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评估报告 中英文【1】
The Written Report of Assets Evaluation
No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)
Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd
The Written Report of Assets Evaluation of A
目 录Catalogue
一、评估报告声明The Statement of evaluation report............................................................. 1
二、评估报告书摘要The abstract of written report of assets evaluation................................... 3
三、评估报告书正文The body of written report of assets evaluation....................................... 7
The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of the evaluation report except for the entrusting party 7
(二)评估目的The purpose of assets evaluation .................................................................. 7
(三)评估对象和评估范围The target and scope of evaluation ........................................... 7
(四)价值类型及其定义The types of value and definitions................................................... 7
(五)评估基准日The base date of assets evaluation.............................................................. 8
(六)评估依据The basis of assets evaluation ....................................................................... 8
(七)评估方法The methods of assets evaluation.................................................................... 9
(八)评估程序实施过程和情况The implementation process and situation of the evaluation procedure 10
(九)评估假设The hypothesis of assets evaluation............................................................... 10
(十)评估结论 The conclusion of assets evaluation.............................................................. 10
(十一)特别事项说明The special instructions....................................................................... 11
(十二)评估报告使用限制说明The instructions for use restriction of the evaluation report . 11
(十三)评估报告日The date of evalution report ................................................................. 12
(十四)评估机构及评估人员 Evaluation agency and evaluation personnel ......................... 12
The Statement of Asstes Evaluation Report for A
1. According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer, the matters stated in the evaluation report should be objective.
2. The Certified public valuers not only have no existing or anticipated profits in evaluation targets,
but also have no relationship of individual interests with the entrusting party and relevant parties concerned, and there is not any prejudice against the entrusting party and the relevant parties concerned.
3. The analysis and conclusion of evaluation report is formed based on abiding by the principle of independence, objectivity and impartiality and only valid under the evaluation hypothesis and the restricted conditions which are specified by the evaluation report.
4. Evaluate conclusion is just valid on the base date of evaluation which is specified in the evaluation report. The users of evaluation report should reasonably determine the service term of the evaluation report according to the assets conditions after the base date of evaluation and the market change.
5. Certified public valuers and the evaluation agencies which they are affiliated to have the certified qualifications that are required by this evaluation business and the relevant professional evaluation experiences. Except for the work which has applied the evaluation agency or the experts disclosed in the evaluation report, there is no other achievements which have applied evaluation agencies and experts in the evaluation process.
6. Certified public valuers and business assistants made scene investigation on the target of evaluation.
7. The purpose that the certified public valuers execute the assets evaluation business is to estimate the value of evaluation target and offer the professional opinions, but they don’t shoulder any responsibility of the relevant parties’ decisions. The evaluation conclusion should not be regarded as the achievable price guarantee of the evaluation target.
8. Abiding by the relevant laws & regulations and assets evaluation criteria, estimating the value of evaluation targets and offering the professional opinions is the responsibility of the certified public valuer. Providing the necessary materials and ensuring the authenticity, legality and integrity of the materials which are provided, and making proper use of the evaluation report is the responsibilities of the entrusting party and the relevant parties concerned.
9. Certified public valuers pay necessary attention to the legal property right of the evaluation target, but they don’t make any guarantee on the legal property right of the evaluation target in any way.
10. The use of the evaluation report is confined to the evaluation purpose which is specified in the evaluation report. The consequence caused by improper use has nothing to do with the certified public valuers who signed the report and the evaluation agencies which they are affiliated to.
11. The users of evaluation reports should pay attention to the influence on evaluation results caused by the relevant special instructions in the main body of evaluation report.
The Abstract of Written Report of Assets Evaluation for A
No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)
Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd accepts the commission of A. According to the relevant national provisions of assets evaluation, in line with the principle of objectivity, independence, impartiality and science, Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd makes evaluation on the houses and buildings owned by A in accordance with the recognized method of assets evaluation and the evaluation procedure. Now, the abstract of written report of assets evaluation is listed as follows:
I. The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of evaluation reports except for the entrusting party
1.委托方及产权持有者:A;1.The entrusting party, property right holder: A
ID Card No.
二、评估目的II. The purpose of assets evaluation
三、评估对象和评估范III. The target and range of evaluation
四、评估基准日IV. The base date of assets evaluation
评估基准日:20xx年8月2日The base date of assets evaluation: August 2nd,2011
五、评估方法 V. The methods of assets evaluation
1. According to the management measures of assets evaluation and the relevant provisions of the implementing rules,
2. S10
In conclusion, we mainly adopt market comparison approach and income capitalization approach to make the assets evaluation.
