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  初中英语教案全英文 1

  Teaching objectives

  1.Can use countable and uncountable nouns to open shopping lists.Prepare for the next two lessons of learning shopping.

  2.Learn to discuss what to eat and what to buy.

  3.Review some polite language and habitual expressions, such as: How about? What about? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.

  4.New words: chicken, tofu, fry, list, shopping list, buy, hello

  Sentence pattern: What do we have for dinner this evening?

  Fish is my favorite

  What else do you want to have?

  Dont we have any eggs?

  Let me make a shopping list

  You can help me carry the things

  Teaching aids

  PPT teaching demonstration courseware

  Teaching Steps

  Step 1 Revision

  [Presentation] The teacher asks questions in class and guides students to answer what do you have for breakfast today? Shall we go and buy something to eat? Whats in the pictures? Let me see What do we have for lunch today? How about? What about? What else do you want to have? Can you go and buy the things? Lets go.et al.Teachers can also ask the whole class in the same way.

  The teacher shows the food pictures in the revision of the courseware and reviews the names of some foods.

  Step 2 Presentation

  Based on reviewing the names of food, the teacher introduces the topic of shopping.Teach about new food words such as chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, and pork.Teachers can click to play the word recording for students to follow and master the standard pronunciation of the words.Then the teacher teaches word lists, shopping lists, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs, and guides students to answer sentences based on the new words they have learned: What do you have for lunch today? What else do you want to have? What do we have in the fridge? Can you go and buy the things?

  Step 3 Read and say

  [Courseware Display] The teacher can click on the image to play a video for students to watch, play a dialogue recording of the text for students to follow, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation in the recording as much as possible, and then click the mouse to encounter the following related problems:

  Whats in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fry? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge? Dont we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?

  Follow and read until you become familiar with it.Have individual students engage in dialogue demonstrations.

  Step 4 shopping list

  [Courseware Display] The teacher clicks on the picture to play the video for the students to watch, and the teacher clicks on the play recording for the students to follow.

  Design your own shopping list based on the shopping list in the text.The teacher will have individual students read out their shopping lists and compare them to see who designs the most suitable shopping list.

  Step 5 practice

  [Presentation] In the case where the students have designed a shopping list before, the teacher asks them to look at the supermarket pictures in the courseware.Suppose the students go to the market with their parents on weekends to buy things.Then the teacher clicks the mouse again, and the courseware will display the products and price list sold in the store.Students are asked to create a dialogue based on the pictures and price list: one is a salesperson, and the other is a customer.The teacher can guide students to use these sentences: Can I help you? Id like Here you are Here is the money Dialogue can be long or short, depending on the individual.

  Step 6 Consolidation

  [Presentation] The teacher summarizes some key phrases and sentences that appear in this lesson.Enable students to read proficiently.

  初中英语教案全英文 2


  Section A1a, 1b, 1c


  Teaching aims:

  1.Teach vocabulary words.

  2.Target languages: Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.It’s on Center Street.


  Enable the students to ask for and give directions on the street.


  Help the students to ask for and give directions on the street.


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1.Warming up

  Show three pictures prepared before class to the students.There is a cat in a box in picture

  1.There is a cat on a box in picture

  2.There is a cat under the box in picture

  3.Then ask some students to ask and answer these questions.

  Step 2.Match work (2a)

  Ask the students to read the picture and the words in the numbered list.

  Ask the students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.

  Then check the answers.

  Present the new sentence patterns.

  Then ask the students to read the dialogue in the picture.

  Step 3.Listening (1b)

  Ask the students to listen to the conversations and circle the places in 1a.

  Change the roles and do the same again.

  Then students ask and answer without the help of the recording.

  Step 4.Practice

  Point to the different locations shown in the picture.Ask different students to name each one.

  Then point to more locations and let the students to practice more.


  1.Practice the conversation in the picture on page 7.

  2.Learn the new words and phrases in this period by heart.

