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  【1】电子商 务 姓学专年指职完 本科毕业论文 e of Electronic Commerce onal Trade and Its Countermeas 务 对我国国际贸易的影响及对 策 院 系:外国语言文学系 姓 名:林下夕人 学 号:1227050129 专 业:商务英语 年 级:2012 级 指 导教师:孙秀丽 职 称:副教授 完 成日期:


  China sures 策

  摘 要 现代的社会是信息化的社会,也是计算机技术广泛应用和发展的时代,电子商务作为信息中的核心,其前景是无法预测的,电子商务对于统一国际市场,提高贸易效率以及更新贸易手段等多方面都有良好的推进作用,











  关键词:电子商务;国际贸易;竞争力;经济发展 Abstract Modern society means information society,and also means the age of computer technology.

  As the core of information, the development of e-commerce prospects is unpredictable.

  E-commerce plays a good role in promoting unified international market, trade efficiency and trade measures, and others.

  For our country, the development of e-commerce trade is essential to enhance the international competitiveness.

  In order to participate in international competition in the market better, to maintain the maximum benefits in the process of economic globalization and trade, people must pay attention to electronic business development and trends carefully.

  E-commerce is extremely important for the development of China's international trade.

  This paper will mainly discuss the impact of electronic commerce on international trade, and in this environment, how China should develop e-commerce.

  This paper will discuss them in way of examples and analysis on the data.

  Many papers have discussed e-commerce in different ways.

  The focus of each paper is different.

  But since the era is developing, e-commerce issues are changing.

  There will be some new problems that never emerged, for example the current knowledge system of workers becomes increasingly important.

  In addition to the necessary foreign languages, business practices, financial management, traditional trading methods, these personals have been required having the necessary IT knowledge, knowledge of network technology and network practical skills, and have to constantly update.

  Otherwise, it is difficult to adapt to e-commerce age in carrying out international trade.

  Therefore, the study only in the current context is most valuable.

  Key words :electroniccommerce;International trade; competitiveness; the development of economy Content I.

  Introduction .

  5 3.

  1 The unique advertising .

  6 3.

  2 Timely and efficient consultation discussion .

  6 3.

  3 Electronic accounts .

  6 IV.

  E-commerce impact on China's international trade .

  7 4.

  1 The positive impact .

  7 4.

  2 The negative impact .

  9 V . The status and the problemsof China's e-commercein international trade .

  10 5.

  1 A strong momentum and great potential of electronic commerce .

  10 5.

  2 Imbalance between regions .

  11 5.

  3 Insecurity.

  11 5.

  4 Imperfections of e-commerce hardware .

  13 6.

  3 Strengthening the environment for the development of e-commerce in legal system .

  14 6.

  4 Speeding up the construction of network infrastructure.

  14 6.

  5 Promoting enterprises to participate in e-commerce.

  15 6.

  6 Training the electrical businessmen in China .

  15 VII.

  Conclusion .

  17 References Acknowledgements 1I.

  Introduction Modern society means information society, and also the age of widely used in computer technology.

  As the core of information, the development of e-commerce prospects are unpredictable, e-commerce plays a good role in promoting unified international market, trade efficiency and trade measures, and others.

  For our country, the development of e-commerce trade is essential to enhance the international competitiveness.

  In order to participate in international competition in the market better, to maintain the maximum benefits in the process of economic globalization and trade, we must pay attention to electronic business development and trends carefully.

  So that we can explore e-commerce development in the law, and find out how these laws impact on international trade.

  Discerning the negative impact and the positive impact of the law is the key.

  (Elahi, Alireza Hassanzadeh,2009,(29): 27-36.)

  Then depending on the conditions and forms of these laws to take measures actively to enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises so that enterprises can gain advantage in the fierce international competition, maintain business development fast, active, and healthy.

  With the rapid development of Internet, e-commerce has penetrated in the process in a variety of business dealings.

  It has been a trade way in businesses enterprises, and individuals, as well as a transaction between the individual and the individual .

  The world's richest man Bill Gates said: "The 21st century is either e-commerce, or no business can be.

  " Alibaba founder Jack Ma also said:" Now you do not do e-commerce, after five years, you will definitely regret it.

  " or e-commerce, or no business can be, this is the inevitable result of technological development.

  In the rapid development of society, people are gradually enjoying quick and easy way of life.

  So in this context, in order to meet the people's growing demand, companies have to pay attention to the development of the line.

  People cannot say all sectors in the future will choose to shop online, but now various areas of online shopping trends are becoming evident.

  The importance of e-commerce will become increasingly large, at least compared to the sales way down, the line wide.

