
一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文

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一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文(精选17篇)

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一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文(精选17篇)

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 1

  A Good Librarian 一个好的图书管理员

  Theres a big library in our school. There re many different kinds of books in it. Miss Yang works there. She works hard.She is always very glad to see that we read newspapers and books in the reading room. But she is very strict with us. She always tells us to return the books on time. She is also very helpful.Once I wanted to borrow a book but forgot the name. I told Miss Yang the content of the book. A few days later, she helped me find it. I thanked her over and over.


  有一个大图书馆在我们的学校。 有许多不同的在它的书。 杨小姐工作得那里。 她努力工作。她总是非常高兴看我们在阅览室读报纸和书。 但是她是非常严密的与我们。 她总是告诉我们准时退回书。 她也是非常有用的`。一旦我想借用书,但是忘记了名字。 我告诉了杨小姐书的内容。 几天后,她帮助我发现它。 我多次感谢了她。

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 2

  School has started, and our class has established a book corner. Because our class subscribed to magazines such as We Love Science and Childrens Literature for over a thousand yuan last semester, the publishing house gave us many books as gifts.

  One day, the teacher said he wanted to choose a librarian. I really want to become an administrator for two reasons: firstly, as an administrator, I can read more books because I love reading too much; Secondly, with this official position, one can also serve everyone. God really deserves me. My classmates really chose me as a librarian, and so did Cheng Yifan and Zhang Zhanbo.

  When I got home, I asked my mom for a new notebook to keep track of my classmates borrowing books. In class, I also announced several regulations: firstly, when borrowing books, one must register their name, title, book price, and return time in the notebook; Secondly, we should cherish books; Thirdly, if a book is lost, compensation should be made at twenty times the original price.

  My classmates all love the book corner, so they often come to borrow books from us. Im so happy in my heart! My classmates and I often exchange reading materials together, and we have learned a lot of knowledge from books.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 3

  In the past, I used to fantasize about being a librarian, but today I worked as a librarian for two hours at Xinhua Bookstore. Although the time was short, I learned from it that being a librarian is not easy. Sometimes I organize the books on the bookshelf, and sometimes I introduce to others what category of books they are... I am very busy.

  Although busy, I enjoy it. When arranging books, it is common to see many customers randomly placing books on the shelves while reading. When I see this kind of thing, I have to walk over and put the book back in its original position. When telling the customer that the book must be put back in its original position, I hope to cooperate. After a while, someone will ask me where the book is? What area is the book in? At this point, I will take them to the location of the book they want to read until they are satisfied.

  In the blink of an eye, two busy hours have passed. Through todays practice, I have come to understand the difficulties of being a librarian; It made me realize the hardships of work; At the same time, understanding that parents work hard and earn money is not easy; You should also have good habits such as cherishing books, not making loud noises in public places, and reading more good books. And every time I help a reader find the book they want, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 4

  Today, Im going to be a librarian, this is my first time being one!

  I happily arrived at Taizhou Library and walked into the childrens borrowing room. There were many children and some parents inside, but it was quiet and almost silent. I first signed my name on the notebook in the management office, and then ran to the bookshelf to find the book in the wrong queue. I am like a sharp eyed police officer searching carefully. Ah ha, this Journey to the West is a Class I book, but it is secretly hidden in a Class K book. I am quick witted and quick witted, and quickly pulled it out and sent it to the correct location.

  Search and search, search and search, a book called "Fabres Insect Chronicles 9" jumped into my eyes. Isnt this the book I want to read? Ive read several other books in this series, but Im short of this one. Finally, I found it. Its really like "stepping through iron shoes to find nowhere, it wont take much effort to get it". Lets take a look first! As I was watching, the management aunt asked me to go to the comic book area to help. I quickly collected my good books and walked straight ahead. Today, I am here to manage the books, and I cannot forget my work tasks.

  Im so happy to have finished my afternoons work. Tomorrow, I have to be a librarian.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 5

  Books are one of the sources of knowledge, but with too many books, management can also be a hassle. We have many books in our home, and no matter who finishes reading them, they are always casually thrown away. The books are either lost or broken.

  Ive been thinking for a morning, and I thought to myself: why not open a library? Its settled like this. I am ready to start construction this afternoon. I put all the books on the bookshelf from big to small, and then write the numbers on the correction stickers I usually use, which I then paste in the upper right corner of the books one by one. After finishing these tasks, it took me 2 hours. My dad watched me work so hard and helped me prepare a book to borrow. I wrote all the book titles in the booklet. I didnt expect there to be so many tricks in organizing books.