  初中英语教案全英文 3

  Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise either...or...by saying, Either Im at home, or Im at school.Then ask, What two places are you at usually? Help the students to answer, Either Im at __ or Im at ____.Now ask a second student about where the first student usually is, only use two different places.For example:

  Student 1: Im either at school or at home.Teacher: Where does Susan usually stay? Student 2: She usually stays either at school or at home.

  Practise neither...nor...in the same way.For example:

  Teacher: Are you a doctor or a nurse? Student: Im neither a doctor nor a nurse.Im a student.If time permits, you may use this as a drill.

  2 Revise the food items in this unit.

  Step 2 Presentation

  In small groups role-play a parent and a son / daughter who has a foreign friend over for dinner.Remind the students to use the phrases from SB Lesson 57, Part 3.Get several of the groups to share their role-play with the rest of the class.

  SB Page 4, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 60.Books closed! Ask What are they eating for dinner? Play the tape.Check the answer (fish and chips).Play the tape again, students listen and repeat.

  SB Page 4, Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 60.

  Listening text 1

  "Whats for dinner?" Max asked.

  "Im going to have some fish," Frank answered.

  "Fish? I dont want fish.I had it for lunch.Lets go to a restaurant this evening," Max said.

  "Thats a good idea," Prank answered.

  So Max and Frank went to a restaurant.They sat at a table and a waiter came to them.

  "What would you two like?"

  "I want some roast beef.What do you want, Frank?"

  "Id like chicken with onions," Frank said.

  "Im sorry," the waiter said."We have neither beef nor chicken.This is a seafood restaurant.We have some nice fresh fish and other seafood."

  Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away food are very popular in England, but they are less popular in the USA.In the USA, people like take-away food, too, such as fried chicken, pizza and so on.But the most popular kind of take-away food is the hamburger.Its bread with chopped beef in it.Very often there is cheese and a kind of tomato sauce in it.Hamburgers are delicious.They are not only very popular in the USA, but in many other countries as well.

  The answers are: 1B; 2C; 3C- 4A

  Note: In American restaurants, one doesnt usually ask for coffee at the end of the meal.The waitress / waiter will ask the customer if they would like coffee.Also, in an American restaurant, most times, the bill is laid down on the table at the end of the meal, so that customers dont have to ask for it.In England one must ask for coffee at the end of the meal.One must also ask the waitress for the bill.

  SB Pages 4-5, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 60.Play the tape while students listen and repeat.Then in groups of three, have the students read and act out the dialogue.Choose several groups to perform their dialogue for the class.

  SB Page 5, Part 4.This part is optional.You may want to begin this assignment in class and have the students finish it as homework.See the following as an example:

  China is very famous for its food in the world.There are many kinds of food in China.The north part of China is famous for its dumplings.There can be meat such as pork or beef or vegetables inside dumplings.In the south part of China along the Changjiang River, people eat much fish.In Shanghai the food is sweet.But no matter where you are in China, the food is always delicious.

  Step 7 Checkpoint

  Go through Checkpoint 15 in the usual way.Explain any problems that the students may have.Get the students to go over the grammar notes on pages 158-159 for Members of the Sentence, Types of Sentences and Five Kinds of Simple Sentences.

  Write the following on the Bb, but not the italicized words.The students copy it down on a piece of paper and fill in the blanks as you dictate, reading the words in italics along with the sentences.

  A: Good evening, Sir.

  B: Good evening.

  A: May I take your ______(order) now?

  B: Yes.Well have_____ (chicken) with (potatoes), ____ (beef) with some_____ (onions), some _____ (noodles) and _____(some) soup.

  A: Would you like anything else?

  B: ___ (No), thank you.

  Wb Lesson 60, Exx.3, 5 and 6.Ex.3 should be done orally in pairs.

  Ex.5 should be done individually if time permits.If time is limited, assign it as homework.Ex.6 can be done with the whole class.As a student reads the instructions, the rest of the class acts out the action.Then have the students work in small groups to write instructions for making a vegetable salad.Ask several groups to share their instructions with the class.Ex.7 is optional.Get the students to discuss the differences and similarities of the two types of money in pairs.