  In recent years, many believe 2that people can feel the strong development of Jing dong, Ali Baba and other giants.

  Now, if companies do not realize the increasing sense of crisis, it must be extremely dangerous.

  In this case, the development of e-commerce is an inevitable trend.

  Today's society is the information society, is the fast to swallow the slow.

  This is the result of competition in all areas of society as a whole.

  It does not allow you to choose, but also have no choice.

  The only choice is to quickly understand the information, take the initiative fast, so that you can quickly grab opportunity.

  Such a move would be the first step of the companies to be strong.

  The impact that electronic commerce on social development, particularly in the economic aspect, this kind study of the problem is increasing.

  In the domestic, on the topic of e-commerce for international trade and its countermeasures, many seniors have done the research.

  For example, electricity in the "Economic Research Guide", (2012,29 period; 171-172) Liu Dianwei has analyzed and researched on the development of international e-commerce for international trade and Chinese coping strategies, and proposed strategies from government, business .

  Furthermore, Yang Yanchun , in the "Jilin Institute of Education", (2011,04 period: 109-111) from the basic functions of e-commerce, has do some superficial analysis on the impact of electronic commerce on international trade ,

  and also says some advises about the development of international trade from information infrastructure construction, foreign trade rights of enterprises, technology research, relevant laws and regulations and international cooperation, and countermeasures development of international trade.

  Ma Xiaowei has described exhaustively in his analysis of China's electricity problems, clearly stated the advantages of full use of the electricity supplier (low cost, high efficiency, information flow benefits).

  In abroad, C.

  Freund and D.

  Weinhold have analyzed 60 countries in e-commerce applications, summed up the impact of the e-comers on trade increasingly significant, especially in reducing risk and lowering costs.


  LaIthrough some data has analyzed the impact on exports from e-commerce electricity supplier for some companies, drawn that using e-commerce supplier companies had been much better over unused companies in benefit.

  In these studies, 3the application of e-comers in international trade can increase their competitive advantage.

  E-commerce is extremely important for the development of China's international trade.

  This paper will mainly discuss the impact of electronic commerce on international trade, and in this environment, how China should develop e-commerce.

  It will discuss them in way of examples and analysis on the data.

  Emerged research perspectives are similar, and discuss from the emergence of e-commerce, international trade, business impact .

  The focus of each paper is similar.

  But since the era is developing, e-commerce issues are changing.

  There will be some new problems that never emerged, such as the current knowledge system of workers becomes increasingly important.

  In addition to the necessary foreign languages, business practices, financial management, traditional trading methods, these personals have been required having the necessary IT knowledge, knowledge of network technology and network practical skills, and have to constantly update.

  Otherwise, it is difficult to adapt to e-commerce times in carrying out international trade.

  Therefore, the study only in the current context is most valuable.


  Theoretical overview of e-commerce 2.

  1 Definition and characteristics of e-commerce E-commerce is divided into the broad e-commerce and the narrowed-commerce.

  The broad means that the application of information technology to carry out all business activities; in a narrow sense, it means to conduct e-commerce with the application of network E-commerce transactions have many characters like virtualization, coordination, the reasonable allocation of social resources, high transaction efficiency, lower transaction costs, and integration.

  Virtualization means in the trade both sides, without face to face.

  People carry business dealings through the network, including the 4circulation of the entire transaction process.

  Coordination refers to transactions to coordinate their producers and suppliers and between.

  It also includes e-mail exchanges, management system operation and so on.

  According to the process, computers automatically deal the rawmaterial procurement, distribution, production, etc.

  (Fang Meiqi,2002:158-200).

  This efficiency is out of reach compared with the traditional efficiency.

  To optimize the allocation of resources refers to that the convenience of e-commerce makes thoseenterprises who take the lead in using e-comersobtainall aspects advantages, making social capital, raw materials, high utilization rate of material and manpower turn to the efficiency enterprise.

  Low transaction cost refers to that the communication cost is reduced, including online advertising, lower manpower cost, and no paper trade.

  Integration refers to that in order to complete the task efficiently, the electricity business coordinate the old and new technology, standardize work process, make both parties more effective in using of existing technology.


  2 The development and types of the electronic commerce E-commerce is a kind of new things; its development is the unity of twists and forward.

  The prototype of the electronic commerce is cables in the early 1960s, later fax machines, electronic data interchange (edit) have been applied in our trade practice.

  At the end of 1995, along with the computer, network is a novel phenomenon in our daily life, attracting web site development.

  Some companies in this time do not fear to develop electronic commerce.

  Soon after, electronic commerce develops rapidly in China.