  After finishing these, I became confused again. How can I borrow books? I suddenly remembered that when I used to go to the library, I had a library card, so I wrote down the title, borrower, recipient, date, and other items on every page of the book my dad gave me. So, the borrowing book is done!

  My library has finally opened. Not only have I solved the problem, but the whole familys interest in reading has also increased significantly. I cant help but admire myself.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 6

  Early this morning, I couldnt wait to come to the Red Childrens Bookstore at the Provincial Library to experience the feeling of being a librarian.

  Although its the weekend, there are still so many young readers coming to the bookstore to read! In the spacious and bright reading room, there are many young readers. They enter the vast books, like fish entering the sea, forgetting the passage of time. Seeing young readers freely swimming in the ocean of knowledge, my heart is as sweet as honey. A young reader jumped up and said to me, Little brother, do you have Digimon or Grimms Fairy Tales? No Digimon , but Grimms Fairy Tales. Do you want to read Snow White? It can be good. I enthusiastically recommended other books to him, and he borrowed them and left happily. Do you have "One Hundred Thousand Whys"? "I want to borrow" Three Hundred Tang Poems ". The children borrowed books one by one, and I warmly received them one by one, handling the borrowing procedures for them.

  The tense day passed quickly. Although I am tired today, I am still very happy to see the satisfied coming and going of young readers. Through a day of work experience, I realized that only by working hard can I achieve fruitful results.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 7

  Our class is going to establish a book corner, and our classmates have brought many books from home to put on our class bookshelf. With the efforts of our classmates, our small book corner has been built. In order to better manage our books and prevent their loss, teachers need to choose several librarians to manage our books. Our class monitor Yu Miao suggested to the teacher that the administrator should select two male students and two female students, and the teacher agreed to this suggestion.

  My classmates all wanted to become this administrator, and they all eagerly raised their hands. The teacher first selected two female classmates, and then pointed out my name and Haorans name. I was so excited in my heart! In my heart, I think: I can finally serve my classmates now. I must manage these books well, prevent them from being lost, and organize the shelves at any time to make our books more tidy.

  Since the teacher has chosen me as the administrator, I will definitely work hard and do my best to provide good service for my classmates!

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 8

  This summer, I actively registered to participate in the small librarian activity organized by Fujingyao Shared Bookstore. I and those big brothers and sisters come to the library early every day, sorting, categorizing, and organizing books by type, competing to see who can organize more and faster. If I see a child jumping and jumping around upstairs, I will promptly come forward to stop them: this is not right, what if they fall down. After the experience, my friends and I wrote down our experiences on paper, and we all received honor certificates and rewards from the bookstore.

  Through this experience activity of a small librarian position, I have experienced the hardships of daily work as a librarian and further learned the basic work of library management. At the same time, I also learned a lot of knowledge and developed good reading habits. Whatever you take, you should put it back there.

  Good habits have earned me praise from my parents at home, and I will definitely continue to maintain them!

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 9

  This summer, I participated in a practical activity as a small librarian at Cixi Bookstore.

  We first sat in the reception room and listened to the staff of the bookstore explain the history and development of Cixi Bookstore. We also learned how to borrow books online, and then the staff taught us how to pack the books. Packing is really a technical job. With the help of the administrator uncle, I finally put in a lot of effort to pack a thick stack of books.

  Finally, we also went to the store to organize the books. I focused on organizing each book, constantly shuttling back and forth between the shelves. Oh my! Who did this? I thought to myself. I stopped in front of a comic book shelf, and all the books on the shelf were crooked and messy. Without saying a word, I quickly reached out and started organizing the books. In a moment, the bookshelf was neatly arranged and refreshed by me.

  Through this practical activity, I have experienced the hard work of a librarian, so I must be a civilized little reader, and I also hope that everyone can read in a civilized way, creating a beautiful reading environment for themselves and others.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 10

  Today, my classmates and I made an appointment to come to Xuchang Bookstore and become a little librarian. We arrived at the bookstore and our mentor led us to the book area. First, teach us how to categorize books and then arrange them neatly in sequence.

  This job may seem simple, but it is very difficult. I will first inspect the bookshelves in this area to see if there are any fallen, misplaced, or randomly ed books, and then arrange them neatly. Just as I finished organizing this section, an aunt called me over and asked me to put the newly added batch of books on the bookshelf. I pulled a trailer filled with books to the bookshelf and spent a long time organizing them. Looking at the neatly arranged books, my heart was filled with happiness, like eating honey. But as soon as I turned around, I found many readers flipping through the bookshelf. In the blink of an eye, they had messed up the books I had just arranged, and they were all twisted and unrecognizable. It was really frustrating! I dont cherish the fruits of others labor at all, so I have to reorganize again. After half a day, running around exhausted.

