
College Entrance Examination英语作文

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College Entrance Examination英语作文(通用17篇)

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College Entrance Examination英语作文(通用17篇)

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 1

  The College Entrance Examination, or commonly known as Gaokao, is an academic examination held annually in the mainland of our country. This examination is a prerequisite for entrance into almost all higher education institutions at the undergraduate level. It is usually taken by students in their last year of senior school, although there have been no age restrictions since 2001.


  College Entrance Examination is one of the biggest events in China, because it may change millions of students and families lives. The number of participants reached its peak to 10.5 millions in 2008 and this year, the numbers drop to 9.15 millions. Study abroad and employment pressure are the two main reasons of the decrease. In China, there are hot discussions about this exam. People think that its unfair to determine ones faith just by an exam, while others think that under the current circumstance, there are no other better ways. After year after years try, some universities and colleges find more ways to recruit, and independent recruitment is the most popular. However, no matter how it will change in the future,workinghard is the key to get success in study.


  College Entrance Examination英语作文 2

  The college entrance exam is a big exam for students, they have learned so many years for the purpose of entering the college。

  For most person, they have the very deep impression about the big exam, it has changes so many people’s destinies。 I had taken part in the exam, I remember it clearly, the situation just like happened yesterday。 I studied so hard, in those days that were nearing the exam, all the students focus their attention on the study, we fought together。 The paper and the books were piled up our desks, when I entered the classroom, I hardly could see my classmates’ heads。 Though it was the tough days for us, we felt happy, because we fought for our future, we believe what we do will bring us a promising future。

  These memories will linger on my mind forever。




  College Entrance Examination英语作文 3

  《The College Entrance Examination》

  The college entrance examination, also known as the "gaokao" in China, is an extremely significant event for high school students. It is a crucial gateway that determines their future academic and career paths.

  The preparation for the college entrance examination is a long and arduous process. Students spend countless hours studying various subjects, such as mathematics, Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, and biology. They attend numerous classes, do piles of homework, and take part in countless mock tests. The pressure is immense, but they persevere with determination and hard work.

  On the day of the examination, the atmosphere is tense and solemn. Students enter the examination rooms with nervousness and anticipation. Every question they answer could potentially shape their destiny.

  The college entrance examination is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of mental strength and perseverance. It requires students to stay calm and focused under great pressure.

  For many students, getting a good score in the college entrance examination means the opportunity to enter a prestigious university and pursue their dream major. It opens the door to a brighter future and more possibilities.

  However, its important to note that while the college entrance examination is important, its not the only path to success. There are many alternative ways to achieve ones goals and fulfill ones dreams.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 4

  The university entrance examination is a milestone in the lives of countless students. It is a highly competitive and challenging assessment that holds significant weight in determining a students educational and professional trajectory.

  This examination demands comprehensive knowledge and skills across multiple subjects. It forces students to have a deep understanding of fundamental concepts and the ability to apply that knowledge in various contexts.

  The results of the university entrance examination can have a profound impact on a students options for higher education. A high score can lead to admission into top universities with excellent resources and reputations, while a lower score might limit the choices available.

  For instance, a student who achieves an outstanding score might be admitted to a renowned university with a strong program in a field they are passionate about, such as computer science or medicine. This could provide them with access to cutting-edge research, experienced faculty, and valuable networking opportunities.

  On the contrary, a student with a relatively lower score might have to compromise on their preferred major or university.

  Despite its importance, it is not the sole determinant of a persons success in life. Many individuals have achieved great accomplishments through alternative routes and continuous self-improvement after facing setbacks in the university entrance examination.

  In conclusion, the university entrance examination is a significant event, but it should not define a students entire future. It is merely one step on the long journey of learning and growth.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 5

  《The College Entrance Examination》

  The college entrance examination, also known as the "Gaokao" in China, is an event of paramount significance for millions of students every year. It is not merely a test but a life-defining moment that holds the key to future opportunities and dreams.

  The Gaokao is highly competitive and demanding. Students spend years preparing for this crucial exam, devoting countless hours to studying various subjects such as mathematics, Chinese, English, and sciences. The pressure they face is immense, as the results of the exam largely determine which university they can enter and, consequently, the course of their future careers.

  For many, the Gaokao represents the gateway to prestigious universities and promising academic programs. A good score can open doors to top institutions, providing access to excellent educational resources, renowned professors, and a stimulating academic environment. However, the process is not without challenges. The stress and anxiety associated with the exam can take a toll on students mental and physical health.