  初中英语教案全英文 4

  Learning Objectives

  1.Guide students to learn common vocabulary and sentence structures related to television programs, and master the usage of mind and stand.

  2.Enable students to understand conversations about TV programs through communication; Learn to briefly discuss several TV programs in English.

  3.Guide students to cultivate a sense of collaboration through group learning activities; And be able to learn to ask others for their views on something and express their own opinions correctly.

  [Key Learning Points]

  Teach students to use their learned functional language to discuss television programs.

  Learning difficulties

  Through communication and listening training, introduce various learning methods and strategies to learn "What do you think of...?"

  Learning action tips:

  Play the stunning film clips that students most like to see, guide students to talk about the film types and content they most like to see

  Task 1

  Learning action tips: Preview the words on Pages 33-34 in the word list Students read the words by telephone symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning At last finish the task in 1a

  [Method coach]

  Lets watch a talk show Lets watch a talk show.

  Let sb.do sth

  【 Training Guide 】

  (C) Lets ______ for a walk, shall we?



  ▲ Stand

  (1) When used as an intransitive verb, it means "stand up" and forms "stand up", with the opposite being "sit down".

  (2) When used as a transitive verb, it means "endure, endure" and is commonly used in negative sentences to form the phrase cant stand (doing) sth.For example, generating problems through scenario import

  1.T: What do you think of?


  2.T: Which character do you like best?


  Self study and mutual research generation ability

  Task 1 Lets read the new words and the phrases

  1.I can read (I can read)

  Sitcom, soap opera, news, mind, stand, educational, plan, hope, discussion, happy, expect

  2.I can write (I can write)

  Translate the following phrases:

  (1) Talk show (2) soap opera soap opera

  (3) Game show game_ show (4) Sports show sports_ show

  (5) Talent program talent_show (6) Learn from

  (7) Plan to do something (8) Expect to do something

  (9) After investigation, it was found that find_out (10) hopes to become hope_ to_ be

  (11) One day in the future, one day

  3.I can summarize (I will summarize)

  Can you summarize the usage of the prepositions mind and stand?

  Mind doing sth.means "mind doing...", stand doing sth.means "endure doing something.".

  初中英语教案全英文 5

  Properties: Computer, Projector, PPT document provided.

  Teaching Objectives:

  1.Let the students understand the dialogue and learn new words.

  2.Go over the Past Perfect Tense.

  Language Focus:

  New words: British, fail, summit, misty, mist

  Useful expressions: disappear into, the first men to do tins, try to reach the top of

  Teaching Procedures:

  I.Showing the teaching aims


  Ask the students to act out the dialogue is provided in Lesson 69-1.asf

  III.Lead in

  Give the students some information and pictures about Mount Qomolangma, and check their homework.Let them speak something about the history of climbing the Mount Qomolangma.

  For example:

  It was formed 60million years ago and ascends to the height of 8850.Surveyor General Andrew Waugh proposed to name the mountain Everest after his predecessor, George Everest.This name prevailed until today, although the mountain has two local names - Qomolangma in Tibetan, Sagarmatha in Nepali.

  IV.Watch and listen

  Ask the students to watch the flash Because it is there.swf which is provided.Listen the text carefully, and finish the questions:

  True or False

  1.Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain in the world.(  )

  2.George Mallory is a professional (职业的) mountain climber.(  )

  3.Mallory had tried four times to reach the top of the mountain.(  )

  4.In 1921 he tried to climb the mountain for the first time.(  )

  5.Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were thought to be the first men to reach the top of the mountain.(  )

  6.Edmund Hillary found Mallory’s body in 1999.(  )


  1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.√ 5.√ 6.×

  V.Read the text

  Let the students read the text carefully and grasp the main idea of this article.And find out what happened in different years (1921, 1922, 1924, 1953, 1999).

