
小学六年级英语《What are you going to study》

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小学六年级英语《What are you going to study》教案范文


小学六年级英语《What are you going to study》教案范文

  1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

  2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


  1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

  2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


  Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

  T: My kids, yesterday we learnt Sam is going to go to middle school, and he is going to study physic chemistry, history . Today let talk about what are you going to study? (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

  1、Review some words about subjects Chemistry ,Math ,history Chinese…

  2、T: Look at here. She is lily and he is Peter. We'll watch a video about them. Before watching the video, let's see three tasks.

  (1)Look at the pictures and read the text

  (2)Listen to the tape and read each sentence.

  (3)Students read the sentences and the new words. Then talk each other

  3、Talk to a friend. What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.

  4、Memory game: How are you going to go to school?

  Step 3: Practice

  Ask and answer

  Where are you going to study?

  What are you going to study?


  Unit 2 What are you going to study?

  A: what are you going to study?

  B: I am going to study Chinese, Math History, and Chemistry

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