

时间:2024-07-20 10:41:09 英语作文 我要投稿








  Nowadays,with the living standard improving,more and more poeple begin to pay attention to their healthy conditions。As we all kown,having a good body is tne most benefit,no matter to theirselves and the whole family。And when your body is in good condition,we will feel happy in our work,So how can we protect our body,to get a healthy life?

  As far as im concerned,you can have health easily,if you can develop good habbits。First,we must keep our hours,not to stay up late。if so,in the next day,we can have enough energies to do our work。Second,we should maintain good personal hygiene。Often take a shower,frequently change clothes。Third,we are supposed to eat more vegetables and fruits。Not picky eaters,not a partial eclipse,to ensure balanced nutrition。

  In a word,only can we persevere these habbits,treat our body well,we will have a healthy and happy life!


  Health, from our point of view is how common a word. But on the inside of the meaning is not so simple. Life down is a blank sheet of paper is written to draw after waiting for you to go to.

  Is people will grow, grow up, the white paper will write many words, is that your story of growing up, but these things are healthy? There are a variety of health, mental health, mental health, family health...

  I am a healthy girl, I love life, I like to looking for more happy in the happiness. Is probably influenced by mom and dad, my mom and dad are teachers, they use a unique approach to education me, they like to help others, love to laugh, can enjoy life, will give students in class. They are not asked me what, as long as I'm happy, healthy, they would like to eat the honey is sweet, now grown up, have the initiative. They support me in various aspects, I grow up happily and in a healthy family.

  Some single parent families children, only one love their parents, some of these children will grow when not language, some will want to worry all day. Such unhealthy phenomenon is psychology, such children should be more concerned about them, let them feel the socialism the warm family, let they never health to health.

  Health is of tens of thousands of eager to get, but who can really understand the meaning? We want to do in this warm family of socialism a healthy person.







  Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life.Freedom from hunger and malnutrition is a basic human right and their alleviation is a fundamental prerequisite for human and national development. WHO has traditionally focused on the vast magnitude of the many forms of nutritional deficiency, along with their associated mortality and morbidity in infants, young children and mothers. However, the world is also seeing a dramatic increase in other forms of malnutrition characterized by obesity and the long-term implications of unbalanced dietary and lifestyle practices that result in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.All forms of malnutrition's broad spectrum are associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and economic costs, particularly in countries where both under- and overnutrition co-exist as is the case in developing countries undergoing rapid transition in nutrition and life-style.营养是健康和发展的投入和基础。感染和营养不良之间的相互作用已有充分的记录。更好的营养意味着更强的免疫系统、更少的疾病和更好的健康。健康的孩子学得更好。健康的人更强壮,更有生产力,更有能力创造机会,以可持续的方式逐步打破贫穷和饥饿的'循环。更好的营养是结束贫困的首要切入点,也是实现更高生活质量的里程碑。免于饥饿和营养不良是一项基本人权,减轻饥饿和营养不足是人类和国家发展的基本先决条件。



  A healthy diet can provide the necessary energy for us, so to keep us fit. But it is not very easy to make your diet always healthy.

  In my view, people need to spend time on thinking about how to eat every meal. One of the principles is that we should not eat too much or too less. The other is that the junk food should be thrown away. For example, vegetable, fruits which contain high vitamin, and low fat meat, such as chicken , fish are good choices. Food like french fries, hamburger, and other high-fat and low protein food should be avoided.

  People can look up the calorie of each kind of food online and arrange their meals in a very healthy way.





  Since the weather becomes hotter it has greatly influenced on people's daily lives. People can not eat well and sleep well in such hot days. Summer health is a problem we should attach importance to. Here are some tips that we hope can be useful for you.