  Main idea:

  A story about George Mallory’s climb of Mount Qomolangma.


  mist [mist] n.雾,a thin fog made by very small drops of water in the air.其形容词为misty,比较级为mistier,最高级为mistiest。

  wonder v.= question是“想要知道”的意思,它常跟宾语从句。同时它还有“感到惊奇”之意。

  alive[E5laiv]adj.活着的,come alive表示“活跃起来”,stay alive表示“继续活着;幸存”的`意思。

  be busy dong sth 是“忙于做某事”的意思。


  Show the film of Lesson 70-2.asf which is provided.Finish the exercises 2 on Page 88, and practise the sentences one by one.


  Why Because it’s there is used as the topic of this article? What spirit do this sentence show us? Write something about it.

  初中英语教案全英文 6

  Textbook analysis

  This lesson is the first unit of the fifth module in the fourth volume of the New Standard English Third Grade Starting Point.Through the comparison between classmates, this unit enables students to understand the sentence patterns and usage of comparative level very well.Students are required to master words such as than , old , young , strong , and be able to use the sentence structure of He She is+comparative+than... for teaching activities.Effectively practice sentence patterns by using images, multimedia courseware, and creating real-life scenarios.

  Analysis of learning situation

  Students are able to greet each other in simple English, exchange simple information about themselves, family, and friends, and have a certain ability to use English language.They use situational teaching in the classroom to arouse students interest and achieve teaching objectives.

  Teaching objectives

  1、 Emotional Attitudes and Values

  1.Using pictures and objects, using teaching methods such as audio-visual and communicative methods, create situational dialogues to guide students in perceiving, experiencing, and participating in learning English, and stimulate interest.

  2.Cultivate the spirit of caring for disadvantaged students and fostering mutual assistance and friendship among classmates.

  2、 Process and Methods

  1.Learn new words old, young, strong, and than

  2.Have a preliminary understanding of the comparative adjectives Taller, Shorter, Old, Younger, Stronger

  3、 Knowledge and Skills

  1.Learn to use comparative adjective sentence structures:...- erhan

  2.Cultivate students ability to explore and learn independently.Compare with real-life situations and things that students are interested in.

  Teaching focus and difficulties

  1.The use of the word than and other adjectives.

  2.Functional sentence: Amy is teller than Lingling

  3.Can flexibly use adjectives to describe and compare the differences between the two

  初中英语教案全英文 7

  Textbook analysis

  This topic is about discussing the main festivals in China and their own love for them.Teachers can introduce relevant sports through the exercises they have learned earlier, such as Whats your favorite sport? Do you like? Introduce Part One Look, listen, and find into the text.

  Analysis of learning situation

  This topic in this unit can easily stimulate students interest in learning.You can warm up with whats your favorite sport? Do you like? In the future, introduce traditional Chinese festivals into this lesson and provide students with discussions on their ideal festivals.To achieve the goal of arousing students interest in learning.

  Teaching objectives

  1、 Ability objective:

  Can you use words related to festivals to practice whats your holiday festival?

  My favorite festival is

  2、 Knowledge objectives:

  1.Can you listen, recognize, and practice whats your holiday?

  The sentence pattern of "My favorite festival is..."

  2.Able to listen, read, and recognize words related to the main festivals in China, Lantern Festival, Spring Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival.

  3、 Emotional goals:

  Cultivate good qualities of unity and cooperation among students, as well as their understanding of cultural differences between the East and the West, in order to educate their patriotism.

  Teaching focus and difficulties

  Teaching difficulties in this lesson

  How to practice Whats your holiday festival using words related to festivals?

  The sentence structure of "My favorite festival is..." and students discussing their favorite festivals.

  The teaching difficulties of this lesson

  How to guide students to compare cultural differences between the East and the West, and guide their patriotism.

  Teaching process

  1.Warm up

  1) The teacher led the students to review the rhymes learned in the previous module.

  2) The teacher asked the students about the theme of the festival, "What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? What do people do on Flag Day?" Guide the students to make corresponding answers based on the content learned in the previous lesson.


  At the same time as the teacher asks questions, show the picture of SB Unit2 Activity 1 and guide students to guess what the picture represents.Students should be able to answer in Chinese that the pictures show Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.

