

时间:2022-07-20 12:12:35 英语作文 我要投稿
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  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇1

  I have many bad habits, but there is one always makes me upset.

  I like nodding off in class. Nearly everyone will have this bad habit in summer. But I will nod off in every class and every season. Usually, I will nod off when the class begins about ten minutes. I hate this. I have tried my best to correct it. But I failed in the end.

  This habit troubles me lot.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇2

  No one is perfect, everyone has bad habits in daily life, and I am no exception.

  I have this bad habit in the first grade. When I was in class, the teacher seemed to be singing a lullaby, which made me fall asleep without knowing it.

  Once I fell asleep in class, so the teacher picked up a piece of chalk and threw it on my face. I was awakened. Who threw me? Seeing the expression on the teacher's face, I seemed to understand everything in an instant.

  This bad problem of mine has been haunting me all the time. Finally, my head teacher thought of a perfect way: to use the "good" method to cure this bad problem, as long as I do not sleep in class, the teacher will write me a "good" word, there are 30 "good" words , You can get the same thing you want. Later I got rid of this bad problem.

  But the good times didn't last long. In the fourth grade, we changed to a head teacher. My problem reappeared. I think I have to find a way to get rid of it.

  Everyone has a bad habit. If you don’t change it, the consequences will be disastrous, and you will achieve nothing in the future.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇3

  I have many bad habits. Among them, the one I want to get rid of most is watching TV. My mother often talks about me, but I just can’t get rid of it.

  I remember one day at noon, as soon as school was over, I rushed home carrying my schoolbag. My mother saw me and asked, "Do you want to watch TV again when you run home so fast?" I embarrassedly said, "Mom, I beg you, let me watch TV for a while, please!" In this way, my mother let me watch TV for a while at my begging. At this time, my mother said to me: "It’s not impossible to watch TV properly, but watching TV is not good for your eyes, and watching TV for a long time will also It affects learning." But every time my mother said it, I immediately forgot.

  I remember one time when I watched TV very late, and as a result, I was late for school the next morning. The classmates were listening to the lectures and learning knowledge, but I did not learn a lot of knowledge because of watching TV. It really shouldn’t be. I recalled what my mother said, and determined to watch TV moderately, so as not to affect my study. I really want to get rid of my bad habits! Let’s start now!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇4

  I don’t know how many times my mother said it, so that I can get rid of the bad habit of being playful.

  Normally, when I do my homework, I always put all the toys from my childhood on the desk. When I write two characters, I will reach out to touch the puppy, write two more characters, and tap the baby elephant again. Time passed by, and the sleepy bug had crawled on my eyelids at some point. I opened my eyes and saw that it was not too early, so I repeated the red cross on most of the homework which was sentenced to "death penalty".

  For this, my parents blamed me, and the teacher criticized me. I regretted it very much. I thought to myself: I must not be playful tonight. After going home from school in the afternoon, I opened the book and repeatedly warned myself: I must concentrate. I wrote 30 words in one breath, but somehow, I couldn't help but stared at the little porcelain monkey. It's strange how the little monkey kept smiling at me today, and I curiously smiled "hehe" into its mischievous eyes. Yeah! No, that little monkey seemed to be laughing at me: no perseverance, no ambition. I suddenly looked up, and saw the clock hand of the alarm clock go a long way mercilessly. The bad habit of playfulness prevents me from writing homework well and failing to improve my grades. I resent it and hate it, and I am determined to change it. Start tomorrow, no, start today, start now...

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇5

  I have many bad habits, and the one that gives me the most headache is being easily distracted.

  When I was in school, I was easily distracted. The teachers were giving lectures, and I was listening very carefully at first, but later, I thought those were too simple and I would definitely understand them. I don’t know where my heart is flying, thinking about the TV series I watched yesterday and the songs that my classmates listened to me on the weekend. The singer sang very well. I will listen to it again when I go back. The plot of the TV series is great. Next Secondly, I will tell my classmates... When I get back to my senses, the teacher has already talked about the next point of knowledge. That's it! I didn't understand it before! This time I panic, thinking I must listen carefully this time! But my head can't help thinking about other things, and the bad habit of being distracted in class can't be changed.