  Some nouns about electronic commerce appeared in the life.

  Goods ordering system in China, the Guangzhou tradefair,e-commerce bidding activities, online mall develop rapidly in the second half of 1999.

  1997-1999 is the bud period of e-comers, some behalf of the event like : in 1997 the first industry in China portal, China chemical information network is funding.

  In 1999, the first C2C electronic business platform of embay established in our country, China merchants’ bank started full implementation of online banking services.

  2000-2002 is the 5continuing adjustment.

  Slow development in 2003-2005: established by Alibaba,taobao owned investment of 100 million Yuan, in the same year, pay treasure application launch in October.

  Hc-Web in 2003 became the first listed company in B2B e-commerce, first network business is held in 2004.

  2006-2007 is in a rapid development state.

  These two years, the traditional industry and e-commerce make a further integration .

  In 2007, Alababa is listed in Hong Kong, a total financing of 1.

  69 billion, a move that has created the world's second largest Internet company financing.

  2008-2010 are developing years.


  Lovelock and J.


  E-Government in China [EB/OL].




  hk.)In 2008, in order to actively cope with the financial crisis, rapid growth appears in e-commerce.

  Vancl raises $40 million, represented by Li Ning, clothing online shopping has changed the traditional sales channels;B2B turnover reached 3 trillion,C2C, the B2C online shopping reached 150 billion.

  In 2009,it became250 billion.

  By2010, more than 60%of the domestic brand enterprises join in the new mall, setting up the enterprise in name of their own independent online store.

  There are five basic classifications of e-comers: between enterprise and the consumer (B2C), such as jingdong; E-commerce (B2B) between enterprises such as Alababa, hc-net; between consumers (C2C) e-commerce such as taobao; electronic commerce between enterprise and the government (B2G).

  The most common of them are B2B and B2C.

  (Pather, S, Remenyi, Dan.

  2006, 9(1):15-26).


  The Function of Electronic Commerce in China International trade E-commerce can provide online transactions and management for all size enterprises; it has the following distinctive features: unique advertising, timely and efficient consulting, online ordering and payment, electronic account and other 6functions.

  These functions ensure the advantages of efficient andconvenient in operation of the e-commerce in trade, reducing costs and others cost.


  1 The unique advertising Customers can browse online publishing about all kinds of business information, commodity information.

  Using retrieval tools to find the target and its related category of goods, the enterprises can make full use of the web pages and email in the network so that can reach the scope to advertise themselves, always keeping the propaganda in the line of sight of people.


  2 Timely and efficient consultation discussion Pictures show physical commodities and specifications information by mail (E-mail) and other media to the customer.

  Enterprises through online discussion group (chat) to understand the target product information and discuss the process of transactions.

  ( Elizabeth E.

  Grandona, J.

  Michael Pearson.

  2004, 42(1):97-216.)Board meeting is also available online (Whiteboard Conference) to discuss.

  Network gives electricity the chances to break the limit of time and space to negotiate.


  3 Ordering and payment online When customers glance over the goodsthen negotiate and determinate the purchaseof goods.

  Thecustomers make order through Internet, and electronic payment on the internet.

  Finally the transaction is completed.

  Through the application system, e-comers make the identification and ensure to complete customer orders information in a state of preservation and confidentiality.


  4 Electronic accounts Bothof the seller and the buyer must have their own electronic account as well as electronic funds, generally with bank cards, credit cards for online operation.

  The electronic payment has already been convoyed by electronic banking operation.


  E-commerce impact on China's international trade Especially when China has joined the WTO, the domestic international trade is under the impetus of the e-commerce facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

  So in February 1996, ministry of foreign trade in our country established the international trade EDI service center - China international electronic commerce center.

  It is dedicated to research, construction and operation in China international electronic commerce engineering.

  On the basis of the Internet, with both parties as the main body, the means of electronic payment of the electronic commerce is growing worldwide, and has become a strong momentum of world economic development in the new century.

  The development of electronic commerce continues to have significant influence on international trade in our country, mainly reflected in the following aspects: 4.

  1 The positive impact 4.


  1 Promoting the division of labors in international, increase the turnover of multinational companies year by year.

  Under the information society, the international division of labor gradually deepens, promoting the optimization of resources in the international flowing.

  Raw materials and technology elements achieve the sharing.

  The emergence of the multinational company and its subsidiaries make a huge expansion within the global.

  This action fully promotes the play of the resource advantage, coordinating the international productivity.

  (Ying Xiaofan, 2011, (11): 53-54) The global supply and demand informationbecome more accurate and stable to make the multinational trade grow fast.