  To illustrate, consider the story of Li Hua. He was an average student but worked extremely hard in the lead-up to the Gaokao. Despite facing numerous setbacks and difficulties, he remained focused and determined. Finally, his efforts paid off, and he achieved a score that allowed him to enter his dream university.

  In conclusion, the college entrance examination is a vital and challenging milestone in the lives of Chinese students. It demands hard work, perseverance, and a strong spirit to overcome the odds and pursue a brighter future.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 6

  The university entrance examination, or the Gaokao in China, is a crucial event that shapes the lives of countless students. It serves as a critical juncture that determines the educational and career paths of young individuals.

  This examination is highly comprehensive, covering a wide range of subjects and demanding in-depth knowledge and skills. Students undergo intense preparations, often sacrificing their leisure time and social activities to ensure they are well-prepared. The competition is fierce, as a high score can lead to admission to prestigious universities and preferred majors.

  For instance, Zhang Mei, from a small town, aimed to study at a top university in a big city. She spent every waking moment studying, and her dedication paid off when she achieved an outstanding score in the Gaokao, enabling her to fulfill her aspiration.

  The Gaokao not only assesses students academic proficiency but also tests their ability to handle pressure and perform under stressful conditions. It is a test of both knowledge and mental resilience.

  In summary, the university entrance examination is a significant benchmark that influences the future of students, motivating them to strive for excellence and pursue their academic and career goals.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 7

  The College Entrance Examination, also known as the Gaokao in China, is a highly significant event that plays a crucial role in the lives of millions of students. It is not merely an exam but a life-changing milestone.

  The Gaokao is extremely competitive. Students spend years preparing for this one-day test, sacrificing their leisure time and devoting themselves to intense study. They attend numerous extra classes, do piles of exercises, and undergo countless mock exams. The pressure is immense, but the motivation to enter a prestigious university drives them forward.

  For many, the Gaokao determines their future educational opportunities and career paths. A good score can open the door to top universities, providing access to excellent resources and a better learning environment. It can also increase the chances of landing a desirable job in the future.

  However, the Gaokao is not the only measure of a students ability and potential. Some students may not perform well on this particular exam but excel in other aspects such as creativity, practical skills, or leadership. Therefore, it is important to have a diverse and comprehensive evaluation system to discover and cultivate talents in various fields.

  In conclusion, the College Entrance Examination is a challenging yet important journey for students. It requires hard work, determination, and a balanced perspective. Whether one succeeds or faces setbacks in the Gaokao, it should be seen as a stepping stone towards growth and development.

  Example 1: Imagine a student named Li Hua who has always dreamed of studying computer science at a top university. He spends countless hours every day studying and practicing math and science problems to prepare for the Gaokao. Finally, his efforts pay off and he achieves a high score, allowing him to enter his dream university and pursue his passion.

  Example 2: On the contrary, Zhang Mei might have faced difficulties during the Gaokao and didnt get the score she hoped for. But she didnt give up. Instead, she chose to study at a less prestigious university and worked hard to develop her practical skills and interpersonal abilities. Eventually, she found a successful career path that suited her talents.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 8

  The college entrance examination is one of the most significant events in a students life in China. It takes place every year and determines the future path of countless students.

  The significance of the college entrance examination cannot be overstated. It is a fair and objective evaluation system that provides an opportunity for students to enter higher education institutions and pursue their dreams. For many, it is a gateway to a better future, offering the chance to study at prestigious universities and acquire knowledge and skills that will shape their careers.

  The preparation for the exam is a long and arduous process. Students spend years studying hard, attending countless classes, and doing piles of homework and practice tests. The pressure is immense, but it also nurtures their perseverance and determination.

  However, the college entrance examination is not the only measure of a students ability and potential. Other qualities such as creativity, critical thinking, and social skills are also crucial for success in life. Therefore, while emphasizing the importance of the exam, we should also encourage students to develop a comprehensive set of skills and qualities.

  For example, some students may perform poorly in the exam but excel in practical skills or have unique talents in art, music, or sports. These students should also be given the opportunity to shine and pursue their passions.

  In conclusion, the college entrance examination is an important milestone but not the sole determinant of a students future. It is essential to strike a balance and provide diverse paths for students to achieve their goals and fulfill their potential.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 9

  The college entrance examination, also known as the gaokao in China, is an event of paramount significance for millions of students every year. It is a highly competitive and stressful test that determines the future paths of countless young individuals.

  The preparation for the college entrance examination is a long and arduous journey. Students spend countless hours studying various subjects, attending extra classes, and doing piles of practice papers. They bear great pressure to perform well and secure admission to a prestigious university.