  Not only do I get distracted during class at school, but I also often get distracted while doing homework at home. Once, my mother was going out. Before she left, she told me to write all the homework before she came back. This is what I thought in my heart. I wanted to finish my homework today and have fun tomorrow. I was writing very seriously, but after finishing the two homework, I thought that the TV series I watched yesterday hadn't been finished yet, or else I would finish reading the homework first? I slowly turned on the computer, and who knows, I was fascinated at the first glance. I don't know when it was until I thought of going to do my homework. It was already too late, and my mother had already come up the stairs. I was scolded by my mother!

  Someone once said: Habits develop character, character determines fate. I must try my best to get rid of this bad habit that makes me headache!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇6

  Everyone has bad habits and good advantages, because no one in the world is perfect. And when I was a child, I always cried and made noises when I went to school, which made my family very worried; sometimes I also have a big mouth, which bothers some people; sometimes I get bored and want to tease others, but it hurts others. I am not happy at all for hurting myself, but even more sad.

  Starting today, I want to finish today’s things today, because I feel that every time the school principal comes to the classroom to teach me, it makes me a little bit embarrassed, but it makes me a man of the school; and I sometimes have a big mouth, It always hurts a lot of people, is not very happy, and will be scolded by the teacher, and it is not reaped. Originally, I just wanted to make everyone laugh, but the person who was killed by me felt very sad and made me regret it.

  If everyone is willing to give me a chance, I will take good care of it and not let everyone down. Starting from every day, I will help everyone every day and get everyone’s affirmation.

  And if I can change successfully, my friends will definitely become more, and the teachers will like me more, be more sure of me, and make my life more colorful!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇7

  I am a girl who is loved by my parents. My parents hold me in their palms and obey my demands. This kind of indulgence gave me many bad habits!

  Mom, bring me clothes; Mom, bring me schoolbags; Mom, serve me meals... These mantras often appear on me. I tried to get rid of these bad habits, but I couldn't get rid of it!

  The bad habit has not been changed, and even worse bad habits have developed. My temper is getting longer, and I often yell at my parents, which makes my parents very sad!

  Everything comes from the doting of mom and dad. I used to be an obedient child, but under the doting of my parents and under the pressure of studying in junior high school, I often confronted my parents with my parents. The bad habits intensified and I couldn't control my emotions!

  I calm down and think about it, I can’t do this anymore, it’s not easy for mom and dad, I can’t grow up and grow up. From now on, I must get rid of these bad habits and become a brand new self!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇8

  I have been trying to be a perfect child, but there is always a bad habit to follow me like a worm, it does not cause me trouble, it is careless.

  I remembered a Chinese test. I promised my mother that I would get 100 points, so I went to review. The exam started. As soon as I got the test paper, I started to do it seriously. I thought about it as I did it; I will definitely get 100 points in this exam. Before I knew it, I laughed. After reading the article, I found it very easy to read the article, so I went through five stages and cut six generals, and finally finished the test paper. I let out a long sigh of relief, then turned around and checked. After a while the bell rang, and I confidently handed the paper to the teacher. When I went home for dinner, I vowed to my mother: "Mom, I will definitely get a score of 100 on the test. Please prepare a gift for me first!"

  The next day, the test paper came out, and the red 97 came into my eye. Why was there 3 points missing? I immediately flipped through the test paper, and found that the first major question in the reading had punctuated the third natural paragraph, and I had missed 3 points for nothing. My head was like being struck by thunder. I couldn't be happy watching these 97 points. How could I explain to my mother when I went home.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇9

  I have a bad habit, that is, I don’t like to look up the dictionary. I can’t help but ask others when I encounter a word I don’t know.

  Take today as an example. I was reading a book, and I didn’t know the "colorful" "Lan", so I shouted: "Dad, how do you read this word?" When my dad heard it, he cried out impatiently: "The old problem is committed again, look up the dictionary. Go!" When I heard it, it turned from "yin to sunny": "Good dad, just tell me once." When my dad heard it, he said, "This is beautiful, colorful, do you know?" I smiled. Say: "Got it!".