  2 Promoting the growth of services in international trade The whole industry chain becomes electric, internationalized, and makes the company trade reachany place.

  Time and location limitations cannot be limiting 8conditions, which save costs in international communication in a large part.

  International talent training, medical treatment, and product development realize the international trade in services.

  (Han Chunyan《Monthly Magazine》2008,01 期:71-73)Housebound trade, at the same time, also contributes to the product structure of the company in a more great state under the global resources.



  3 The positive effect to the foreign trade company and to all kinds of enterprises First is the function of ad.

  The Internet has web pages to introduce products, manufacturers, companies and national trade database and so on.

  Through these information, it comprehensively shows company's strength which can attract the best international partners.

  It can also make enterprises produce an international and famous brand effect.

  (Yang Chunyan,2011,04,109-111) In this way,they will achieve a big market which can expand market in overseas to improve international competitiveness.

  Followed by is the intelligence function on the Internet, there is tracking service, which is used to know the information of the clients, and competition status of the company.

  Through the network, people can monitor the changes of international market policies, grasp the latest market dynamics; Finally the business functions, such as China commodity trading center of CCEC information network, show that the emerging e-commerce system towards to the high quality service and provides business, information and others of multi-function integrated organization.



  4 Promoting the international technology trade in vigorous development Technology products and each tech product upgrade cycles are getting shorter, facing increasingly fierce competition at the same time.

  Spreading within the global, information technology and the increasing popularity of technology appear in a variety of products.

  Productivity is rising, presenting a tendency of increasing international technology trade in service.


  2 The negative impact Do not underestimate the negative impact of electronic commerce.

  The negative influence becomes big, the big of resistance.

  Its negative impact is mainly manifested in the following respects: 4.


  1 Web search function More than one sellersells the same products, how to find the need of consumers? After inputting the key words in the search engine, database will help to screen, but the network selection function will be partial by business monopoly, setting up by men.

  And according to the NEC research, when customers are screening, half of the pages will be ignored because of the limited scope of the search engine's index.



  2 The worry of the security in transition There is more convenient, there is more dangerous.

  Electronic payment bring convenience, at the same time ,also come some electronic hackers, stealing credit card information, stealing data transmission process, resulting in money loss of both parties and important information being stolen.

  These events have been affecting the development of electronic commerce.



  3 The lack of standardization of the operating system Each country is different; the electricity business activity way is different too.

  In the global business activities, e-commerce is lack of international standard operating procedures, and different from each other.

  (Zhang Cheng,KuangYaJie.

  2011,(5): 109-110) So we should establish a global standard of operation, making the business and better electrical connected well.



  4 The lack of a systematic logistics distribution Trade both sides blame each other and these events are mainly concerned in time because of losing the right time.

  Some seasonal, short-term commoditycan’tget the goods on time, producing many logistics cases in international litigation .

  Therefore, establishing specialized systematic logistics is an important factor to promote the development of electricity.

  10 4.


  5 The legal problems of electricity contract The paper contract is not suitable for electronic trading and the emergence of new electronic contract is difficult to distinguish .

  Now, the law has no regulations about electronic contract, electronic contract disputes are more and more difficult.

  Besides, the negative impact of the electricity business is also reflected in the spread of information, false advertising, the sale of customer information, information pollution, and information on crime.

  Itcan bring serious impact on health of enterprises and consumers.


  The status and the problems of China's e-commercein international trade development The emergence of e-commerce is a manifestation of economic development, the status quo of China's economy determines the status of e-commerce-commerce but also promotes the economic development.

  China's economy is in the golden period of development.

  There are many problems of rapid development of economy, the same to the e-comers in this environment.

  The emergence of a new thing has to meet various challenges.

  Compared with some developed countries, it started late but the momentum is strong, for various electricity comers sites appear one after another in all areas of the electricity comers, such as education, games, travel and so on.

  Theareas were covered from inland to the coastal.


  1 A strong momentum and great potential of electronic commerce It requires a process to accept new things; a correct understanding of the electricity comers is to follow an important step in the information society.

  (Robert 11Thames.

  Pursue E-business or Die.


  Finance, Vo1.

  8 1No.

  9 2000)Lynx international data made us see the huge potential of China's retail market.

  Current Situation of e-commerce as follows: 5.

  2 Imbalance between regions Imbalances between regions are in the various development problems.

  The huge difference in the southeast coast and the Midwest always comes first.

  The development of e-commerce is gathered in most coastal cities.

  Northwest regional development of e-comers faces the biggest problems.

  In order to promote the balanced development of e-commerce, the need for regional support must be carried.

