of life.


  Mike wakes up from his memory. He looks at the money order. It's 500 yuan, the whole 500 yuan! How much Mike needs it now!


  The next day, Mike came to the post office early with the money order. His calm face showed a smile never seen before. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and then picked up a pen and wrote:


  "Dear little boy, I'm glad you have a happy life. Thank you for your encouragement at the lowest point of my life. But I think that mutual assistance between people should be equal. Otherwise, it's charity, isn't it? Uncle


  Mike put the letter in the envelope, put the stamp on it and put it in the mailbox. Then he took a dime out of the money order and mailed the rest back.


  Out of the post office, Mike finally got a big smile on his face. It was the warmest day of his life. He is glad that he has experienced the greatest mutual aid in the world.


  Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is.

  For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 20xx, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary.

  Let's imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation.


  Recently, a question asked by a college girl has become a hot topic under discussion. “Is it legal that my parents take away my New Year money”? As we all know, it is the Chinese traditional that children get money from their parents and relatives or parents’ friends during Spring Festival. And it seems normal that parents will take all or lots of money after kids receiving a red packet. Some people think it is inappropriate, while others hold the opposite views. For me, I agree with the later one.

  Firstly, I think it is better that parents keep the money for kids. Since lots of kids are too young to have a good consumption plan. They might buy many toys or other stuff they want for a long time as soon as they have bunch of money. It’s bad for kids to establish a correct value. I think it is acceptable that parents take all the New Year money from young kids. And when they grow older, parents can take a part of it, and teach the kid how to become a rational consumer.

  Secondly, I don’t see an eye to eye when the college girl said her parents take away her money is illegal. She thinks the money is given from others, and it belongs to her. Her parents’ behavior is depriving her private property. However, the Chinese Spring Festival traditional is when someone give red packet to your child, you have to give almost the same denomination to their kid, and since the college girl is no income student, therefore, when her mother said take away the money to pay her high college tuition fees is totally appropriate.

  To sum up, it is better that parents save New Year money for kids. It is not only could save household spending, but also could stop kids from dipping into their purse.







  If I had enough money to purchase either a house or a business, I would choose a business. A house is attractive to me, for it may bring me shelter and comforts. However, I like a business better, because a business offers me much more.

  A business is a challenge for me. I like to embrace new challenges which, I believe, are good opportunities to develop and exhibit my abilities. I admire Bill Gates, not only for his talent, but also for his courage. I am confident of my capability; still, I need real opportunity to test it. No matter if it is success or failure that I will have to face, it is a new experience for me. After all, real satisfaction is in the traveling, not arriving. I have learned a lot from books, but I dont have enough experience. Therefore, learning by doing is my ideal,and running a business can help me fulfill it. I can hone my abilities during this process, and become more and more mature at the same time.

  A house may satisfy my immediate needs, while a business may bring me long-term satisfaction. If I have a house, I will have a place to live, feeling warm and sheltered. There is almost no further benefits. Bya contrast, a business has more potential for losses or gains. If I am really as capable as I have expected, it will probably be gains. Even the potential itself is exciting enough for me. According to Maslows needs hierarchy, housing is a basic need, while running a business of my own and for myself, belongs to the needs of self-actualization, the highest one. Many people can satisfy their basic needs, but only a small number can reach the highest level.

  If I have to choose between either a house or a business, I will choose the latter, because if I succeed in running it, I will be able to buy a house as well as many other things. However, if I choose a house, I will own only a house, nothing more.


  My parents always educate me that there are so many things can't be measured by money, such as the real happiness. Some rich people live the good life but they feel lonely while some poor people enjoy the great life with their families and friends. No matter where we are, families and friends are always the root of happiness.



  Money matters and no one can deny it. We work very hard to earn money, so that we can live the better life. With money, we can buy a big house and eat the food we want, even to travel around the world. It seems that money can buy everything. However, money is also the root of evil. Many people do the criminal things just to grab more money. Money can bring happiness. At the same time it can also bring evil. It depends on people how to treat money. If they feel satisfied, then money can bring goodness. On the contrary, the strong desire of money easy distracts people's attention from the bliss they have.



  As everyone knows,gift money is a children's love,because each to have the Spring Festival when the adults will give children a new gift money.Therefore,gift money can let children feel happy.However,if the gift money denominations are too big,can lead to children because the more money and splurge that spend money like water,lead to the life of a child destruction.Therefore,gift money is a double-edged sword,there are advantages and disadvantages.




  我的利是钱 My Lucky Money

  The sheep year has coming, as a child, I love the first day of the year so much, because I can get a lot of money. When I see the elder, I say some good words to them, then they will give the lucky to me money in return. I meet a lot of elder in a day, so I get much money, it is a satisfied day for me.



  “What will you do if you have a lot of money?” This is a very complicated question. Perhaps some people want to buy an expensive car while some others want to buy a luxurious house. Or some people want to operate a company and so on. I also have my own attitude towards it.


  If I have a lot of money, I will publish an English book under my name. Maybe I will be famous someday, because everyone will know the fact that I'm good at English.


  If I have a lot of money, I will help my best friend to set up a training school. Since this is his greatest dream. If I can make his dream come true, I will be very honorable. I will let him be the boss, but I only want to be his assistant.


  If I have a lot of money, I will travel to various coast cities. As they are facing the sea, I can spend a wonderful time at the seaside. It is said that the seaside is so wonderful and beautiful. The sunrise is glorious at the seaside and surfing on the sea is very exciting. While facing the sea, I can enjoy endless pleasure. How charming it is while feeling the sea wind blowing to us. It's also wonderful to enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the golden beach.


