

时间:2024-07-29 09:44:36 英语作文 我要投稿





  As known as we all,education is important in modern society.Everyone ought to be educated.So the teaching bee more and more necessary,expecially the college teaching.

  China,like many other countries in the world,adapts written or oral examination as the only way to measure a student's school work.It seems that the aim of school education is to achieve the temeness of students for society rather than to cultivate the unique minds for the individuals.But we must know,the school should to teaching the methods of learning,but not many formulas.

  Besides,most of school in china always think studying more important than other activities,which is a wrong view.Obviously,active participation in school activities can better our health as well as our study.Students need not only work hard on their studies,but also often join the school various activities.The most important is school should to make proper arrangements of physical recreation and intellectual activities to enrich the school life,improve the student's prehensive quality.





  Teachers and parents are working together to ensure the health and well-being of all children. Schools are really safe places for children to be, and they are the heart of the community. Let's make sure they stay that way.

  Fortunately, schools, parents, and communities are finding practical ways to provide children the safe and disciplined conditions they need and should expect to find in school, such as by promoting smaller schools, respectful communities, fair and rigorously enforced discipline codes, teacher training to deal with violence, school uniforms, and after-school programs that keep kids productive and off the streets.

  We must get violence out of our schools, and we must put discipline and learning back in them.


  As known as we all,education is important in modern society.Everyone ought to be educated.So the teaching bee more and more necessary,expecially the college teaching.

  China,like many other countries in the world,adapts written or oral examination as the only way to measure a student’s school work.It seems that the aim of school education is to achieve the temeness of students for society rather than to cultivate the unique minds for the individuals.

  But we must know,the school should to teaching the methods of learning,but not many formulas. Besides,most of school in china always think studying more important than other activities,which is a wrong view.Obviously,active participation in school activities can better our health as well as our study.Students need not only work hard on their studies,but also often join the school various activities.The most important is school should to make proper arrangements of physical recreation and intellectual activities to enrich the school life,improve the student’s prehensive quality.


  A Boom in Continuing Education

  From the graph , we can learn the number of the Continuing Education participation has kept increasing from 1992 to 20xx in X city. In 1992 there were only thirty thousand people taking part in the Continuing Education, but in 1995 the number grown to 60 thousand ,and in 20xx, one hundred and 40 , and by to 20xx, the number has reached two hundred and teen thousand . It can be seen easily that Continuing Education is gaining more and more popularity. the following reasons are responsible for this boom in Continuing Education.

  firstly, during the work many people begin to realize what they have learned in school is far from enough. so they turn to Continuing Education to gain more knowledge and skills. Moreover, as the science and technology in China are developing very fast, adults after graduation have to refresh themselves . In addition in modern society . though without Bachelor have been laid off. A less competitive .as far as I am concernd the Boom in Continuing Education is a necessity. Improvise those under job people with transcends to get advanced degrees and gain more knowledge.

  As our society is developing ,more and more people will receive Continuing Education in the future.






  Throughout the millennia, students of all ages in China have had to endure the miseries of learning by rote。 Teachers have stifled creativity in the pursuit of the accumulation of facts, and parents have forced children to spend mind-numbing hours cramming for exams。 But for the past year, the government has been experimenting with what could amount to revolutionary changes in China's classrooms。 The aim is to make education more pleasant, more useful and, above all, to challenge students to think for themselves。

  What has prompted the reforms is a belated recognition that China's education system is failing to produce enough innovative thinkers。 In addition, students are deeply unhappy。 A survey conducted by the Education Ministry five years ago found more than 80% of students disliked school。 Dropout rates have been rising in rural areas—partly for economic reasons but also because of the stultifying atmosphere of their classrooms。 Exam pressures frequently lead to 。 According to a survey last year among senior secondary-school students and university freshmen in one area, more than 50% had considered killing themselves。

  Several other countries in East Asia, including Japan, South Korea and , are grappling with similar problems。 But the implications of China's reform efforts are particularly profound。 China's traditional education methods are ideally suited to a political culture that requires citizens to submit blindly to authority。 By encouraging students to question their teachers and regard them as equals (even official literature now talks of fostering a “democratic” atmosphere in classrooms), China could be ushering in a new kind of relationship between the rulers and the ruled。

  The problem is making it work。 The government has set ambitious targets with few resources to ensure that the country's more than 10m primary- and secondary-school teachers acquire the skills and determination to change the habits of a lifetime。 The reforms started in September 20xx with about 420,000 primary- and junior secondary-school students (out of a national total of more than 215m) taking part in 38 experimental zones around the country。 In September this year, participation increased to 9。1m pupils in 572 zones。 These figures will double next year。 The Education Ministry's original idea had been to implement the reforms nationwide by 20xx。 But according to Liu Jian of the ministry's National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, employers from a variety of enterprises said they wanted a quicker timetable。 So now the target is 20xx。 In 20xx, similar experiments will start in secondary schools。