  To begin with, top priority should be given to the heart for staying healthy in summer. Due to the hot weather, people tend to become unsettled and short-tempered that is obviously not good for health. Therefore, maintaining a tranquil mood is of great importance for staying healthy in summer. Secondly, have a good rest. Summer is a hot season with long days. Accordingly, people should go to bed early and rise early. And people may have little appetite, sleep less and be in low spirits, so a one-hour nap after lunch is of great benefit to people's health. Furthermore, indigestion can easily occur in summer, so a light and less greasy diet is strongly recommended. Besides, drinking more water or juice is important, especially after sweating profusely. Remember never take too much cold food or fruit, for it can result in abdominal distension and indigestion. Finally, sports are good for health. In hot weather, because long-time exercise in the sun can bring on sunstroke, it's advised to exercise in the cool early morning or evening. Outdoor walking, jogging after getting up or swimming is strongly recommended.

  Besides the tips discussed above, the following should be noticed too. Do not turn electric fans to too high a setting. Do not sleep in the open air at night. Remember to bring an umbrella or wear a hat when going out. Avoid exposing yourself to powerful sunlight.





  Nowadays,more and more people are in poor health.If we want to keep healthy we should go on a healthy diet.First,we should have a balanced diet.Though we may not like eating vegetables,the vegetables have a lot of nutrition.They are very good for our health.Second,we'd better eat regular meals.We need to eat breakfast,lunch,and dinner every day.Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily activities.Third,we should get away from fast food,for it may cause a lot of disease.



  Nowadays,more and more urbanite begin to pay attention to mental health.One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year. Such behavior has exerted negative impacts towards other students, families as well as the society in a whole. Therefore how to improve students' mental health has always been a priority issue of our universities and society. Broadly speaking, the psychological health is

  efficient ,satisfactory, and sustained mental state. In a narrow sense, human basic mental activity process is complete. You can be able to adapt to society, to keep pace with the society.

  There are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy.Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problemsand see whether you can do something to make a change. Secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercise to release the pressure. Afterall, your health is what counts most. Lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner, a relative or a friend about your problems,or seek support and advice from a psychological consultant.如今,越来越多的城市居民开始关注心理健康。四分之一的人在一年内会遇到某种心理健康问题。这种行为对其他学生、家庭以及整个社会都产生了负面影响。





  The ways to keep healthy Everyone wants to live long,however,that just depends on your body's health。 Do you know how to keep healthy?I'd like to offer you two ways:1)Proper Dinners:Generally speaking,one should eat 3 times every day。 But some students who get up late will ignore the breakfast,which will do a very bad effect on their healty。 Anyway,some girls who would prefer to be thin will avoid eating anything or only little during the meal time。 Both of the two ways are bad habits of dining。 We shouldn't feel hungry or full after dinners。 2)Students are usually very busy with their homework,so they cannot take time to do exercises or too lazy to do them。 This is another killer to health。 We should at least take time to have P。E lessons or do morning exercises everyday to keep health。 All in all,Being in fitness is our goal,it's also the basic of all contributions and success。

  保持健康的方法每个人都希望长命,但是这取决于您的健康。你知道如何保持健康吗?我将向您介绍两种方法:1)合理膳食:通常来说,一个人应该一天三餐。但是一些起床晚点的学生常常不吃早饭,结果对它们的健康非常不利;另外,一些喜欢保持苗条身材的女同学三餐吃得很少,有时不吃——这两种方法都是就餐的`坏毛病,我们在饭后不应该感到太饱或者太饿。 2)学生们通常忙于自己的功课,所以它们没有时间参加体育锻炼或者是因为太懒而不高兴做。这是健康的另一个杀手。我们至少应该参加体育课或者是每天多运动保持健康。总而言之,保持健康是我们的目标。同样也是成功的基石。


  Health is far more important than wealth.

  Health is very important for our life,it is our basic thing.Health is more important than any money or other things.Health can make us enjoy our life and fighting for our dreams. There are lots of ways to keep fit.First,you shuold eat more vegetables or fruit,it is important to have a good diet if you want to keep fit.And second,you shuold do more exercise to make your body more stranger,it is a good and easy way to keep fit,you only need to walk for 25minutes if you don't have much time,or just walk or take bike to office or school.And last,you shuold keep away from smoke and alcohol,even drugs.To do these you must keep working every day. Hope you have a good body.






  Nowadays, there is a growing focus on health care. People are pursuing a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet is one of the most important parts of it.