  The exam itself is a crucial moment. Every question counts, and every point earned can make a significant difference in the final outcome. It not only tests students knowledge and skills but also their ability to handle pressure and time management.

  However, the college entrance examination is not just about getting high scores. It is a platform for students to showcase their hard work and potential over the years. It opens the door to higher education, providing opportunities for personal growth and development.

  For example, a student who achieves excellent results in the exam may be admitted to a top university and have access to advanced teaching resources and research opportunities. On the contrary, those who do not perform as well may need to seek other paths or make more efforts to reach their goals.

  In conclusion, the college entrance examination is a challenging but crucial milestone in a students life. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a positive attitude to overcome the difficulties and embrace the opportunities it brings.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 10

  The university entrance examination is a major event that holds immense importance in the lives of students. It is a make-or-break moment that can shape their entire future.

  This examination demands extensive knowledge across multiple subjects, including mathematics, language, science, and humanities. Students have to master complex concepts and theories, and be able to apply them effectively within the limited exam time.

  The stress and anxiety associated with the university entrance examination are palpable. The fear of not meeting expectations, disappointing parents, and missing out on preferred universities weigh heavily on the minds of students.

  Nevertheless, it also brings out the best in many. It instills discipline, determination, and the ability to focus under pressure. For instance, some students develop excellent study habits and time management skills during their preparation, which will benefit them throughout their lives.

  The outcome of the university entrance examination is not the sole determinant of success. It is merely a stepping stone. Even if one doesnt perform as well as hoped, there are always alternative routes and opportunities to pursue ones dreams.

  In a nutshell, the university entrance examination is both a challenging test and a valuable learning experience that helps students grow and prepare for the future.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 11

  The college entrance examination, also known as the Gaokao in China, is an extremely significant event for high school students. It is a crucial turning point that determines their future educational and career paths.

  The Gaokao is highly competitive and demanding. Students spend years preparing for this one exam, often sacrificing their leisure time and undergoing intense study schedules. They face immense pressure to perform well, as the results have a direct impact on the universities they can enter and the majors they can choose.

  For many, the Gaokao is a symbol of hope and opportunity. It provides a chance to access higher education and pursue their dreams. A good score can open the door to prestigious universities and promising careers. However, the stress and anxiety associated with it can also take a toll on students mental health.

  Take my friend Li Ming as an example. He devoted all his time and energy to studying for the Gaokao. He woke up early and stayed up late every day, constantly reviewing and practicing. Finally, his efforts paid off and he was admitted to a top university.

  In conclusion, the college entrance examination is both a challenging and important milestone in a students life. It requires hard work, determination, and a balance between academic pursuit and mental well-being.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 12

  The university entrance examination is a momentous event that holds great significance in the lives of countless students. It serves as a gateway to higher education and plays a pivotal role in shaping their future.

  This examination is not merely a test of knowledge but also a test of perseverance and adaptability. Students need to master a vast amount of information from various subjects and be able to apply it effectively under time constraints.

  The results of the university entrance examination have a profound influence on students choices of universities and majors. A high score can lead to admission to renowned institutions with excellent resources and opportunities. For instance, Zhang Hua, with his outstanding performance in the exam, was accepted by a prestigious university and is now pursuing a major he is passionate about.

  However, its important to note that while the university entrance examination is important, it is not the sole determinant of ones success. Many successful individuals have achieved great things despite not performing exceptionally well in this exam. Its the combination of determination, continuous learning, and diverse skills that contribute to long-term success.

  In summary, the university entrance examination is a significant but not the only defining factor in a students journey towards a successful future.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 13

  The College Entrance Examination, often referred to as the Gaokao in China, is a highly significant event that shapes the future of millions of students every year. It is not merely a test but a life-defining moment.

  The Gaokao is an extremely competitive and challenging examination. Students spend years preparing for this crucial event. They endure long hours of study, countless practice tests, and immense pressure. The stress is palpable as the results of this exam largely determine which university they will be admitted to and, consequently, the direction of their future careers.

  For example, a student who achieves a high score may have the opportunity to enter a prestigious university with excellent academic resources and a wide range of opportunities. This could lead them to pursue a successful career in fields such as medicine, engineering, or law. On the other hand, those who do not perform as well might face more limited choices and have to work harder to achieve their goals later on.

  However, the Gaokao is not the only measure of a students potential and abilities. It is important to recognize that there are diverse paths to success. Some students might excel in creative or practical fields that are not fully reflected in the exam results.

  In conclusion, while the College Entrance Examination is of great importance, it should not be the sole determinant of a students worth or future. It is a stepping stone, but not the end-all-be-all. Students should strive their best but also keep in mind that there are always alternative routes to achieving their dreams.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 14

  The college entrance examination, also known as the "gaokao" in China, is an extremely important event for high school students. It is a crucial turning point that determines their future educational and career paths.