六、评估结论 VI. The conclusion of assets evaluation
This conclusion of assets evaluation is the reflection to the fair value of assets on the base date of assets evaluation. We come to the conclusion of assets evaluation according to the principle, basis, premise, method and procedure stated in this evaluation report. Only when the above-mentioned principle, basis and premise exist, and all the original documents offered by the entrusting party and property right holder are true and legitimate, can the conclusion of assets evaluation be valid. A拥有产权位于B的房产建筑面积535.47平方米,委估房产评估值为1058.79万元(金额大写为人民币壹仟零伍拾捌万柒仟玖佰元整)。
A owns the house property with the construction area of 535.47 square meters located in B, and the evaluation value of the property which is entrusted to evaluate is 10.58979 million Yuan.
VII. Special instructions
1. The conclusion of assets evaluation is the reflection to the fair value of assets on the base date of assets evaluation. We come to the conclusion of assets evaluation according to the principle, basis, premise, method and procedure stated in this evaluation report. Only when the above-mentioned principle, basis and premise exist, and all the original documents offered by the entrusting party and property right holder are true and legitimate, can the conclusion of assets evaluation be valid. The evaluation result doesn’t take the matters of mortgage and guarantee which may be undertaken in future, and the influence on its evaluation value caused by the possible additional price in the special trading modes into account, and also doesn’t take the influence on assets price caused by the change of national macro-economic policies, the relevant regulations and policies, and the natural force or other force-majeure circumstances into account.
2. After the base date of assets evaluation and within the validity of evaluation report, if the number of assets changes, the amount of assets should be adjusted accordingly in accordance with the original methods of assets evaluation. If the types of assets value or price standards change, and affect the evaluation value obviously, the entrusting party and the property right holder should hire the evaluation agency to re-determine the evaluation value in time.
八、评估报告使用限制说明VIII. The instructions for use restriction of the evaluation report
1. This evaluation report is valid for one year. Calculate from the base date of the assets evaluation, and the validity is from August 2nd, 2011 to August 1st, 2012.
2. This report is only used for the entrusting party to understand the cash equivalent value of the assets, and can’t be used for other purposes.
九、评估报告日X. The report date of assets evaluation
The report date of assets evaluation is August 10th, 2011.
The above-mentioned contents are extracted from the written report of assets evaluation. If you want to have a comprehensive review on this evaluation project, you should read the whole contents of the written report of assets evaluation carefully.
北京普洋中泰资产评估有限公司 评估机构负责人:
Beijing PuyangZhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd The persone in charge of the evaluation agency
中国·北京 项目负责人:
Beijing,China The person in charge of the project
二○xx年八月十日 项目复核人:
August 10th, 2011 The auditor of the project
The Written Report of Assets Evaluation for A
No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)
We accept the commission of A. According to the relevant national provisions of assets evaluation, in line with the principle of objectivity, independence, impartiality and science, we make evaluation on the houses and buildings owned by A in accordance with the recognized methods of assets evaluation. The evaluation personnel in our company make field investigation and market survey on implementation of the assets which are entrusted to evaluate in accordance with the necessary evaluation procedure, and make fair response to the market value shown by the assets
评估报告 中英文032【2】
which are entrusted to evaluate on August 2nd, 2011. Now, the evaluation result and the evaluation situation of written report of assets evaluation are reported as follows:
I. The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of evaluation reports except for the entrusting party
1.委托方及产权持有者:A The entrusting party, property right holder: A
ID Card No.
二、评估目的II. The purpose of assets evaluation
三、评估对象和评估范围III. The target and range of evaluation
四、价值类型及其定义IV. The types of value and definitions
According to the purpose of this evaluation report, the types of evalution value adopts market value this time. The market value indicates the estimated amount of value for the evaluation target in the normal and fair trade on the base date of the assets evalution based on the condition that the volutanry buyer and seller are rational and without any complusion.
五、评估基准日V. The base date of assets evaluation
The base date of assets evaluation: August 2nd, 2011.
According to the plan given by A on the shareholding reform, in line with the principle that ensure the evaluation result to serve the evaluation purpose effectively, reduce and avoid the adjusted events, delimit the evaluation scope accurately, check and verify the assets accurately and efficiently, and select the evaluation basis reasonably, the base date of the assets evaluation is determined based on the agreement of the entrusting party and property right hold.
In this assets evaluation, the scoping of the assets evaluation, the determination of estimated value, and the selection of evaluation parameters is the determination of the entrusting party’s property, the external economic environment and market situation today.
All the price selection standards of this evaluation are the valid price standards on the base date of assets evaluation.
六、评估依据VI. The basis of assets evaluation
(一)行为依据 (1)The behavior basis
The Engagement Letter that A signs with our Company
(二)法律依据 (2) The legal basis
(三)准则依据(3)The criteria basis
(四)权属依据 (4)The property right basis
(五)取价依据 (5)The price basis
七、评估方法 VII. The methods of assets evaluation
3. 根据资产评估管理办法及其实施细则的有关规定,According to the management measures of assets evaluation and the relevant provisions of the implementing rules,
In conclusion, we mainly adopt market comparison approach and income capitalization approach to make the assets evaluation.
