

时间:2023-04-01 09:26:43 教案 我要投稿





  教材内容:新目标初中英语七上Unit1My name is Gina page 1-2

  教材处理:本单元的重点在于如何在一个新的场合下介绍自己和认识他人。让刚入学不久的初中新生用英语搭建起他们友谊的桥梁。学会用“What’s your name? / What’s her name? / What’s his name?”以及复习Starter U1-3 所学过的一些common English Greetings 来结识朋友。本课生词量不大,重点在于对学生的口语操练以及常用人名的熟悉。


  本单元的主题是熟识新伙伴,同时引导学生采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解。



  采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…。”培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园 FFKJ.Net]结交新朋友的能力。


  采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件展开课堂Pair work; Group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识并制作个性名片。




  本单元的重点在于如何在一个新的场合下介绍自己和认识他人。让刚入学不久的初中新生用英语搭建起他们友谊的桥梁。学会用“What’s your name? / What’s her name? / What’s his name?”以及复习Starter U1-3 所学过的一些common English Greetings 来结识朋友。本课生词量不大,重点在于对学生的口语操练以及常用人名的熟悉。


  Step1: 课前热身:与学生互相问好,然后问答姓名,自我介绍、介绍他人。(黑板板书关键句型:What’s your name? / What’s her name? / What’s his name?及其回答。)


  Step2: 复习前面说学过的名词及句型;

  1. Today, we will learn Unit1. My name is Gina. We know Gina is a girl’s name. First, let’s see something about Gina.(展示图片)

  T: Look, this is Gina’s room, big and nice. What things can you see in her room?

  S: I can see a/an clock, jacket, quilt, plant, ruler, lamp, trash bin…

  T: Spell it, please.

  (通过这一步骤,一是复习了前面所学的名词,也复习了前单元的句型。二是引入课文的Section A 1a 部分)

  2. This is Gina’s classroom.(展示图片)

  What things can you see in Gina’s classroom? Please write down.

  Except for the things, we also can see many students in the classroom. They are talking with each other. (让学生熟悉第一单元的生词,并引导进入Step 3 )

  Step3: 介绍人名以及对话操练:

  1.Gina’s classmates: Jim, Mary, Alan, Jenny. They are making friends with each other.

  Now, let’s listen how they are making friends.

  2. listening, 让学生看课本,并对所听到的对话排序。

  3. Pair work: Making friends with your partner.

  让学生操练(What’s your name? I’m/My name is …)

  Step4: Meet some new friends.

  (导入“What’s her name? / What’s his name?)

  1.Alice, Cindy, Grace, Helen, Eric, Frank, Bob, Dale;

  (通过复习starter U1 所学的男名和女名, 向学生介绍如何询问第三方的姓名)

  What’s her name? / What’s his name?

  2. 巩固 “What’s her name? / What’s his name?“的句型,


  3. Group work: Know the students’ names in your group and make friends with them.

  Step5: Listening: 课本section A, 2a,2b



  Game: Quickly reaction.

  Game2: Let’s guess!通过文字的描述,让学生猜“What’s her name? / What’s his name?”猜的过程中,通过激发学生的好此文转自斐.斐课件.园 FFKJ.Net奇心,让学生不断地开口说“Her/His name is…?”然后逐渐的增加信息量,直至学生猜出真实得姓名。

  Step6: Group work and report

  1.教师演示:These famous people we referred are my good friends. His name is … Her name is … So , where are your friends?

  2. 学生操练对话并做一个report

  3. 让学生写一段自己编写的互相介绍的对话。读出来,互相学习。

  Step: Homework:




  Unit1 My name is Gina.

  What’s your name? her

  What’s her name? name

  What’s his name? what


  练习对话并模仿对话,结识班级的其他同学并学过的内容来做对话。 掌握好了重点句型和人称代词的用法。



  本单元以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务学习That’s my sister. These are my brothers. Who is she?等句型的使用。要求学生能够做到:






  另外,由于计划生育政策的施行,同学们的兄弟姐妹少了,这对于brother, sister的概念的表达可能有些不利。但是,中国是一个注重家庭的国家,本单元的学习会让学生了解不同国家的家庭结构间的不同。同时由于班级内可能有来自单亲家庭的同学,在授课时要注意保护学生,不要伤及学生的自尊,同时要注意培养学生的移情能力。




  Period 1 (A1, 3a, B3)

  I. Teaching Objectives

  1. Knowledge Objectives:

  (1) Expressions: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

  (uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, here, photo )

  (2) Structure: That’s my family. Those are my parents. Who’s she? She’s my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

  3) Grammar: The plural forms of the demonstrative pronouns.

  2. Ability Objectives:

  (1) Learn how to introduce the family.