  Unconsciously, it was time to finish work. I looked at the neatly arranged bookshelves and left the bookstore with reluctance.

  Through this incident, I learned about the hardships of my parents work. Understood, beautiful things need to be protected together by everyone.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 11

  Wow! "We arrived at a brightly lit, quiet, and beautiful place - Heheshu Bar.

  Classmates, first of all, you need to tidy up the books on the bookshelf before you can read them. Do you hear me? "The teacher reminded us at the entrance of the Hehe Book Bar, and we answered in unison," I heard you! "After that, we walked into the book bar. The teacher asked each of us to find a bookshelf to organize. So I found a bookshelf with many childrens stories and started organizing them. The bookshelf has four layers in total. I first sorted out the bottom layer because it was very low, so I found a book and placed it on the ground, kneeling on top as if begging for mercy. That book seems to have life, saying, Hey! Who are you? Youre holding me down, do you know how painful it is! I never expected this. At the time, I thought this: books cant have life. When the first layer is sorted out, Ill put that book back, and it seems like it took a breath again. I organized the second layer, which was half squatting, which was very difficult, like squatting on the playground during physical education class. Organizing the third layer is the easiest, as long as I stand, that layer is about my height. On the fourth level, I tiptoed to tidy it up. Other classmates are still organizing their books, some are kneeling, some are sitting on the ground, some are tiptoeing

  After a while, I started reading.

  Teachers comment: Hehe Bookstore does not have a dedicated librarian. We hope that everyone can organize the books on the bookshelf when reading inside. Why not do it with a little effort?

  Line after line of bookshelves, just like the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 12

  The person I admire the most is the librarian who works in the library corner of our class. They sacrifice their after-school time every day to maintain our order. His silent gestures remind us, and we understand: we are serving, please cooperate.

  After class, I always borrow a book. But whenever I flip through books without any discipline, the librarian will cross my waist with both hands, stare at me like cannon balls, come over angrily, and shout, "Dont flip around. This is the result of our hard work and sweat. You have to know, without rules, you cant be square. A class without discipline, whats the point?" I immediately panicked like a mouse seeing a cat and ran away. From then on, I dare not make the same low-level mistake again.

  Once, a book fascinated me, so I wanted to build a good relationship with the librarian and let him go of me. So I asked him and coquettishly said to him, Can I bring the book home? The librarian immediately interrogated the prisoner like Bao Heizi. He shouted at me, You want to bring the book home, what if you lose it? What should I do? He patted the bookshelf and said, Exit the room.. Tears welled up in my eyes as the librarian underwent a 360 degree transformation, coaxing me and saying kind words such as borrow and pay back, its only natural! I couldnt bear the constant noise. When I left, I scratched my head and couldnt figure it out.

  The librarian is someone I admire, a strange person who leaves my father-in-law and monk at a loss.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 13

  On April 25th, I participated in an activity organized by a young journalist to become a librarian.

  In the morning, we arrived at the entrance of Xinhua Bookstore at the agreed time. The activity started, and the teacher divided us into three teams. The first team went upstairs to learn how to organize books, the second team went to the square for interviews, and the third team sold books at the entrance, rotating every half hour.

  I was placed in the third queue, selling books at the entrance. The teacher said, If no one is buying, you can read first. I was extremely happy and sold books while reading. Hard work pays off to those who are determined. There are indeed people who come to me to ask questions. When they see guests flipping through "Dream of the Red Chamber", fortunately I have read this book and quickly introduced it to them. Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed. We become the first team and go upstairs to work as librarians. The teacher said, "Your job is to organize a type of book together for easy searching." So, upon closer inspection, I realized that this job is not easy. In the future, after reading books in the library, I will definitely put them back in their original positions and not let the administrator bother organizing them. Soon, it was our turn to go to the square for an interview. The teacher divided us into four groups to interview passersby about what kind of books they like to read. Some of them love reading novels, while others love reading essays. I want to say, "I like reading childrens literature classics

  In this event, I experienced the work of the library and deeply appreciated the hard work of the administrators.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 14

  On Tuesday, Teacher Zhou proposed organizing a book corner in our class to allow students to learn more knowledge, but they also need to contribute one or two extracurricular books they like.