八、评估程序实施过程和情况VIII. The implementation process and situation of evaluation procedure
2.评估人员拟定评估方案,向产权持有者提出填报委托评估资产清单和提供有关资料的要求; The main steps of assets evaluation:
1. Accept the commission, determine the evaluation purpose, evaluation scope and target with the entrusting party, decide the base date of assets evaluation through consultation, and sign the entrustment agreement of assets evaluation.
2. The evaluation personnel draw up the evaluation scheme and request the property right holder to fill in and submit the assets lists and offer the relevant materials.
3. Under the cooperation of the entrusting party, the property right holder and the relevant personnel, the evaluation personnel made field investigation, verification and records on the declared assets according to the declared evaluation materials in August 2011.
4. Under the cooperation of the entrusting part and the property right holder, the evaluation personnel make on-spot investigation on the assets, and invite the experts in this field to participate in making evaluation or technical verification on the assets with strong expertise.
5. The evaluation personnel select the methods of assets evaluation and the calculation formulas, verify the relevant technical materials, and make necessary and possible investigation and data collection, and make evaluation and estimation.
6. Collect the evaluation results, analyze and determine the evaluation conclusion, and compose the evaluation instruction and report, and conduct the internal Class-III review.
九、评估假设IX.The hypothesis of assets evaluation
1. The evaluation takes the materials offered by the entrusting party and the property right holder as the basis, and the entrusting party and the property right holder will be responsible for the authenticity and reliability.
2. The results listed in this evaluation report reflect the current fair market value of the entrusted target of evaluation which is determined in accordance with the open market principle and for the purpose of price evaluation. In the evaluation, the evaluation results don’t take the influence on the conclusion of assets evaluation caused by the change of national macro-economic policies, and the natural force or other force-majeure circumstances into account. If the above terms and the evaluation principles followed in evaluation change, the conclusion of assets evaluation will be invalid.
十、评估结论X. The conclusion of assets evaluation
This conclusion of assets evaluation is the reflection to the fair value of assets on the base date of assets evaluation. We come to the conclusion of assets evaluation according to the principle, basis, premise, method and procedure stated in this evaluation report. Only when the above-mentioned principle, basis and premise exist, and all the original documents offered by the entrusting party and property right holder are true and legitimate, can the conclusion of assets evaluation be valid.
A owns the house property with the construction area of 535.47 square meters located in B, and the evaluation value of the property which is entrusted to evaluate is 10.58979 million Yuan.
十一、特别事项说明XI. The special instructions
This evaluation is conducted based on the principle of independence, impartiality, science and objectives, our company and the personnel who participate in the evaluation work have not any stake in the assets owner. The evaluation is completed under the supervision of the relevant laws, and the evaluation personnel abide by the professional ethics in the process of assets evaluation. 本报告所称“评估价值”是指评估资产在现有用途不变,以及在评估基准日之状况和外部经济环境前提下,为本报告书所列明的目的而提出的公允估值意见,该价值仅为A了解资产现值提供参考,委估房产已做贷款抵押,本次评估结果未考虑抵押事项对评估结果的影响。
The “evaluation value” in this report refers to the fair evaluation opinion which is put forward for the purpose listed in this report under the condition that the existing uses of the evaluation assets are unchanged, and based on the situation of the base date of assets evaluation and external economic environment.
This conclusion of assets evaluation is the objective and fair reflection to the value of the evaluated assets on August 2nd, 2011. Our company will not shoulder any responsibility for the significant changes of the assets value after the base date of assets evaluation.
The users of this evaluation report should pay attention to the influence on the conclusion of assets evaluation caused by above-mentioned special instructions.
十二、评估报告使用限制说明XII. The instructions for use restriction of the evaluation report
The evaluation report just can be used for the evaluation purpose and uses which are specified in the evaluation report.
The evaluation report just can be used by the users who are specified in the evaluation report.
Besides the laws and regulations and the other provisions that the relevant parties stipulate, without the permission of evaluation agency which issues this evaluation report, the contents of the evaluation report are not allowed to be plagiarized, quoted or disclosed in the public media. The attachment in this report is an important component, which has the same legal validity with this report.
This evaluation report is valid for one year. Calculate from the base date of the assets evaluation, and the validity is from August 2nd, 2011 to August 1st, 2012.
十三、评估报告日XIII. The report date of assets evaluation
The report date of assets evaluation is August 10th, 2011.