  The significance of the college entrance examination cannot be overstated. It is a highly competitive and stressful process. Students spend years preparing for this one exam, investing countless hours in studying various subjects such as mathematics, Chinese, English, and sciences. The pressure they face is immense, as the results of this exam have a significant impact on which university they can enter and the major they can pursue.

  For many students, getting a high score in the college entrance examination means accessing top universities with better resources and educational opportunities. It opens the door to prestigious institutions and specialized fields that can lead to promising careers. However, the exam is not just about academic knowledge. It also tests students perseverance, time management skills, and ability to handle pressure.

  Take Li Ming as an example. He worked diligently for three years, sacrificing his leisure time and extracurricular activities. With determination and focus, he finally achieved an excellent score and was admitted to his dream university. On the contrary, Wang Hua was too nervous during the exam and couldnt perform to his full potential, resulting in a less satisfactory outcome.

  In conclusion, the college entrance examination is a significant milestone in a students life. It demands hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. Success in this exam can bring about bright prospects, but even if the outcome is not as expected, it should not define a students entire future. There are always alternative paths and opportunities for growth and success.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 15

  The university entrance examination is a major event that holds great significance in the lives of students. It is a gateway to higher education and a stepping stone towards achieving ones dreams.

  This examination is not only a test of academic proficiency but also a measure of a students determination and resilience. The extensive syllabus and high expectations put students under a lot of pressure. They have to master multiple subjects, including literature, science, and languages.

  For instance, Mary spent every day studying until late at night, constantly reviewing and practicing to ensure she was well-prepared. Her efforts paid off when she received an outstanding score and was accepted into a renowned university.

  However, the university entrance examination is not the only indicator of a persons potential. Some students may not perform well on the day due to various reasons but still go on to succeed in their chosen fields through hard work and determination.

  In todays society, while a good score in the examination can provide more options, it is not the sole determinant of a persons success. Skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and communication are equally important.

  In summary, the university entrance examination is a challenging but important journey for students. It requires dedication and effort, but it should also be seen as one of many opportunities in life to pursue knowledge and growth.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 16

  The College Entrance Examination, also known as the Gaokao in China, is an extremely significant event for high school students. It is not just an exam; it is a life-changing opportunity that determines the future direction of countless young people.

  The Gaokao is highly competitive and stressful. Students spend years preparing for this crucial moment. They attend numerous classes, do piles of homework, and take countless mock tests. The pressure can be overwhelming, but the hope of getting into a good university drives them forward.

  This examination is considered fair as it provides an equal platform for all students, regardless of their background. It is a chance for those from humble beginnings to change their destiny through hard work and knowledge.

  For example, a student from a rural area with limited resources can, through excellent performance in the Gaokao, gain admission to a prestigious university in a big city and open up a world of possibilities.

  However, the Gaokao is not without its challenges. Some students may become overly stressed and suffer from mental health issues. There is also the risk of focusing too much on exam results and neglecting the development of other important skills and qualities.

  In conclusion, the College Entrance Examination is a double-edged sword. It offers hope and opportunities but also brings pressure and challenges. Students should approach it with a positive attitude and a balanced perspective, knowing that it is just one step in their long journey of life.

  College Entrance Examination英语作文 17

  The College Entrance Examination is a major milestone in the lives of Chinese students. It is a rigorous and comprehensive assessment that holds the key to higher education and future career prospects.

  The exam requires students to demonstrate a mastery of various subjects, including mathematics, language, science, and social studies. This comprehensive testing ensures that students have a solid foundation of knowledge and the ability to think critically and analytically.

  One of the significant benefits of the Gaokao is that it allows students to enter prestigious universities based on their academic performance. These universities offer better educational resources, experienced faculty, and a stimulating learning environment. For instance, getting into a top university like Peking University or Tsinghua University can provide students with access to advanced research facilities and excellent internship opportunities.

  Moreover, the Gaokao promotes a sense of competition and encourages students to strive for excellence. It instills discipline, time management skills, and the ability to handle pressure, which are all valuable qualities in the future.

  On the other hand, the intense focus on the Gaokao can sometimes lead to a narrow approach to education. Students might prioritize rote learning over creativity and practical skills. To address this, educational reforms are constantly being implemented to strike a better balance.

  In summary, the College Entrance Examination plays a crucial role in shaping the educational and career paths of students. While it has its pros and cons, it remains an important mechanism for selecting and nurturing talent in China.

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