  Strengthening human cultivation and distribution can realize the sharing of resources in e-comers.


  3 Insecurity Security is the key to e-commerce operation, because many large and small sellers and buyers are concerned about security, commodity authenticity and security issues, transaction security issues, trade secrets and so on.

  On the one hand, the contract is the most important insurance so that large enterprises have to put attention.

  2015 年 912.

  17 亿元 2014 年 571 亿元 2013 年 350.

  19 亿元 2012 年 191 亿元 2011 年 52 亿元 2010 年 9.

  36 亿元 2009 年 1 亿元 12But the relevant legal documents electronic contracts are not in place, many traders are still blocked.

  Cross-border e-commerce disputes make it easier for business losses.

  There are many differences between countries in e-commerce legislation.

  How to ensure the best interests of the enterprise? If these cannot be guaranteed, the full realization of e-commerce is just on paper.


  4 Imperfections of e-commerce hardware Hardware facilities mainly include electronic configuration, network speed, and information security.

  As China's economic strength is less powerful than developed countries, information technology is far behind and electronic core technology still needs assistance of developed countries.

  Many software developers have to buy the right of developed countries to use in our own.

  There are so many to do to improve low speeds, slow, poor operating environment and the high operating costs of electronic , logistics and distribution needs in e-commerce ,but as well as the faith of consumers.


  5 Harmonization issues E-comers requirerunning all aspects cooperated, including banking, insurance, logistics, and tax, legal and so on.

  In order to make efficient operation of the electricity comers, thesesectors should cooperate well together .

  If not, it will cause a series of problems.


  The e-commerce development measures in international trade Problems that existing in the development of e-business in China, people should take countermeasures, which mainly should be focused on the following five aspects 136.

  1 Strengthening the guide of e-commerce development Our country's information technology is working badly, because there is a big problem in keeping talents and the shortage of capital, government monopoly on the management of information technology, as well as high strength control of information technology.

  The electricity enterprises in our country cannot get government support, losing market dynamics.

  So some small businesses even face insolvency, which will destroy them in a short time .

  If the government doesn't actively help electricity business enterprise to develop, our country's electricity will be very difficult to step forward, even rejected by the public, which can cause trauma to our country's economy.

  If government units other departments, attaches great importance to the electricity of our country in the future prospects and does some practicalplanning, then, e-commerce will ushers in an unprecedented prosperity.


  2 Strengthening the studies of the technical safety In the operation of the electronic commerce, it is the safety, which is the most critical problem.

  In the process of electronic account dealings, security is the most concern to the both parties.

  When electronic commerce capital circulation links in the network can't get the protestof password techniques and firewall technology and so on, then the traditional trading and paper-based transaction would be more trusted in the modern society.

  In the process of the development of the electronic computers, there are so many security problems, such as backward technology, virus infection, and hacker level become more and more strong.

  These problems are always there and the electronic commerce based on the run, so it really puts us in worrying.

  In order to guarantee line trading to be successful, ensure all online electronic exchanges to be more safe and reliable than paper, these technical problems of the computer itself must be solved.

  The commerce involves the electronic contract, electronic signature technology such as identification method, password protection, firewall technology, which must be able to get a concentrated solution.

  If a problem comes, it will be completely annihilated.

  It is very urgent to set up technology elite team, improve the 14network environment, and ensure the safety of electronic trading.


  3 Strengthening the environment for the development of e-commerce in legal system With the globalization of all kind of economy, trade has become increasingly blurred, which promotes the electronic commerce reaching all around the world in the progress of sourcing,producing, andsailing.

  How to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both parties in the globalization? It needs the joint efforts of all countries.

  The differences between terms should be agreed after a discussion.

  At the moment, the international cooperation is particularly important.

  To formulate a set of generally applicable national laws and regulations of electricity is very important, which will involve the reform laws in the electronic commerce and signature authentication.

  National laws and regulations must be clear in the responsibility between the national networks.

  The problem of privacy must be guaranteed.

  Trademark, domain name system of technology property right transaction identity discrimination, electronic documents and other issues must be addressed and specified as soon as possible.


  4 Speeding up the construction of network infrastructure.

  E-commerce is based on the development of the network; the status of the network determines the development of the electricity rate.

  Nowthe information service charge is high, the service cannot get in time, the speed is limited, information technology is not mature, the network enterprise unhealthy competition, etc.

  , which all influence the development of China's e-commerce, restrict the deals.

  The distribution of the net points also restricts the spread of electricity.

  But with the development of China's economic policy and development speed, the network will be more and more security.

