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  The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career芝加哥学术生涯规划:从研究生到终身教授

  John A. Goldsmith, John Komlos, and Penny Schine Gold作者:(美)哥德史密斯,(美)孔洛斯,(美)戈尔德


  The University of Chicago Press出版社:芝加哥大学出版社

  This book is, in essence, a user’s guide to academic life, conceived for those considering taking up a career in the traditional academic disciplines—seniors in college, perhaps, or others thinking about going into graduate school—as well as those who have already started out along that path, which is to say, men and women working on a Ph.D. and those already with appointments as assistant professors at a college or a university. Some of our remarks may be of interest to others as well: senior professors who are interested in other perspectives on the academic scene, confused and bewildered parents of junior academics, professional advisors, spouses of graduate students and junior faculty, and laymen interested in learning about the mysteries of academia. Foreign students who are thinking about acquiring an American graduate school education will certainly profit from reading this book.

  本书是一部学术人生的导航,为那些想在传统学术领域里拥有一席之地的人所作一一比如大学四年级学生,或是考虑进入研究生院深造的人;当然也为帮助 那些在学术之路上已有开端的人们,例如正在攻读的博士生和即将履新的大学助理教授。我们的某些观点或许对其他人也有所帮助:对看待学术界的不同视角感兴趣 的资深教授、不太了解学术生涯为何物的青年学者的父母、职业生涯规划导师、研究生和青年教师的配偶,以及意欲探究学术圈奥秘的局外人。当然,对于想获得美 国研究生学位的外国学生,本书一定也不会让他们失望。

  How do you expect this book to be used?该如何使用本书?

  John Komlos: In order to make best use of our guide, you may want to read some parts less intensely than others. Yet perusing the whole should give you a pretty good indication of what academic life will be like a few years down the road, should you choose this path, and you can always return to the chapters devoted to that part of your career that lies just ahead in order to take more careful notes. You may also want to supplement our volume with others devoted to the next station in your career.约翰·孔洛斯: 为了让这本书发挥最好的效用,阅读的时候应该有所取舍。而浏览全书又能让你概览未来多年学术生涯的全貌,一旦你走上这条路,每到一个新的阶段,就可以查阅相关章节,以获得更多细致全面的信息。如有必要,你还可将此书与其它专门讨论你将面临的学术生涯某个阶段的书籍一起使用。

  John Goldsmith: This book is an attempt to redress the imbalance between reality and perception that now seems to prevail. We do our best, first of all, to inform the reader about how academia is set up and how it works—to answer the questions you always wanted to have answered, but were afraid to ask—and we also try to give some advice about how the academic world should be viewed. We’ll put our cards on the table: we like the academic world very much and have enjoyed our choices of career a great deal. We have also seen any number of friends and acquaintances suffer a great deal in this world, partly because there was an unfortunate mismatch between academia and their personal needs and gifts and partly because they carried around in their heads inaccurate assumptions about how the system functioned. These people were, without exception, bright enough to make it in the academic world, however you wish to interpret that; academics are, by and large, no more and no less intelligent than the successful people in medicine, in law, in business, or in engineering. These folk, as a rule, also had something to offer and did, indeed, have the potential to make a contribution, which for some reason could not be realized. To succeed in a profession, two things are necessary: one’s goals and abilities must match those required by the profession, and one must possess a realistic understanding of how the profession works. This book is an attempt to help future academics or junior academics come to grips with those matters. We hope to provide the reader with an unbuttoned view of the academic life. We’ll call the shots as we see them, and there’s a lot of personal opinion that is bound up in the remarks that we offer.

  约翰·哥德史密斯: 学术界的现实和人们对它的认识之间存在着巨大的差异,且这种差异有愈来愈烈之势,本书尝试对此作出纠正。首先,我们尽量告诉读者学术界的组织和运作规则 ——对此大家一直希望有现成答案,却又羞于启齿去问。此外,我们也想给大家一些应该如何看待学术界的建议。我们的态度是开诚布公的: 我们热爱学术,对自己投身学术的选择感到很欣慰。但我们也看到许多朋友和熟人在学术界饱受煎熬,原因之一在于他们的个人需求和能力不适合在其中发展,其二 在于对学术体系运行规范的错误预期。而毋庸置疑,从任何一个角度来说,这些人都非常聪明,其实完全可能在学术界获得成功。总体而言,他们和医疗、法律、商 业以及工程技术界的成功人士才智相当。他们虽然因为某些原因没有完全发挥自己的才学,可的确有做出贡献的潜能。在一个行业里获得成功,两个条件必不可少: 其一,个人的目标和能力必须和行业的要求相配; 其二,必须切实了解这个行业的运行规则。本书尝试着去帮助未来的学者和学术界得青年教师来应对这些问题。我们希望向读者呈现学术界的原貌。本书尽量择其要领,当然其观点也带有许多个人的经验和看法。