十四、评估机构及评估人员XIV. The evaluation agency and evaluation personnel
Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd The persone in charge of the evaluation agency
中国·北京 注册资产评估师:
August 10th, 20xx
Certified public valuer 注册资产评估师: Certified public valuer
评估报告 中英文【3】
but also have no relationship of individual interests with the entrusting party and relevant parties concerned, and there is not any prejudice against the entrusting party and the relevant parties concerned. 3.评估报告的分析和结论是在恪守独立、客观和公正的原则的基础上形成的,仅在评估报告设定的评估假设和限制条件下成立。
3. The analysis and conclusion of evaluation report is formed based on abiding by the principle of independence, objectivity and impartiality and only valid under the evaluation hypothesis and the restricted conditions which are specified by the evaluation report. 4.评估结论仅在评估报告载明的评估基准日有效。
4. Evaluate conclusion is just valid on the base date of evaluation which is specified in the evaluation report. The users of evaluation report should reasonably determine the service term of the evaluation report according to the assets conditions after the base date of evaluation and the market change. 5.注册资产评估师及其所在评估机构具备本评估业务所需的执业资质和相关专业评估经验。
5. Certified public valuers and the evaluation agencies which they are affiliated to have the certified qualifications that are required by this evaluation business and the relevant professional evaluation experiences. Except for the work which has applied the evaluation agency or the experts disclosed in the evaluation report, there is no other achievements which have applied evaluation agencies and experts in the evaluation process. 6.注册资产评估师本人和业务助理人员对评估对象进行了现场勘查。
6. Certified public valuers and business assistants made scene investigation on the target of evaluation. 7.注册资产评估师执行资产评估业务的目的是对评估对象价值进行估算并发表专业意见,并不承担相关当事人决策的责任。
7. The purpose that the certified public valuers execute the assets evaluation business is to estimate the value of evaluation target and offer the professional opinions, but they don’t shoulder any responsibility of the relevant parties’ decisions. The evaluation conclusion should not be regarded as the achievable price guarantee of the evaluation target. 8.遵守相关法律、法规和资产评估准则,对评估对象价值进行估算并发表专业意见,是注册资产评估师的责任;提供必要的资料并保证所提供资料的真实性、合法性和完整性,恰当使用评估报告是委托方和相关当事方的责任。
8. Abiding by the relevant laws & regulations and assets evaluation criteria, estimating the value of evaluation targets and offering the professional opinions is the responsibility of the certified public valuer. Providing the necessary materials and ensuring the authenticity, legality and integrity of the materials which are provided, and making proper use of the evaluation report is the responsibilities of the entrusting party and the relevant parties concerned. 9.注册资产评估师对评估对象的法律权属状况给予了必要的关注,但不对评估对象的法律权属做任何形式的保证。
9. Certified public valuers pay necessary attention to the legal property right of the evaluation target, but they don’t make any guarantee on the legal property right of the evaluation target in any way.
10. The use of the evaluation report is confined to the evaluation purpose which is specified in the evaluation report. The consequence caused by improper use has nothing to do with the certified public valuers who signed the report and the evaluation agencies which they are affiliated to. 11.评估报告使用者应关注评估报告正文中有关特别事项说明对评估结果的影响。
11. The users of evaluation reports should pay attention to the influence on evaluation results caused by the relevant special instructions in the main body of evaluation report. A资产评估报告书摘要 The Abstract of Written Report of Assets Evaluation for A 普洋中泰评报字[2011]年第x号 No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011) 北京普洋中泰资产评估有限公司接受A的委托,根据国家有关资产评估的规定,本着客观、独立、公正、科学的原则,按照公认的资产评估方法和评估程序,对A所拥有的房屋建筑物进行了评估,现将评估报告书摘要如下: Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd accepts the commission of A. According to the relevant national provisions of assets evaluation, in line with the principle of objectivity, independence, impartiality and science, Beijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co., Ltd makes evaluation on the houses and buildings owned by A in accordance with the recognized method of assets evaluation and the evaluation procedure. Now, the abstract of written report of assets evaluation is listed as follows: 一、委托方、产权持有者和委托方以外的其他评估报告使用者 I. The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of evaluation reports except for the entrusting party 1.委托方及产权持有者:A;1.The entrusting party, property right holder: A 住址:;Address: 身份证号:。
ID Card No. 2.S0 二、评估目的II. The purpose of assets evaluation S1 三、评估对象和评估范III. The target and range of evaluation S2 四、评估基准日IV. The base date of assets evaluation 评估基准日:2011年8月2日The base date of assets evaluation: August 2nd,2011 五、评估方法 V. The methods of assets evaluation 根据资产评估管理办法及其实施细则的有关规定,S7 1. According to the management measures of assets evaluation and the relevant provisions of the implementing rules, 1.S8 S9 2. S10 S11 综上所述,本次评估主要采用市场比较法及收益还原法进行评估。