  The development of electrical business will gain popularity as the price of ter.



  【2】EmpiricalStudy ConsumerTrust B2Cecommerce ChinaYujie Bao, Yan Li, Xin Meng, Yuchang Liu, Weiming Wang International College BeijingChina Agricultural University Beijing, China icbliyan@cau.


  cn Abstract—Consumer trust has been more morerecognized importantfactor successfule-commerce vendor.

  Based previousresearch, paperdeveloped extendedmodel mainattributes surveyregarding e-commerceusers empiricallytest resultshows perceivedreputation multi-channelintegration, systemassurance, consumers’ propensity experienced-basedfamiliarity allpositively related consumers’trust findingsmay provide consumers.

  Keywords: e-commerce; consumer trust; China 摘要——对于一个成功的电子商务供应商,消费者信任度已经被越来越多的人认 为是一个重要的因素。

  本文在前人研究的基础上,开发了一个扩展模型分析中国 用户的信任的主要属性。


  结果表 明认知的声誉和大小;水平的多通道集成、系统保证,消费者对于卖方的信任度更 倾向于那些熟悉的有过交易经验的人。

  这个发现可以为卖方提供建议去寻找可靠 的顾客。

  关键词:电子商务;消费者信誉;中国 INTRODUCTIONE-business (electronic commerce) buying,selling, transferring, exchangingproducts, services, informationvia computer networks,including manyadvantages driving recentdecades.

  Time saving, greatervariety cheaperprices threemain advantages.

  traditionalbusiness, problems emerge e-commercebecomes more popular.

  consumers’trust mostsignificant problem.

  One keyfactors e-commercesuccessful gainconsumer trust.

  Trust consumer’spositive expectations regarding e-vendor’sconduct, characterized faith,confidence assurance.

  Trust create positive feelings towards transactions webretailers, majormechanisms reduceperceptions behavioraluncertainty related webretailers influentialfactors consumertrust empiricalexperimentation e-commercevendors 导言电子商务可以被描述为通过计算机网络,包括互联网购买、出售、转让、或交换产品、 服务、资讯的过程。


  节省时间,更多样化 的选择,价格便宜,是三个主要优点。

  但是随着电子商务变的越来越流行,就像传统的商务 形式一样。



  使 电子商务成功的关键因素之一是获得消费者信任的能力。

  信誉度在这个研究中被定为消费者对网上卖方的行为,信念特征,承诺与信心的积极期 望。

  通过与网络零售商的交易信誉度建立了积极的感觉,是减少网络零售商行为认知的不确 定性的主要机制之一[7]。

  这项研究的重点是通过有经验的实验检验对消费者信任有影响的 因素,为电子商务销售商改善业务提供基础。


  LITERATURE REVIEW, RESEARCH MODEL HYPOTHESESTrust importantfactor manysocial economicactivities.

  Internetbusiness, trust criticalbecause onlinebusiness—the invisibility transactionprocess, physicalseparation between buyers physicalseparation between buyers limitationscause greater uncertainty allconsumers try avoidwhen making any purchase decisions.


  在互联网业务背景下,信任 是关键的,因为自然和网上业务的限制——看不见的交易过程,买家和卖家之间 的物理隔离,买卖双方的物理空间隔离。

  这些限制会导致更大的不确定性,所有 的消费者在做出购买决定时都尽量避免这些限制。

  priorresearch, Mayer modelincorporating both trustingparty (trustor) trusted(trustee).

  trustor’sperception about trustees’characteristics.

  Jarvenpaa examinedwhether customers’ perceptions about Internetstore affect Bendolyexamined channelintegration consumer’sloyalty multi-channelfirm.

  在以前的研究中,梅耶[2]提出了一个模型,纳入一个信任的一方(委托人) 和被信任的一方(受托人)。


  耶尔文佩 [3]调查是否网上商店的声誉和规模影响消费者对商店的信任的看法,Bendoly调 查综合消费者对于多渠道公司的忠诚度。

  Some previousresearch identified onesingle aspect trustorsrespectively.

  Our research develops researchmodel attributesall variables from both aspects consumer’strust mainlyinfluenced perceivedreputation size,multichannel integration, system assurance, consumer feedback mechanism, propensity experience.


  我们的研究开发 的研究模型涉及的变量属性来自于委托人与受委托人双方面。

  正如图1所示,消费者的信任受感 知的的名誉和规模,多渠道整合,系统担保,消费者反馈机制所影响,倾向于信任和经验。

  Figure ResearchModel.

  trustees(e-commerce vendors) Perceivedreputation sizeResearch traditionalindustrial buyer-seller relationships revealed buyer’sperceptions seller’sreputation whichbuyers believe professionallycompetent benevolent.