  After a while, I asked my father how to pronounce the "temple" of the "temple". Dad heard it and said to me sternly: "When do you ask every day, when do you want to ask?! It's the second time now, what you said just now, think about it for yourself" I heard it and had to go Look up the dictionary. Psychologically like knocking over a five-flavored bottle --- can't tell what it's like.

  I was so unlucky today, I got a bit of criticism. By the way, have you ever had an experience like mine? Can you teach me how to get rid of the bad habit of not looking up the dictionary?

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇10

  I am a cute little boy, but I have a bad habit: picking my nose. Everyone persuaded me to change, but I only have one sentence: "Never!" Picking when the nose is itchy, how comfortable!

  Mom drew a small apple on the paper, red, so cute! Mom picked up the pen again and drew several small bugs around the apple. A few bugs with their open mouths and pointed teeth are crawling towards the apple. Apple is really perilous, I don't think it is good. Just listen to my mother saying, "Look, you are this cute little apple. Little bugs are your bad habit. What will happen if you don't beat it?" Ah, then I won't be full of holes. The apple? I don't want it! I said: "I must beat this bad habit!

  It was not easy at the beginning, every time I got an itchy nose, I wanted to pick it up, but thinking of the little bugs crawling towards the apple, I tried my best to hold it back and rubbed it hard. Finally I tried to get rid of this bad habit. Take a look at the requirements of the "Eight Etiquette and Four Etiquette", I still have several bad habits! I want to continue fighting with them and defend the cute "Little Apple"!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇11

  I believe everyone must have bad habits! Bad habits are like inseparable killers, always around us, making us feel very headache!

  My bad habit is: being rude to the elders. Sometimes at home, when my father asks me to turn off the lights, I always reluctantly and reluctantly say to him: "I didn't turn on the lights. You tell your brother to turn off the lights. Ah!" Later, I went to close. Once, my mother asked me to eat, but my left ear came in and my right ear came out, as if I didn't hear it, and I continued to watch TV. At this time, I could feel my mother's helplessness and disappointment, so I also made up my mind to correct this bad habit.

  In order to correct bad habits, I have made a lot of efforts, such as: When my parents call me or do anything, I will rush to do it immediately, and I will not talk back to my elders; and I am required to do my best in everything. Never be lazy, I hope I can correct this bad habit.

  "Bad Habits" are no longer an invisible killer for me now, I want to thank him instead! Because of him, I can correct bad habits; because of him, I can become the "satisfied assistant" of my parents. I hope that in the future, I can truly say goodbye to bad habits!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇12

  Everyone has some bad habits, and of course I do the same. I will be dissatisfied with some things I have done. Therefore, starting from today, I must change myself and bid farewell to the bad habits that I was dissatisfied with before.

  From today, I will get rid of the bad habit of staying in bed when I get up, don’t tease classmates, don’t fight with my brother. Once I made fun of a classmate and hit him on the head deliberately, he stopped being friends with me, which made me very sad; another time I got up too late to be late, so the teacher had a bad impression of me; another time I hurt my brother and my mother kept scolding me. So, I want to get rid of all bad habits.

  I want to give myself a chance to say goodbye to bad habits. I have to work hard to get rid of them and don't let them come back again. I hope I can successfully achieve my goals.

  I think that after I get rid of bad habits, I will stop letting others dislike me. I can also make a lot of good friends without being very lonely. I will also add more color to my life.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇13

  Bad habits start growing on almost every one of us without being noticed. Once we realize the bad habits or once they are pointed out to us, it is a wise decision that we get rid of them immediately. But to get rid of a bad habit is not as easy a thing as we sometimes think. Here is how:

  To get rid of a bad habit, it is important that we first get to know how harmful the habit really is. Take the habit of smoking as an example. Obviously, smoking is harmful to one‘s health. It can result in lung cancer and heart attack. Besides, smoking is awasteof money. A heavy smoker spends almost as much money a day as he pays for his own meals. So if he can realize the danger and waste, it is likely that he may stop smoking at once.To get rid of a bad habit, it is essential that we also have a strong will. Let‘s again take the habit of smoking for example. Many smokers pick up the habit again soon after they give it up. A lot of them cannot tell how many times they have attempted to give up smoking and how many times they have failed to do so. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of any bad habit if we change our minds constantly.