  These are my beautiful dreams. Even though I find it a little difficult to fulfill my dreams, it doesn't matter, because where there is a will, there is a way. I believe I can realize my dreams through my great efforts.




  Money is money. In the history of the development of money, it appears in the form of physical currency, metal currency, paper currency, electronic currency and so on.


  Yesterday's money was some real money, metal money. The real currency is something like cattle and sheep of ancient Greece, ivory of Africa and India, cocoa of Native Americans and Mexicans. These real currencies are inconvenient and unsafe for human beings. So it was eliminated soon. Then came metal money. Metal money was initially made of low-priced metals such as copper, and later gradually fixed on gold and silver. China's ancient copper coins include knife coins, cloth coins, shovel coins and ring coins. Although metal currency is more convenient than real currency, it is a bit cumbersome and unsafe, so it was eliminated soon.


  Today's money is the common paper money we use now. China's famous paper currency is Jiaozi in Sichuan Province. It is the first paper money in the world. It's very different from yesterday's money. Paper money is an independent currency. Compared with the past money, its biggest advantage is its portability, but its security can not be guaranteed, so we often find that there will be counterfeit money.


  Tomorrow's money is coming out - electronic money. At present, there are two kinds of electronic currency: bank card and online electronic currency. More famous are digital cash, first virtual, online cash, cyber cash and coins. Compared with yesterday's and today's money, electronic money is very safe and convenient to carry, which provides the preparation of payment means for the further development of human transaction activities.


  Tomorrow's money electronic currency, as the latest form of currency form evolution, is a kind of credit currency developed on the Internet electronic credit, with commercial electronic machines and tools and all kinds of transaction cards as the medium, with electronic computer technology and modern communication technology as the means, with electronic pulse for capital transmission and storage. Compared with other monetary forms such as paper money, e-money has the advantages of low cost of preservation, low cost of circulation, low cost of standardization and low cost of use, so it will further reduce human transaction costs, which has a significant impact on human transaction behavior.


  Of course, as a dominant means of payment, the prerequisite for e-money is that online business activities become the mainstream business model of the society. When this prerequisite is not fully met, e-money can only play a role as an auxiliary means of payment. But this condition is becoming more and more mature under the promotion of IP network revolution. A new currency era is coming when electronic currency completely replaces paper currency. Anyone can trade at any time and any place will be realized, and human trading activities will open a new chapter, and the future of money will be better.


  Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love.

  I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life.

  What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives.


  Many people believe that a large income equal success.I believe,however,success is more than how much money you make.Measures of success also include fame,respect,and knowledge.

  许多人认为有大量的收入等于成功。 然而,我相信,成功不仅仅是指你有多少钱。 成功还包括名誉、尊重和知识。

  Becoming famous is one way to show one is success.So many scientists and researchers have made great contribution to our nation and they don’t possess too much wealth.But they are awarded with fame and great honors and thus become nationwide well-known.No one could say they are not successful.I also believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success.Without that respect,money mean little.We just call people with big money and no respect “they are rich” and nothing more,while for those surrounded by respect,we’d like to say “This guy is really marvelous.He made it in his life.”

  成名是显示成功的一种方式。许多科学家和研究人员为我们的国家作出了重大的贡献,虽然他们没有太多的财富,但是他们获得名望和伟大的荣誉,成为全国闻名的'人物。 没有人能说他们不是成功的。 我也相信要尊敬同事意味成功。 没有尊重,金钱是小。 我们就叫人有资金仅仅说“他们是富人”而已,而对于那些被尊重包围的人说, “这家伙真的是了不起的,他的生活是成功的。”

  In conclusion,we don’t memorize people simply because they were rich.Overall,we remember people who were influential in politics,or contributed to science or art or religion.If history is the ultimate judge of success,then money surely isn’t everything.

  总之,我们不要仅仅因为别人有钱才记住他。 总的来说,我们记住人在政治上有影响力的人,或者记住那些对科学或艺术或宗教有贡献的人。如果历史是成功的最终的裁判,那么钱当然不是万能的。


  There is a popular saying,“Money is not almighty,but without it you can do nothing."Money is necessary in our life.Some people treasure it very much,so they save it.However,it is tempting for some people to spend it all on things they desire.Do you think it is necessary for us to save money for the future?In my opinion,I believe saving some money is necessary.

  First of all,saving money is helpful to deal with the unexpected things happening in the future.The future is unpredictable.We are not sure that we won't meet any unexpected things,which we need money to solve in the future.lf we have saved some money in our daily life,we can solve such kind of problems easily when they happen,instead of worrying and doing nothing.What's more,sometimes saving money can bring you happiness.When you have saved some money,you can make some surprise for your life or improve your life quality.Even you can use your extra money to help other people who are in need.

  In a word,it is better to save money properly than not.Sometimes your life will be different with the saved money.


  有一种流行的说法,“钱不是万能的,但是没有钱却是万万不能的。”钱在我们生活中是不可或缺的。 有些人很珍惜钱,所以他们把它存起来。 然而,对于有些人来说,把它全用于他们所想要的东西是非常诱人的。 你觉得我们有没有必要为未来存钱呢?在我看来,存一点钱是有必要的。

  首先,存钱有助于应付将来意想不到的'事情。 未来是不可预测的。 我们不能保证我们不会遇到需要用钱解决的意料之外的事。如果我们在日常生活中存一些钱,我们就可以轻易地处理这类问题,而不是干着急,什么都做不了。而且,有时候存钱也可以带来幸福感,当你存了一些钱后,你可以为你的生活制造一些惊喜或者提高一下自己的生活质量。你还可以用你存下来的钱去帮助有需要的人。











关于钱的英语作文 4篇10-08