  Reputation vulnerablebecause reputationthan instance,due Sanlumilk powder event, customers showed great decrease domesticmilk powder producers.

  Doney seller’ssize itsoverall size marketshare position.

  Size could indicate many things.

  Second large size means largepopulation customers,which gives potentialcustomers reliable.

  So we hypothesize perceivedreputation e-commercevendor positivelyrelated levelconsumers’ trust 知觉的声誉和规模传统产业的买卖双方关系的研究表明,买方对卖方的声誉和规模的看法是可信赖因素。

  [4] 声誉被定义为买方相信卖方是专业的或诚实守信的程度。

  声誉是脆弱的,因为丢失声誉比 形成声誉来的要难[6]。




  第二大的 规模意味着此商家被许多顾客所认可,这样给潜在的顾客一个信号就是这个商家是可信赖的。

  我 们推测: H1.


  Multi-channelintegration Daniel identifiedintegration across channels enablemulti-channel service keydynamic capabilities necessary e-businesstransformation.

  fullyintegrated channel also enables customizedservice mostsatisfied way customers,which increasecustomer’s confidence shoppingexperience, thus vendor.

  Therefore our hypothesis multi-channelintegration ecommercevendor positivelyrelated consumers’trust vendor.

  b)多渠道整合 丹尼尔和威尔逊[8]确定各渠道的整合,使多渠道服务成为电子商务转型的必要的关键动态 能力之一。

  完全集成的通道也使供应商用最满意的方式为客户提供个性化的服务,作为报答,将 增加消费者在购买过程中的信心,这样将增加卖方的信誉。

  因此我们推测: H2.


  Systemassurance System assurance vendor’sonline transaction system, which enables transactions through well-establishedsecurity system lays solidfoundation successfule-commerce; consumers’money safe,which consequentlyincrease consumers’ trust vendor.

  Hence, follows:H3.

  systemassurance e-commercevendor positivelyrelated consumers’trust vendor.

  c)系统保证 系统保证定义为一个卖家网上交易系统的安全性和可靠性,使网上交易变的安全成功。

  一 个良好的安全系统是一个成功的电子商务的基础;他表明消费者的钱是确保安全的,因此增加卖 家的信誉。

  因此: H3.


  Consumerfeedback mechanism.

  first-timevisitors, other consumers’ feedback attitudesmay work necessaryreference formingattitude judgment.


  perfectfeedback mechanism should instantaneous,transparent well-establishedfeedback mechanism can give consumers betterview vendor.

  So we hypothesize consumer’sevaluation website’sfeedback mechanism positivelyrelated levelconsumers’ trust vendor.



  一个完善的反馈机制,应该是瞬间, 透明和诚实的。

  一个行之有效的反馈机制可以给消费者一个更好的商业视角,并且增加他们对卖 方的信任。

  因此我们推测: H4.



  (consumers) consumer’sdisposition generalinclination displayfaith trustingstance toward others [12].

  Influenced culturalbackground, personality type previousexperience, consumers differ inherentpropensity uponexperience specifictrusted party, ongoinglifelong experiences socialization[13] [14] [15].

  Existing research has revealed individual’spropensity trusthas majorinfluence his/orher trust [12].

  Hence we hypothesize H5.

  Propensity positivelyrelated consumers’trust e-commercevendor.


  受文化背景, 个性类型和以往的经验的影响,消费者不同固有的信任倾向也不同[2]。

  这种倾向不是以经验或 者对特定的可信党派的认识,而是亲身的经验和社会化的结果[13] [14][15]。

  现有的研究表明, 个人信任倾向对他人的信任有重大影响或 [12]。

  因此我们推测: H5.


  Experience-basedfamiliarity consumer’sfamiliarity OnlineSelling Party (FAM) refers consumer’sdegree sellingentity, which includes understandingits relevant procedures orderingthrough Website’spurchasing interface morefamiliar highertrust consumerhas vendor.

  Hence, our hypothesis consumers’familiarity positivelyrelated consumers’trust ecommercevendor.

  b)基于经验的熟悉 消费者对网上销售党(FAM)的熟悉是指消费者与销售实体的相识程度,包括对供应 商的了解以及对相关程序的了解,如搜索产品和信息,并通过该网站的购买界面订购[4]。


  因此我们推测: H6:顾客与卖家的熟悉程度与顾客对卖家的信任度成正比。


  RESEARCH METHODS measuresused mainlyadapted from relevant prior studies.

  15 questionnaire items someexperts significantexperiences alsorevised pilottest 20e-business consumers.