  Teacher Zhou suggested that class monitor Li Sijing choose students who are trustworthy, responsible, and passionate about reading to serve as librarians. I thought to myself: If only I could be chosen! The class monitor looked around and everyone raised their hands, hoping that she could choose herself. Li Sijing finally turned her gaze to me, and indeed, class monitor Li Sijing chose me! I was very excited at that time.

  The next day, my classmates handed over their beloved books to me one by one. I followed the teachers requirements and registered their books one by one.

  At noon that day, someone came to borrow books to read. I registered the book name they selected on the borrowing form and recorded the borrowers name and borrowing date, thus completing the borrowing procedure. The student who received the book immediately held it in their arms and sat down, looking at it with relish.

  At this moment, the Book Corner has become a scene in our class! Sometimes even classmates from other classes want to borrow books from me. I feel that this may help students develop good reading habits and further deepen friendships between students.

  I am honored to contribute to the class; At the same time, I can also learn new knowledge from it. Being a good librarian, although its tiring, Im very happy!

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 15

  Today, I went to the library with excitement to work as a little librarian.

  Arriving at the library, I saw a plaque next to the entrance with the words "Haimen City Library" written in large black letters. They seemed to be calling out to me, "Hurry up, hurry up, Im waiting for you

  I quickly walked into the library and found Aunt Zheng, who my mother had contacted me. After explaining the situation to her, Aunt Zheng led me to the painting area and instructed me to tidy up the books here and place them in order on the corresponding bookshelves. I looked at the messy picture books on the bookshelf and my head suddenly grew bigger. I really dont know where to start. My mother watched me helplessly and gave me advice: first, take down half of the books, and then organize and place them according to the numbers on the books. After listening to my mothers advice, I felt that there was some truth to it, so I immediately started organizing the books according to this method. In no time, I sorted out a small row of books on the bookshelf. Watching them standing neatly on the bookshelf, like soldiers waiting for inspection, I breathed a sigh of relief and thought to myself: Moms method is really good!

  Time passed by minute by minute, and with my efforts, the books on the shelves finally became neat and orderly again. Aunt Zheng beside me gave me a thumbs up with satisfaction, and my heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

  Although I have put in a lot of hard work and sweat today, I have also gained the joy of labor. This is truly a rare and unforgettable experience!

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 16

  I really enjoy reading books, especially "Mi Xiaoquan Goes to School", "One Hundred Thousand Whys", "Chinese Treasure Hunt", "Little Bean by the Window", "Magical School Bus", etc. However, after entering third grade, my mother was afraid that my reading would affect my studies and bought fewer books. I want to read a lot of books, and today I want to become a librarian.

  As a librarian, I can read a lot of books in the library, such as comic books, storybooks, science fiction books, etc. I can know where there are the most and largest fish in the ocean, what is outside the solar system, what is inside the Earth, whether aliens will come to find me, I can also know what ancient people liked to eat, what clothes they wore, what games ancient children played, and I can also know what future airplanes and cars look like, how fast they can drive, and whether they can change as I please like a "magical school bus". I will know a lot more, its so happy. As a librarian, I will also think of happy things in books and laugh out loud; Thinking of sad things, tears flow down my face.

  Of course, as a librarian, I also want all the children to come to the library to read books, increase their knowledge together, and exchange fun things in the books happily. As a librarian, every child comes to me to borrow and return books, and I am also proud to serve everyone well.

  一个好的图书管理员A Good Librarian 英语作文 17

  In June of this year, I became a librarian.

  On June 3rd, I woke up early, put on my clothes, and set off. As I arrived too early, the library had not yet opened. I patiently waited. In no time, the store managers aunt arrived. She saw that I came so early and smiled at me, saying, "Youve been working hard so early!" "Its okay!" I walked into the bookstore and stared at the densely packed books in a daze. After a while, I came back to my senses and said, "Auntie, can I read these books?" "Of course!" I jumped three feet high with joy. So I stayed in the world of books, and soon after, a big sister who was about 20 years old came in. I saw her and said to her, "Sister, you must be a super invincible book fan. We have a lot of books, they are very good, and we guarantee your satisfaction!" The big sister was very happy and bought many books. The store manager praised me for being really good, and I was delighted to hear it. Then, many older brothers and sisters came to buy books because I am good at speaking and have sold a lot of books.

  In the blink of an eye, the day quietly slipped away. It was 5 oclock and the store manager and aunt were about to close. At this moment, I reluctantly left.

  Today, I personally experienced the feeling of being a librarian. Although it was tiring, I was very happy.

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