  College always is the dream of everybody. When children start to enter primary school, they were told to set up the goal to go university one day in the future. You can see how important university to people. But the current college enrollment systems only stick to one rule. That is granting the opportunity according to test scores once a year. If anyone fails in the exam and still wants to go to college, he has to study for a whole and the take part in the test. I think this system is not perfect. It still has many flaws.


  First of all, the system is not good for students’ mental health. Every student just has one chance per year after they have prepared for three years in school. It is too cruel for them. They may have some mental problems if they fail in the exam. Besides, we all know that time is precious. They can do many things in one year. But if they give up the opportunity to go to university after one failure, they will lose the chance to receive higher education.


  Secondly, the system is not good to pick up excellent students. As I have mentioned before, people treat this test so important. Some excellent students may drop, because of the excessive stress. Sometimes students can’t show their ability is very normal. After all, no one is perfect. Vice versa, some students who don’t perform well in usual may get a high score in the college entrance exam.


  To sum up, the college enrollment systems are not perfect. It needs to be improved. Maybe the testing way or times worth considering change.



  Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one's future success. Different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making success.

  Some people insist on that college education is essential to one's future success. It has a great influence on people's life, since most of knowledge and skills come from college education, and these are major important elements for success. But others think there are not relationship between college education and one's future success. Just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, they all have dropped out and got great achievement in the future. Moreover, some valuable experience can't be learned in college. Therefore, they argue that college education is essential to one's future success.

  Personally, college education is quite vital. It greatly determines one's future success.






  In China, children begin to go to school at the age of seven. It takes six years for them to finish primary school. In this stage, they are taught elementary knowledge in language and science, which lays the foundation for their further education.

  After primary school, they go to junior middle school without having to pass any exams. Education at this levol is compvlsory. It lasts for three years, during which the children learn basie Chinese English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

  When the junior middle school education comes to an end, the students are screened by exams in two ways. those who expect to go to college may choose to enter senior middle school and those who want to work attend professional schools, The senior middle school education takes 3 years and the professional school 2 to 3 years.

  The senior middle school graduates have to take competitive exams before they enter college. The college education lasts 4 to 6 years. For a bachelor degree, students take the four year course and pass the defense of thier theses. The master degree students have another two years of study and research work and are given their degree after the defense of their theses.

  Such is the education system in China.







  It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education.Nevertheless,it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school.The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.

  Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling.Education knows no bounds.It can take place anywhere,whether in the shower or on the job;whether in a kitchen or on a tractor.It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning.The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio,from a child to a distinguished scientist.Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.

  A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little he knows of other religions.People are engaged in education from infancy on.Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term.It is a lifelong process,a process that starts long before the start of school,and one that should be an integral part of ones entire life.Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process,whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next.

  Throughout a country,children arrive at school at approximately the same time,take assigned seats, are taught by an adult,use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on.The slices of reality that are to be learned,whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government,have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught.For example,high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with.There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.


  Children often say don't do this, don't do that, don't want to get into the business, into the organs do not want, do not want to do, don't think so, because it is afraid to lose one's vitality of life, often say "I don't look to death."After growing up, only to find that, in fact, stable life not so terrible, even seemingly immutable and frozen work, in fact, there are still a lot of different content; and the so-called new adventure and not so wonderful, the world outsideis always full of frustration, especially when the security is not sure, not everyone can live so freely, not liveseemingly smart people really are only and no trouble.Like Jenny, she saw the teacher life stagnant water, although after many hurdles graduated from Cambridge, was not just a teacher to do the boring life. But this kind of speculation is not justified, you walked into her, know that she has a warm nest, can play music to drink Coffee, such life is exactly what she wanted, she would feel boring? The so-called high society, beautiful dresses, exciting racing, charming reception, in fact, is just a blink of an eye, is notgood, but this is not necessarily true and lasting feeling. Why should we give up a mature and charming man and bring him a rich life and continuing knuckled down to study in Oxford? Before no one answer to Jenny. Is actually very simple, because the life after Jenny can have, she has plenty of time to make roaming among them, but this is an effort for institutions of higher learning passport, and all the resulting, academic, life, experience, but only the immediate time and opportunity, expired or not.Somebody puts forward, if David is not married, he seems not to imagine is a liar or a heinous villains, he is just an average a bit small middle-aged men, if not married, he is not necessarily a good companion, he has feelings forJenny, but the days with him also not bad. If the Jenny is Helen, then she will enjoy this life, also will be very happy.Unfortunately, Jenny is not Helen, she is a Jenny girl, independent thinking habits, like their sense of achievement,so a long time she will miss give up everything.Therefore, if there is really to Uncle interested in small Loli life, do not have to give them an exaggeration of moral standards, but they make clear, what is your heart really need.