  Most measuredusing 5-point Likert scale ranged from stronglydisagree stronglyagree.

  Datacollection targetgroup onlinequestionnaire thoseconsumers using e-business website Taobao.

  com, B2Ce-commerce China.

  We communicated usingonline chatting software sentquestionnaires them.

  Thetotal 500questionnaires 115usable responses generated,resulting 23%.


  研究方法 测量在这项研究中所使用的措施,主要是采用以前相关的研究。

  15个问卷项目由一些经验丰 富的电子商务专家制定和修订。


  大 部分项目采用由1到5的5点李克特尺度范围,1为强烈反对,5为非常同意。


  我们 通过网上聊天软件与他们沟通,向他们发出问卷。

  总共发出了500份问卷,总共收到了115 份可用的回答,回答率是23%。


  RESULTS DATAANALYSIS Demographicprofile respondentsTable demographicprofile descriptivestatistics subjectsconsist 61 males (53.

  04%) 54females (46.


  genderpercentage Chinarespondents verycomparable CNNIC[16], which reported respondentswere males addition,most ourrespondents agefrom 15 30.

  Moreover, most ourrespondents welleducated.

  educationallevel higherthan junior college(including junior college).

  What’s more, 83.

  48% respondentsspend more than hoursper day Internet.


  结果和数据分析 回答者的状况表I概括了受访者的个人资料和描述性统计。


  04%)和54位女性 (46.


  中国受访者的性别比例与中国互联网络信息中心[16]的结果相媲美,报告说2009 年,54.



  而且,我 们的回答者大多数是受过良好教育的。



  更值 得一提的是,83.


  pilottest experts’revision were conducted validity.

  SPSS statisticalanalysis.

  Reliability examinedusing Cronbach’s alpha value.

  TableII, almost all goodenough, alphawhich including all influencingfactors 0.

  943,which surprisinglyhigh totalperformance internalconsistency Means,Standard deviations means,standard deviations correlationsbetween variable TableII.

  Among all variables,most meansexcept biggerthan veryclose purchase,which standarddeviation.

  We also calculated correlationbetween all eachquestion questiondirectly related respondents’intention purchasewhich were seen consumertrust.

  alsoshown Wecan find correlationdata influencingfactors largerthan 0.

  6, which means havedirect positive relation consumertrust, which proved our hypotheses correct.



  可靠性和有效性 如前所述,小规模测试和专家的修正提高了有效性。


  可靠性 研究使用Cronbach的alpha值。

  如表II所示,几乎所有的这些因素的alpha值足够好,其中包括所有 影响因素的alpha为0.



  平均值,标准偏差和相关性 表II表明标准偏差和变量之间的相关性。

  所有的变量中,除了信任倾向以外的大多数方法大 于4并且接近有意购买的平均值,这类似标准差的结果。

  我们也计算每个问题的答案和每个问题 的相关性并且每个问题的答案直接关系到受调查者的购买意愿,这被看作顾客的信任。

  相关的数 据也显示在表2。


  6,这意味着他们与消费者的信任有直 接关系,这证明我们的假说是正确的正相关关系。

  DISCUSSIONOverall our results can support our proposed hypotheses.

  ourresults, we can find correlationbetween consumer trust sixfactors biggerthan 0.

  6, which means wellpositively related consumertrust.

  firstfinding from ourresearch eventhough consumers’ propensities trusthas verylow means,but consumertrust stillvery high.


  772 ourresult show positiverelationship between consumer’strust towards e-vendors really exist.

  Even though more morepeople trustothers, different people’ growing process still shaped differentstandards rely,which greatly impact e-vendor.

  Tomake vendorscan provide more descriptions providemore detailed information.


  在我们的研究结果显示,我们可以 发现,消费者的信任和所有这六个因素之间的相关性大于0.

  6,这意味着所有这些因素以及消费 者的信任正相关。

  从我们的研究结果首次发现,即使消费者信任倾向有一个非常低的手段,但仍然与消费者 的信任有非常高的相关性。

  我们的统计结果表明消费者对电子商务商家的信任与信任倾向之间的 关系确实存在。

  尽管越来越多的人不愿意信任别人,不同的人的成长过程中,对于信任仍然形成 了各自不同的标准,这大大影响他们对电子商务供应商的信任。

  为了使这一发现变成实践,供应 商可以提供更多的产品描述或服务,以提供更详细的信息描述。

  From research,we found experience(familiarity) verysimilar otherresearches experience(familiarity) has significantlypositive relationship consumers’trust.

  Our confidence closelyrelated