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  The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career芝加哥学术生涯规划:从研究生到终身教授

  John A. Goldsmith, John Komlos, and Penny Schine Gold作者:(美)哥德史密斯,(美)孔洛斯,(美)戈尔德


  The University of Chicago Press出版社:芝加哥大学出版社

  This book is, in essence, a user’s guide to academic life, conceived for those considering taking up a career in the traditional academic disciplines—seniors in college, perhaps, or others thinking about going into graduate school—as well as those who have already started out along that path, which is to say, men and women working on a Ph.D. and those already with appointments as assistant professors at a college or a university. Some of our remarks may be of interest to others as well: senior professors who are interested in other perspectives on the academic scene, confused and bewildered parents of junior academics, professional advisors, spouses of graduate students and junior faculty, and laymen interested in learning about the mysteries of academia. Foreign students who are thinking about acquiring an American graduate school education will certainly profit from reading this book.

  本书是一部学术人生的导航,为那些想在传统学术领域里拥有一席之地的人所作一一比如大学四年级学生,或是考虑进入研究生院深造的人;当然也为帮助 那些在学术之路上已有开端的人们,例如正在攻读的博士生和即将履新的大学助理教授。我们的某些观点或许对其他人也有所帮助:对看待学术界的不同视角感兴趣 的资深教授、不太了解学术生涯为何物的青年学者的父母、职业生涯规划导师、研究生和青年教师的配偶,以及意欲探究学术圈奥秘的局外人。当然,对于想获得美 国研究生学位的外国学生,本书一定也不会让他们失望。

  How do you expect this book to be used?该如何使用本书?

  John Komlos: In order to make best use of our guide, you may want to read some parts less intensely than others. Yet perusing the whole should give you a pretty good indication of what academic life will be like a few years down the road, should you choose this path, and you can always return to the chapters devoted to that part of your career that lies just ahead in order to take more careful notes. You may also want to supplement our volume with others devoted to the next station in your career.约翰·孔洛斯: 为了让这本书发挥最好的效用,阅读的时候应该有所取舍。而浏览全书又能让你概览未来多年学术生涯的全貌,一旦你走上这条路,每到一个新的阶段,就可以查阅相关章节,以获得更多细致全面的信息。如有必要,你还可将此书与其它专门讨论你将面临的学术生涯某个阶段的书籍一起使用。

  John Goldsmith: This book is an attempt to redress the imbalance between reality and perception that now seems to prevail. We do our best, first of all, to inform the reader about how academia is set up and how it works—to answer the questions you always wanted to have answered, but were afraid to ask—and we also try to give some advice about how the academic world should be viewed. We’ll put our cards on the table: we like the academic world very much and have enjoyed our choices of career a great deal. We have also seen any number of friends and acquaintances suffer a great deal in this world, partly because there was an unfortunate mismatch between academia and their personal needs and gifts and partly because they carried around in their heads inaccurate assumptions about how the system functioned. These people were, without exception, bright enough to make it in the academic world, however you wish to interpret that; academics are, by and large, no more and no less intelligent than the successful people in medicine, in law, in business, or in engineering. These folk, as a rule, also had something to offer and did, indeed, have the potential to make a contribution, which for some reason could not be realized. To succeed in a profession, two things are necessary: one’s goals and abilities must match those required by the profession, and one must possess a realistic understanding of how the profession works. This book is an attempt to help future academics or junior academics come to grips with those matters. We hope to provide the reader with an unbuttoned view of the academic life. We’ll call the shots as we see them, and there’s a lot of personal opinion that is bound up in the remarks that we offer.

  约翰·哥德史密斯: 学术界的现实和人们对它的认识之间存在着巨大的差异,且这种差异有愈来愈烈之势,本书尝试对此作出纠正。首先,我们尽量告诉读者学术界的组织和运作规则 ——对此大家一直希望有现成答案,却又羞于启齿去问。此外,我们也想给大家一些应该如何看待学术界的建议。我们的态度是开诚布公的: 我们热爱学术,对自己投身学术的选择感到很欣慰。但我们也看到许多朋友和熟人在学术界饱受煎熬,原因之一在于他们的个人需求和能力不适合在其中发展,其二 在于对学术体系运行规范的错误预期。而毋庸置疑,从任何一个角度来说,这些人都非常聪明,其实完全可能在学术界获得成功。总体而言,他们和医疗、法律、商 业以及工程技术界的成功人士才智相当。他们虽然因为某些原因没有完全发挥自己的才学,可的确有做出贡献的潜能。在一个行业里获得成功,两个条件必不可少: 其一,个人的目标和能力必须和行业的要求相配; 其二,必须切实了解这个行业的运行规则。本书尝试着去帮助未来的学者和学术界得青年教师来应对这些问题。我们希望向读者呈现学术界的原貌。本书尽量择其要领,当然其观点也带有许多个人的经验和看法。