  Introduction shows main idea

  Computers are now essential in many areas of life – modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for education. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

  Why computers do well, with examples

  There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced.

  What computers cannot be, with an example

  However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and then re-present important concepts in a different way so the student will understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with successfully.

  Conclusion re-states main ideas

  Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for practicing simple skills, they are not an essential feature of modern education, because they cannot monitor a students grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a students reasoning. Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher will remain indispensable.


  As known as we all,education is important in modern society.Everyone ought to be educated.So the teaching bee more and more necessary,expecially the college teaching.

  China,like many other countries in the world,adapts written or oral examination as the only way to measure a student’s school work.It seems that the aim of school education is to achieve the temeness of students for society rather than to cultivate the unique minds for the individuals.But we must know,the school should to teaching the methods of learning,but not many formulas. Besides,most of school in china always think studying more important than other activities,which is a wrong view.Obviously,active participation in school activities can better our health as well as our study.Students need not only work hard on their studies,but also often join the school various activities.The most important is school should to make proper arrangements of physical recreation and intellectual activities to enrich the school life,improve the student’s prehensive quality.






  Some people think that older school children should learn a wide range of subjects and develop knowledge. But other people think that they should only learn a small number of subjects in detail. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.








  In modern society, with the continuous increment of population, students, even for those young ones, face fierce competition. To help their kids earn a competitive edge among peers, some parents believe it’s better for the children to learn subjects related to various fields, while others hold that focusing on a few courses is the best solution. From my points of view, I lean towards the former.

  It is true that children will get more ideal grades when they merely focus on one subject or two. One’s energy is limited, and this is especially the case for young teenagers who cannot master so much knowledge both psychologically and intellectually.

  By contrast, if they allocate much time on single subject, such as academic ones like math and language, and aesthetic ones like dancing and painting, they will be very likely to get much better performance in that domain than others.

  This specialty can help them get enrolled in a good middle school in many cases. Furthermore, many educational practitioners argue that older school children are not suitable to learn so much academic curriculums including physics and chemistry mentally, as these content are too hard to be understood by kids at that young age.

  As result, for the sake of kids’ near future, they should mainly focus on a few subjects.

  However, the fallacy of the idea mentioned above is also obvious, and I believe school kids should try as many subjects as they can. Initially, no one, including the parents, could be completely certain about the talents hidden inside a child. Although the education only focusing on a few subjects is helpful for application to middle schools, this is definitely harmful to the discovery of the kid’s true talent, and could exert profound influence on the teenager in the long run. For another, as we all know, young teenagers are not so psychologically mature to concentrate themselves on one single subject for a relative long time as adults do.

  Forcing these youngsters on a sole subject not only leads to a decreased efficiency in learning, but also ends up with family conflict in many scenarios. By contrast, if children are allowed to learn as many subjects as they want, all these problems can be avoided from happening.

  Not only can children exploit their potentials in various spheres, they can also keep their mind sharp and learn the knowledge effectively.

  In conclusion, although making older school children focus only a few subjects is beneficial to their near academic career, I believe only a wide range of subjects could ensure a promising future for the students, as long as the subjects are carefully selected and are not too hard to be understood by them.


  The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. Any development in science and technology throughout the world is due to the development of education which brings up scientists and inventors. It is difficult to emphasize just how important the role of education is. There is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor.

  Education is also vital to the development of an individual. Of all elements of success in our careers none is more important than education. It is not genius but the knowledge that makes the difference between success and failure. In fact most of the famous people of our times spent many years studying. Can you name any great men you admire who are not well educated ?

  Some people, however, are still ignorant of the importance of education. Some parents, especially those in the countryside, think it unnecessary to send their children to school. Some parents have their children work for money at a very young age. In view of this, compulsory education must be enforced to see to it that every young people will be have the chance to receive adequate education.


  The stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market. The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time.

  In college education, we need to change our way of learning. In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us. Every thing they show us is correct. Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them. But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves. As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn.

  What’s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students’ way of thinking. Critical thinking is what the college students most need. They are adults and should make their own decision. It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need.

  The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills.