  Although it is not so easy to get rid of a bad habit, many people have succeeded in doing so, setting us good models. We should learn from these models and go out of our way to do away with our bad habits, whatever it takes.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇14

  As we all know everyone have his own habit,of course ,it contain two sides :good habits and bad habbits.Nobody is perfect in every way.However sometime we didn't know how to judge from our habbits,even some bad habbit ,we always say it was a good habbits with a persistent tone!

  As I mention from above,first of all ,we must find out what's bad habbit for us and some bad habbits we have that we didn't know.You know,Smoking is a bad habbits we know and there is no doubt,it can't cause cancer.But you also can't deny some famous people have a habbits like that.But did you know that,for them ,have a cigarette it means have a rest,it can relax theirselves.But it has many ways for relaxing!Why should i choose smoking?So some habbits that ambiguous we don't know whether it was right.In my opinion don't have it, but if you have that habbit ,treat it as usual with positive attitude.when it was turn to bad or tend to bad ,just give it up firmly!

  Apart from it,we know some bad habbits like to bully people,bad personal hygiene(卫生) ,people don't keep his word,and so on ,if you one of them,just go to great lengths to give it up!

  The way to recognize what 's your bad habbits,just open your heart ,accept criticize.The sooner you try,the less bad habbits your have.

  Remember my words,my firends,find out your bad habbits ,to overcome them!

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇15

  Bad habits start growing on almost every one of us without being noticed. Once we realize the bad habits or once they are pointed out to us, it is a wise decision that we get rid of them immediately. But to get rid of a bad habit is not as easy a thing as we sometimes think. Here is how:To get rid of a bad habit,it is important that we first get to know how harmful the habit really is. Take the habit of smoking as an example. Obviously, smoking is harmful to one's health.

  It can result in lung cancer and heart attack. Besides, smoking is awasteof money. A heavy smoker spends almost as much money a day as he pays for his own meals. So if he can realize the danger and waste, it is likely that he may stop smoking at once.To get rid of a bad habit, it is essential that we also have a strong will. Let's again take the habit of smoking for example. Many smokers pick up the habit again soon after they give it up.A lot of them cannot tell how many times they have attempted to give up smoking and how many times they have failed to do so. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of any bad habit if we change our minds constantly.

  Although it is not so easy to get rid of a bad habit, many people have succeeded in doing so, setting us good models. We should learn from these models and go out of our way to do away with our bad habits, whatever it takes.

  我有一个坏习惯英语作文 篇16

  As we all know everyone have his own habit,of course ,it contain two sides :good habits and bad habits.Nobody is perfect in every way.However sometime we didn't know how to judge from our habits,even some bad habit ,we always say it was a good habits with a persistent tone!

  As I mention from above,first of all ,we must find out what's bad habit for us and some bad habits we have that we didn't know.You know,Smoking is a bad habits we know and there is no doubt,it can't cause cancer.But you also can't deny some famous people have a habits like that.But did you know that,for them ,have a cigarette it means have a rest,it can relax theirselves.But it has many ways for relaxing!Why should i choose smoking?So some habits that ambiguous we don't know whether it was right.In my opinion don't have it, but if you have that habit ,treat it as usual with positive attitude.when it was turn to bad or tend to bad ,just give it up firmly!

  Apart from it,we know some bad habits like to bully people,bad personal hygiene(卫生) ,people don't keep his word,and so on ,if you one of them,just go to great lengths to give it up!

  The way to recognize what 's your bad habits,just open your heart ,accept criticize.The sooner you try,the less bad habits your have.

  Remember my words,my firends,find out your bad habits ,to overcome them!









