

时间:2022-10-08 09:15:50 人力资源管理毕业论文 我要投稿
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  Civil air defense is a component part of national defense, it is an important content ofmodern urban construction, social public welfare undertakings is reasonably. Civil air defense inour country enterprise adhere to the “long-term preparation, key construction, discussed incombination with” principle, after many years of hard struggle, has achieved remarkable results.

  In the next five years, is the comprehensive construction well-off society's important historicalperiod in China. Countries to strengthen the construction of urbanization, accelerate theestablishment of social emergency rescue mechanism, and further promote the change ofgovernment function and administration according to law. Morphological evolution at the sametime, war had profound influence on the construction of civil air defense, civil air defense warput forward the urgent requirements to speed up the construction of civil air defense, thegovernment's response to public security crisis also gives the air-defense new mission.

  This article takes Shandong air-defense system resource management as the analysis object,focus on building a basic requirement in modern air-defense, around the function of civil airdefense mission, organization system, capacity building, how to do a good job of humanresource management of civil air defense system to cope with the international and domesticsituation, the information society, knowledge economy times have put forward variouschallenges. Both enrich the theory of human resource management, and so was the civil airdefense system in human resources management of the application of new methods, newmeasures. The main content of this paper include:

  First, in the introduction part introduces the problems in this paper, to study, and expoundsthe research significance and research status, research ideas and methods of this article is alsogiven. Secondly, in the theory part, this article mainly around two aspects of people's air defenseand human resources management, introduces the connotation, function and development of civilair defense, etc., and the people's air defense system to make analysis of the characteristics ofhuman resource management. Again is the focus of this article, in the study section, civil airdefense system of human resource management in Shandong province as the research object,analyzed the human resources management present situation, existing problems and reasons.

  Based on the summary of the essay, the last part indicates that the theory and mode of human resource management of air defense system needs to be improved and emphasizes the significanceof human resource incentive system study to human resource construction of air defense system.

  In this paper, the new public management theory perspective, to our country civil airdefense system to study the human resource management. Through the study in this paper hasmade in the process of case analysis, further refine the analysis of the problem. Therefore, thisarticle on the research perspective and research method, research object has certain innovation.

  At the same time, this article selects air-defense system as the research object, through theexisting literature collection, haven't found the same study.

  Keywords: civil air defense; Human resource management; Talent training; Problems andreasons

  目 录

  中文摘要…… I


  第 1 章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 问题的提出…… 1

  1.2 研究意义…… 1

  1.3 研究现状…… 2

  1.4 研究思路、研究方法和研究框架…… 4

  第 2 章 人防系统人力资源管理的相关概念及理论…… 6

  2.1 人防系统人力资源管理的含义和特点 …… 6

  2.1.1 人防系统人力资源管理的含义…… 6

  2.1.2 人防系统人力资源管理的特点…… 6

  2.2 人防系统人力资源管理的发展演变 …… 7

  2.3 人力资源管理相关理论 …… 8

  第 3 章 人防系统人力资源管理存在的问题及原因分析…… 10

  3.1 省人防系统人力资源管理取得的初步成就 …… 10

  3.1.1 省人防系统人力资源管理现状…… 10

  3.1.2 省人防系统在人力资源管理方面取得的成绩…… 11

  3.2 省人防系统人力资源管理存在的问题…… 13

  3.2.1 人力资源管理理念滞后…… 13

  3.2.2 人员培训体系有待完善 …… 14

  3.2.3 激励机制设计不合理…… 14

  3.2.4 人才流动机制僵化…… 16

  3.2.5 管理方法单一 …… 16

  3.3 省人防系统人力资源管理存在问题的原因分析…… 17

  3.3.1 思想观念没有跟上形势发展需要…… 17

  3.3.2 人防系统人力资源的缺乏…… 17

  3.3.3 人才培训体系不够完善…… 18

  3.3.4 人力资源管理的组织环境没有得到改善 …… 19

  第 4 章 促进人防系统人力资源管理工作的对策建议 ……21

  4.1 着眼提高人才队伍整体素质…… 21

  4.1.1 提高政治素养和理论水平 …… 21

  4.1.2 提高人防素质和业务技能 …… 21

  4.1.3 提高科技素质和文化水平 …… 22

  4.2 健全人力资源培训培养体系…… 22

  4.2.1 充分发挥岗位培训培养人才的作用 …… 22

  4.2.2 军队院校培养专业人才 …… 24

  4.2.3 国民教育培养通用人才 …… 25

  4.2.4 突出抓好急需人才培养 …… 25

  4.3 完善人力资源激励制度…… 26

  4.3.1 精神奖励与物质奖励…… 26

  4.3.2 设置有弹性激励机制 …… 27

  结束语 ……28

  参考文献 ……29

  致 谢 ……32