  As the saying goes, bread is the staff of life, eating healthily and deliciously is the goal we pursue. From my point of view, in order to build healthy eating habits, we should eat more vegetables and less fat and sugar. Vegetable is the best source of s vitamin, because vegetables are rich in vitamins. Among them, vitamin C and vitamin A are the most important.

  Too much fat and sugar can lead to obesity, which is harmful to health. Besides, eating more fruits and drinking more water is of great help.





  A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.

  To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied.

  I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.





  this is how clear caution, how well-meaning advice! Cigarette resembles invisible killer , it is in casual a health that damages you, gobble up your life. There also is such person beside us, know perfectly well smoking ill health, but he still smokes. Do you know ? In the aerosol of the generation when smoking, have a variety of 3000 harmful material. Endanger among them the biggest is nicotine. Tar and carbon monoxide. The nicotine in a smoke is OK kill with poison a small white rat. Absorb 40-60 milligram nicotine the person dies possibly. The person that smokes for a long time suffers from chronic tracheitis easily. Coronary heart disease, suffer from even on lung cancer. Tar is nicotian flaming child, among them a variety of cancer make thing. The harmful material in cigarette body can enter their body insensibly, the neurological, respiratory system that destroys them. If be mixed for a long time cigarette intimate contact the immune force that can reduce human body, make memory drops likely still. The nicotine in cigarette has direct destruction to vitamin C action, because of smoking may prevent human body to be absorbed to it. If human body is long-term devoid vitamin C, get likely scorbutic. did not smoke again please! A small smoke, endanger ten thousand myriad. Smoking is equal to prodigal oneself health, shorten oneself life. Let us have a smokeless beautiful season!这是多么明确的警告,多么善意的建议!香烟就像一个看不见的杀手,它在不经意间损害了你的健康,吞噬了你的生命。我们身边也有这样一个人,明知吸烟有害健康,但他仍然吸烟。你知道吗?在吸烟时产生的气溶胶中,有3000多种有害物质。其中危害最大的是尼古丁。焦油和一氧化碳。烟中的尼古丁可以毒死一只小白鼠。吸收40-60毫克尼古丁,人可能会死亡。长期吸烟的人容易患慢性气管炎。冠心病,甚至患上肺癌。焦油是烟草燃烧的产物,其中有多种癌症制造物。香烟体内的有害物质会不知不觉地进入他们的身体,破坏他们的'神经系统和呼吸系统。如果长时间和香烟亲密接触会降低人体的免疫力,还可能使记忆力下降。香烟中的尼古丁对维生素C有直接破坏作用,因为吸烟可能会阻止人体对其的吸收。如果人体长期缺乏维生素C,很可能会患坏血病。



  The desire for good health is universal. If a person feels ill all the time, he will in most cases old a pessimistic view toward things and lead a sad life. What's more, no matter how ambitious he could be, he might just be too weak to carry out any of his grand plans. Hence, though many people are seeking after wealth or power, they always attach the greatest importance to health.

  Since a sick person tends to be unhappy, people worldwide have spared no efforts to slay healthy. They pay special attention to what they eat so that they get neither malnourished nor overweighed. Besides, people, especially, those engaged in mental jobs, create numerous indoor or outdoor exercises to keep energetic, eg. working in the field as gardeners and farmers, going to work on foot, cycling to work, having a walk after supper, climbing mountains, traveling, attending all kinds exercises in health clubs, etc.

  To be healthy also includes being mentally healthy. It is another important guaranty for people to live or work well. So, experts suggest that we keep a calm, peaceful and open mind and try to avoid extreme emotions like fierce anger, extreme sadness and excitement. Therefore, exercises like Taiji Exercise, traveling, etc. which can benefit people both physically and mentally are popular not only in China but also in other countries.

  As far as I am concerned, in addition to a balanced diet and a peaceful mind, I lack pleasure the performing various types of exercises. And playthg basketball and badminton are my favourite games.






  What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods.

  The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases.

  We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.




  The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition.保持我们健康的方法各不相同。早上,你可以早起,到户外去,呼吸新鲜空气,锻炼身体。