  3.Text teaching

  Stick the poster of this lesson on the blackboard and present the SB unit 2 activity l by playing the recording.If necessary, please ask students to listen to the recording and familiarize themselves with the story content and plot by referring to the book.

  After listening to the first recording, please ask students to carefully read the pictures in the book and say what each picture represents.Students should be able to name the corresponding traditional Chinese festival.The teacher wrote "Lantern Festival, Spring Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival" on the blackboard for word teaching.Guide students to repeat multiple times and practice in various forms.

  Play the recording, pause at the end of each paragraph, and ask students to say which festival the text describes, then point to the corresponding picture.The teacher can repeat the description of each festival in the recording at this time and explain language difficulties to the students.Play the recording again.Pause sentence by sentence and have students repeat.

  4.Key sentence pattern practice:

  Whats your favorite festival? My favorite festival is

  Teachers can have students read the recording of SB Unit2 Activity 3 after studying the text.Understand the intonation and stress in sentences.Encourage students to imitate and read aloud.Authentic pronunciation and intonation need to be gradually formed through continuous practice.

  初中英语教案全英文 8

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Knowledge objective: Students will be able to identify and use common weather-related vocabulary such as sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, hot, cold, etc.

  2. Skill objective: Students will develop the ability to describe current and forecasted weather conditions using simple present tense and future tense structures.

  3. Attitude objective: Students will appreciate the importance of understanding and discussing weather patterns in daily communication and its relevance to various aspects of life.


  1. Textbook: "New Horizons English Course for Junior High School - Grade 8"

  2. PowerPoint presentation on weather vocabulary and sentence structures

  3. Worksheet: Weather description task sheets

  4. Audio clips of weather reports for listening comprehension practice

  5. Access to online weather forecasting websites or apps for real-time examples


  Warm-up (5 minutes):

   Begin with a "Weather Word Scramble" activity where students unscramble jumbled weather-related words on the board. This will activate their prior knowledge and set the context for the lesson.

  Presentation (15 minutes):

  1. Display the PowerPoint presentation, introducing new weather vocabulary and accompanying images. Elicit examples from students of how they might use these words in sentences.

  2. Model and explain the use of simple present tense (e.g., "It is sunny today.") and future tense (e.g., "Tomorrow it will be rainy.") to describe weather conditions. Provide clear sentence structures and encourage students to practice constructing their own sentences.

  Practice (15 minutes):

  1. Group activity: Divide students into pairs or small groups. Each group receives a worksheet containing weather scenarios and must write appropriate descriptions using the target language. Encourage peer feedback and correction within groups.

  2. Listening comprehension: Play audio clips of weather reports and ask students to take notes on the reported conditions. Follow up with class discussion to ensure understanding.

  Production (10 minutes):

  1. Role-play: Assign students roles as weather reporters or interviewees. They should present or respond to questions about local or international weather using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in class.

  2. Real-world application: Have students access online weather forecasting tools and discuss the current or upcoming weather in their city or a chosen destination. Encourage them to share their findings in English, incorporating the target language.


  1. Formative assessment:

   Observe students during group activities and role-plays, noting their ability to accurately use weather vocabulary and sentence structures.

   Collect and review the completed worksheets for accuracy and completeness.

   Summative assessment:

   Administer a short written quiz at the end of the unit, testing students retention of weather-related vocabulary and their ability to construct sentences in both simple present and future tenses.


   Ask students to watch a weather report on TV or online and write a brief summary in English, including the days weather conditions and any forecasted changes.

  Closure (5 minutes):

   Recap the key vocabulary and sentence structures covered in the lesson.

   Remind students of the importance of being able to discuss weather in English, not only for practical purposes but also as a means of engaging in small talk and fostering cross-cultural communication.


   Weather Word Scramble answers

   Weather description task sheet answer key

   List of online weather resources for student reference

  By following this comprehensive template, you can create an effective and engaging fully English-language lesson plan for teaching about describing weather conditions to junior high school students. Adjust the content, activities, and materials as needed to align with your specific curriculum and students needs.