  (2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

  3. Moral Objectives: Father and mother, I love you!

  II. Teaching Importance(focus)

  (1) Learn how to introduce the family.

  (2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

  (3) Get Ss to know the differences between this/that is and these/those are.

  (4) Get Ss to know who questions

  III. Teaching Difficulties

  1. 因为单复数的问题,学生对this与these,that与those的转换可能会弄错,

  2. 在拼写时,学生习惯把mother写成monther。

  3. grandmother,grandfather中d不发音。

  Ⅳ. Teaching Aids

  A recorder, multi-media

  Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure:

  Step l:Lead in

  Enjoy an English song called the Finger Family, do daily greetings as usual.

  Step 2: Pre-task

  1. T: Today I’ll introduce a new friend.

  Then show a picture of a boy to teacher new words about family members.

  2. Work on 1a, match the words.

  3. Listening practice: Do A 1b, first listen and circle the words, then imitate.

  4. Look at the picture on SB P7, ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 3:While-task

  Photo show. 1.T ask and S answer

  2. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Then Do A3a

  3. Make a short passage about the photo. Then Do B 2b.

  step 4:Post-task

  Draw a photo of family and write about it, then share with friends.

  Step 4. Sum up

  Do exercises in class and check the answers


  1.完成2号本P14-15 第一课时

  2. 预习Unit 2 第二课时

  3. 完成 Self check 2

  4. 常规听读,听写作业

  Layout of Bb

  Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 1

  sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

  That’s my family.

  Those are my parents.

  Who’s she?

  She’s my sister.

  Oh, and these are my brothers.


  Period 2 (A2)

  I. Teaching Objectives

  1. Knowledge Objectives:

  (1) Expressions: well, have, day, bye, goodbye

  (2) Structure: Have a good! Thanks! You, too. Bye!

  — Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too

  (3) Grammar: Yes or No questions.

  2. Ability Objectives:

  (1) Identifying people and the relationship.

  (2) Find out the correct relationship.

  3. Moral Objectives: Love family

  II. Teaching Importance(focus)

  (1) Identifying people and the relationship.

  (2) Find out the correct relationship.

  (3) Pay attention the stress and intonation

  III. Teaching Difficulties

  1. goodbye的书写错误较多,尤其bye写成bey的同学可能会比较多。

  2. 一般疑问句语调语序学生会弄错,多读多练是最好的办法。

  Ⅳ. Teaching Aids

  A recorder, multi-media

  Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure:

  Step 1:Lead—in

  Enjoy family song.

  Step 2:Pre-task

  1. Listening practice: Work on 2a&2b.

  2. Imitation.

  Step 3:While-task

  1. Do pair work: A 2c

  2. Role-play the conversation.(A2d)

  3. Show the photo of Liu Xing and ask and answer in pairs.

  Step 4. Post-task

  Go through the grammar focus.

  Step 5 Sum up

  Do exercises in class and check the answers


  1. 1号本P15-16第2课时完成。

  2. 预习下一课时


  Layout of Bb

  Unit 2 This is my sister. Period2

  Have a good! Thanks! You, too. Bye!

  — Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too


  Unit 1-12

  Unit 1 My name’s Gina

  Period One





  Step One :Present the sentence patterns.

  1. Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调


  Teacher: After the study of the first three starters, I think

  most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many

  words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’s play a game to see who knows the most.

  (Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略) to them with the puter. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to e to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

  (Group 2 is the pion group. They can write 11 words.)

  2. Introduce the pion group to the class.(引课方式贴近


  Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the pion. But I don’t r names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

  S1& S2:Yes.

  S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you.

  Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too.

  Ss: Hello! What’s your name?

  S2:I’m Sun Ping. How do you do?

  Ss: How do you do ?

  Step Two: Drills.

  1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学


  Teacher: The new term begins. Everyone will meet many new ates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.


  Sa: Hello! I’m Li Lei. What’s your name?

  Sb: My name’s Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you.

  Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And what’s your name, please?

  Sc: Lin Li. How do you do?

  Sa:How do you do?

  2. Listen and number the conversations.

  Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will e to our class. They are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.

  (Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

  Step Three: Make friends.

  1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更


  Teacher: Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others, OK?

  Ss: OK.


  Sa: This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan.

  Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.

  Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu.

  Ss: How do you do?

  Sd: How do you do?

  (Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can have more friends. They can also know something else about them.)

  2. The New ers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

  Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would e to our class. Now, look! They are here. Let’s give them a warm wele.

  (Three “foreign” students e in and all the students clap warmly.)

  Teacher: It’s their first time to e to China. Would you like to listen to their introductions?

  Ss: Yes.

  (Three students ake introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

  Step Three: Sum up.

  Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them. It is very important in the daily life.















